Dear Colleagues,
Registration for the 2021 DRK-12 PI Meeting has opened! If you are the PI of a project that will be active in June, check your inbox for the invitation. This year, up to three project members and collaborators may register to attend. We have also released a Call for Proposals. Please consider how you can contribute to the discussions about Reimagining STEM Education and Research.
CADRE welcomes five early career researchers to the CADRE Postdoc Professional Growth Opportunity. They’ll attend the upcoming PI meeting, where you’ll have a chance to meet them and learn about their research. The current CADRE Fellows, as well as the 2019-20 Fellows and postdocs, will also attend.
Below you’ll also read about a new Spotlight on Sustaining & Scaling Professional Development and the recent and upcoming DRK-12 publications, presentations, and products collected through our recent survey. Don’t miss the information about the upcoming CADRE-organized presentation at AERA!
NSF is incrementally moving the preparation and submission of all proposals from FastLane to Awardees are encouraged to attend the upcoming webinar, Migrating NSF Proposal Preparation and Submission from FastLane to, from 1-2:30 PM ET on May 12.
In honor of Women’s History Month, we want to bring attention to the work of two researchers awarded NSF CAREER grants last year: Partnering with Teachers and Students to Engage in Mathematical Inquiry about Relevant Social Issues (PI: Kari Kokka) and Black and Latinx Parents Leading Reform and Advancing Racial Justice in Elementary Mathematics (PI: Frances Harper). If you’re considering submitting a CAREER proposal, you may be interested in attending the NSF workshop for EHR CAREER applicants on April 13 from 10 AM-3:30 PM ET. Pre-registrations required.
Women researchers have been particularly challenged by the impacts of COVID-19. Learn more at the upcoming webcast on March 31 from 1-4 pm EST, during which the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine will discuss the report, The Impacts of COVID-19 on the Careers of Women in Academic Science, Engineering, and Medicine.
In the policy arena, watch the nomination hearing of Miguel Cardona for secretary of education.
The CADRE Team
Announcing the 2021 CADRE Postdocs
CADRE is excited to announce that the following postdoctoral researchers have been selected for the 2021 CADRE Postdoc Professional Growth Opportunity. They represent diverse professional backgrounds and research interests, and share a commitment to broadening participation in STEM education:
- Noah Glaser, University of Connecticut
- Dennis Lee, BSCS Science Learning
- Channing J. Mathews, North Carolina State University
- Calli Shekell, Educational Testing Service (ETS)
- Amber Willis, University of Michigan/TeachingWorks
The postdoc cohort will participate in capacity-building activities related to grant funding and proposal development, including a virtual mock proposal review led by an NSF program director. Postdocs will also attend the virtual DRK-12 PI Meeting in June.
Thank you to the DRK-12 project members who nominated candidates for this opportunity and to the review panelists for their service.
Spotlight on Sustaining & Scaling Professional Development
In this Spotlight, we feature nine projects that are researching approaches to creating sustainable professional development programs or scaling interventions to broaden their impacts on STEM teaching and learning. Johannah Nikula also discusses facilitation approaches and tools that support professional learning beyond the life and involvement of a project.
In this Spotlight...
- Blog | Thinking About the Facilitators when Scaling and Sustaining Professional Learning Programs (Johannah Nikula)
- Featured Projects
- A Research-Practice Partnership to Develop Math Professional Development Leaders and Build District Capacity (PI: Hilda Borko)
- A Three-Way Partnership to Build School District Leadership in Scientific Argumentation (PIs: Hilda Borko, Emily Weiss)
- Collaborative Math: Creating Sustainable Excellence in Mathematics for Head Start Programs (PI: Jennifer McCray)
- Integrating Quality Talk Professional Development to Enhance Professional Vision and Leadership for STEM Teachers in High-Need Schools (PI: P. Karen Murphy)
- Modest Supports for Sustaining Professional Development Outcomes over the Long-Term (PI: Cathy Ringstaff)
- Supports for Science and Mathematics Learning in Pre-Kindergarten Dual Language Learners: Designing and Expanding a Professional Development System (PI: Alissa Lange)
- Synchronous Online Professional Learning Experiences for Middle Grades Mathematics Teachers in Rural Contexts (PI: Jeffrey Choppin)
- The Responsive Math Teaching Project: Developing Instructional Leadership in a Network of Elementary Schools (PI: Caroline Ebby)
- TRUmath and Lesson Study: Supporting Fundamental and Sustainable Improvement in High School Mathematics Teaching (PIs: Suzanne Donovan, Alan Schoenfeld)
- Resources
- Additional Projects
DRK-12 Publications, Presentations, and Products
Thank you to the current awardees who filled out our survey on recent publications and products, upcoming presentations, and project websites. Congratulations on all you have accomplished in the past year!
