2020 DRK-12 PI Meeting is Cancelled Due to COVID-19

The 2020 DRK-12 PI Meeting has been cancelled due to health and safety concerns related to COVID-19.

We are sorry to miss the opportunity to meet with you, explore successful approaches to common challenges, and learn about your findings. We are in conversation with the National Science Foundation to determine next steps, so please watch your email for updates and news. In the meantime, if you reserved a hotel room, please contact the Washington Marriott Wardman Park at (202) 328-2000 to cancel your reservation.

Online Learning

In response to the spread of COVID-19, an increasing number of schools are temporarily closing their doors and turning to online learning. Our community of preK-12 education researchers offer the following activities (online curriculum, modules, and/or simulations), tools (apps and general resources), as well as tips to support remote student learning or teacher professional development.

Teacher Content Knowledge

In this Spotlight, Julie Luft reflects on the various ways that teachers' subject-matter knowledge can be strained as teachers navigate the STEM education landscape and their careers as well as key questions that can guide innovation in content knowledge supports for teacher educators and teachers. In addition, nine DRK-12 projects discuss the approaches they're taking to developing and measuring different types of teacher content knowledge for improved STEM teaching and learning.