You can view all submissions—new publications and products, upcoming presentations, and project websites—in Excel spreadsheets, and on updated project pages, in the event calendar, and in the resource library on
If you have not yet filled out the survey, submit information by April 9 to have your latest work featured in CADRE’s April newsletter.
Attending one of the conferences below? See which DRK-12 colleagues will be presenting their work:
- 2021 ACS Spring Annual Meeting
- 2021 Annual International NARST Conference
- 2021 AERA Annual Meeting
- 42nd Annual Conference of PME-NA
- 6th International STEM in Education Conference
- 14th International Congress on Mathematical Education ICME 14
- 2021 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
- 2021 NCSM Annual Conference
- 2021 FIE Conference
If you are attending AERA, we'd like to extend a special invitation to join CADRE and DRK-12 colleagues on April 9 (10:40-12:10 PM ET), at our structured poster session: Innovations in Video-Intensive STEM Professional Development in Online and Blended Environments.
Project Tip: Supplements
With pandemic-related disruptions, grant supplements are on the minds of some researchers.
News from NSF
- NSF is hosting an ERA Forum Webinar on March 31, 2021, from 1:30-3 PM ET, covering Modernization Updates and Proposal Preparation Demo Site: Available Functionalities for Proposers, Federal Awardee Performance and Integrity Information System (FAPIIS), and Unique Entity Identifier (UEI).
- NSF is offering a workshop opportunity (April 13) for STEM education researchers applying for NSF CAREER funding.
- NSF released a new Dear Colleague Letter: A Broader Impacts Framework for Proposals Submitted to NSF's Social, Behavioral, and Economic Sciences Directorate.
- Register to attend a webinar on April 8 at 2 PM ET that will highlight the NCSES interactive data tools.
- Subscribe to the National Science Foundation Updates bulletin.
- The 2021 ED Games Expo, which features government-funded learning games and technologies, will be held virtually June 1-6. Several NSF DRK-12-funded projects will be presenting their work.
- The Science and Engineering State Indicators data tool has been updated. The tool includes visualizations and interactive comparisons of state trends in education, workforce, research and development, and more.
News from NSF Networks
- CADRE and STELAR are co-hosting an upcoming NSF webinar on May 12 from 1-2:30 PM ET: Migrating NSF Proposal Preparation and Submission from FastLane to Register to reserve your spot.
- CIRCL co-organized the STEM for All Multiplex February theme: Integrating Emerging Technologies into Teaching Practice.
- EvaluATE has posted a new blog on Evaluation Plan Development for Grant Writing.
- NSF INCLUDES is hosting a webinar on Engaging Stakeholder Voices March 31 from 3-4 PM ET.
- STELAR is hosting a webinar on Proposal Development: Research and Evaluation on April 15 at 3 PM ET. They are also offering a Proposal Development Course.
News from DRK-12 Projects and Awardees
Awards & Recognition
- Megan Bang, Richard Milner, and Brian Reiser were elected to membership in the National Academy of Education. Congratulations!
- Affordances of Engineering with English Learners | Science Education
Authors: Christine M. Cunningham, Gregory J. Kelly, and Natacha Meyer - Analyzing a Faculty Online Learning Community as a Mechanism for Supporting Faculty Implementation of a Guided-Inquiry Curriculum | International Journal of STEM Education
Authors: Edward Price, Alexandra C. Lau, Fred Goldberg, Chandra Turpen, P. Sean Smith, Melissa Dancy, and Steve Robinson - Crafting Circuits: Integrating Culturally Responsive Teaching and Current Events into Science | Science & Children
Authors: Colby Tofel-Grehl, Kristin Searle, Andrea Hawkman, Tyler Hansen, and Kimberly Lott - Developing Latent Constructs of Dialogic Interaction to Examine the Epistemic Climate: Rasch Modeling | School Science and Mathematics
Authors: Yejun Bae, Gavin W. Fulmer, and Brian M. Hand - Dissertating Through Disruptions: COVID-19 and the Need for a Research Infrastructure | Journal for Research in Mathematics Education
Authors: Patricio Herbst, Sandra Crespo, Percival G. Matthews, and Erin K. Lichtenstein - Ed Tech’s Failure During the Pandemic, and What Comes After | Phi Delta Kappan
Author: Justin Reich - Inquiry + Math Workshop Model = Success! | Mathematics Teacher: Learning and Teaching PK-12
Authors: Kathryn O’Connor, Emma Dearborne, and Tutita M. Casa - Investigating Teachers' Enactment of Engineering Design Practices in a CAD Simulation‐Enhanced Learning Environment | Computer Applications in Engineering Education
Authors: Chandan Dasgupta, Alejandra J. Magana, and Lisa Kirkham - Learning to Lead: An Approach to Mathematics Teacher Leader Development | International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education
Authors: Hilda Borko, Janet Carlson, Rebecca Deutscher, Kelly L. Boles, Victoria Delaney, Alissa Fong, Michael Jarry-Shore, James Malamut, Susan Million, Suki Mozenter, and Anthony Muro Villa - Making Connections: Using Individual Epistemic Network Analysis to Extend the Value of Nature of Science Assessment | Science & Education
Authors: Bridget K. Mulvey, Jennifer C. Parrish, Joshua W. Reid, Jeffrey Papa, and Erin E. Peters-Burton - On the Alignment of Teachers’ Mathematical Content Knowledge Assessments with the Common Core State Standards | Journal of Mathematics Teacher Education
Authors: Yasemin Copur-Gencturk, Erik Jacobson, and Richard Rasiej - Retiring the Term English Language Learners: Moving Toward Linguistic Justice through Asset‐Oriented Framing | Journal of Research in Science Teaching
Authors: María González‐Howard (2015-16 CADRE Fellow) and Enrique Suárez - Structuring Boardspace to Facilitate Repeated Reasoning | Mathematics Teacher: Learning and Teaching PK-12
Authors: William DeLeeuw, Samuel Otten, and Ruveyda Karaman Dundar - Teacher Support for Argumentation: An Examination of Beliefs and Practice | Journal for Research in Mathematics Education
Authors: AnnaMarie Conner and Laura Marie Singletary - The Use of Metaphor to Explore Prospective Mathematics Teachers’ Projective Identity | School Science and Mathematics
Author: Carlos Nicolas Gomez (2014-15 CADRE Fellow) - Virtual Coaching PLCs In and Out of School | Connected Science Learning
Authors: Kate Cook, Hannah Lakin, Sue Allen, Scott Byrd, Brittney Nickerson, and Kate Kastelein - Who Participates? | Educational Leadership
Authors: Niral Shah, Nickolaus Ortiz, Julie Christensen, David Stroupe, and Daniel Reinholz - Who’s Assessing the Assessment? The Cautionary Tale of the edTPA | Phi Delta Kappan
Authors: Drew H. Gitomer, José Felipe Martínez, Dan Battey - Working to Promote Data Literacy and Social Justice | EDC Innovations Blog
Author: Josephine Louie - Zero Is Something | The Physics Teacher
Author: Arthur Eisenkraft
Do you have news to share? Email
Upcoming Opportunities
The following funding and publication opportunities, listed by deadline, may be of interest to you and your DRK-12 project members.
- April 22, 2021 – NSF | ADVANCE: Organizational Change for Gender Equity in STEM Academic Professions (ADVANCE) (Preliminary Proposal)
- April 26, 2021 (Extended) – NSF | EPSCoR Research Infrastructure Improvement Track 4: EPSCoR Research Fellows (RII Track-4)
- June 9, 2021 – NSF | Industry-University Cooperative Research Centers Program (IUCRC) (Full Proposal)
- July 26, 2021 – NSF | Faculty Early Career Development Program (CAREER)
- August 2, 2021 – NSF | ADVANCE: Organizational Change for Gender Equity in STEM Academic Professions (ADVANCE) - Adaptation and Partnership Proposals (Letter of Intent)
- August 6, 2021 – NSF | ADVANCE: Organizational Change for Gender Equity in STEM Academic Professions (ADVANCE) - Catalyst Proposals (Full Proposal)
- August 13, 2021 – NSF | Innovative Technology Experiences for Students and Teachers (ITEST)
For more NSF funding opportunities, see CADRE's list of Upcoming NSF DRL Solicitation Deadlines.
- March 31, 2021 – Mathematics Education Research Journal | Teachers as Designers of Instructional Tasks
- April 1, 2021 – Educational Leadership | Education’s New Era
- April 1, 2021 – Journal of Computer Assisted Learning | Trustworthy Assessment and Academic Integrity in Remote Learning: Design, Technologies, Policies, Privacy, and the Disruption of COVID-19 (Call for Abstracts)
- April 1, 2021 – Science & Children | Design Thinking
- April 1, 2021 – Science Scope | Professional Development
- April 1, 2021 – The Science Teacher | Social Justice in the Science Classroom
- April 12, 2021 – Journal of Chemical Education | Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Respect in Chemistry Education Research and Practice
- April 15, 2021 – Connected Science Learning | Enacting the Nation's STEM Strategic Plan
- April 30, 2021 – Advanced Engineering Informatics | Emerging Learning Technologies for Future of Work and Education in Engineering
- April 30, 2021 – Science & Education | Why Trust Science and Science Education?
- June 1, 2021 – Educational Leadership | Cultivating Educator Efficacy
- June 1, 2021 – Science & Children | Water in Our World
- June 1, 2021 – Science Scope | Science Teaching Challenges
- June 1, 2021 – The Science Teacher | Culturally Relevant Science Pedagogy
- June 14, 2021 – Investigations in Mathematics Learning | Call for Special Issue Proposals
- June 30, 2021 – Mathematics Education Research Journal | Approaches to Investigating Young Children’s Mathematical Activity (Call for Abstracts)
- July 1, 2021 – Educational Leadership | Engage and Motivate!
- July 15, 2021 – Connected Science Learning | Youth and Communities Taking Action Through STEM
- August 1, 2021 – Science & Children | Information Processing
- August 1, 2021 – Science Scope | Creating a Classroom Community
- September 1, 2021 – Educational Leadership | Equity Every Day
- September 1, 2021 – Educational Technology & Society | Learning at the Intersection of Data Literacy and Social Justice
- September 15, 2021 – Connected Science Learning | (Re)connecting the STEM Learning Ecosystem: Lessons from the Pandemic
For other publication opportunities, including those with ongoing submissions, see CADRE's list of Publications for STEM Educators, Policymakers, and Researchers.
- April 1, 2021 – 2021 NABT Professional Development Conference (Call for Proposals)
- May 15, 2021 – 2022 AMTE Conference (Call for Proposals)
- June 17, 2021 – 2022 AAAS Annual Meeting (Call for Proposals)
For more conference information, see CADRE's list of Conferences for STEM Educators, Policymakers, and Researchers.
Career & Professional Development
- April 1, 2021 – University of Maine: Postdoctoral Research Associate
- April 15, 2021 – NSF Quantitative Research Methods for STEM Education Scholars Program
- Until filled – Educational Technology Research and Development: Call for Reviewers
- Until filled – Harvard University: Senior Faculty Position in Teacher Learning and Practice (Application review began February 22, 2021)
- Until filled – Institute for Student-AI Teaming and the Center for Integrative Research in Computing and Learning Sciences (CIRCLS): Artificial Intelligence in K-12 Classrooms—Postdoctoral Position
- Until filled – Purdue University: Assistant/Associate Professor in Early Childhood Education, Development and Learning (Application review began December 10, 2020)
- Until filled – Purdue University: Postdoc Research Associate (Application review began January 15, 2021)
- Until filled – University at Buffalo: Postdoctoral Associate
- Until filled – University of Maryland: PDS Secondary Math Ed Coordinator
- Until filled – University of Pennsylvania: Postdoctoral Research Associate
- Until filled – University of Southern California: Postdoctoral Research Associate
For job, funding, and capacity-building opportunities for doctoral students, postdocs, and other early career scholars, visit our Early Career News & Opportunities page.
In Case You Missed It
Highlights from recent newsletters and announcements: