What's New on CADREK12.org

Event | Neuroscience and Cyberlearning: A Convergence Conversation
Learn more and register at: https://circlcenter.org/events/webinar-neuroscience-and-cyberlearning/
Posted: Monday, January 14
Early Career News | Is There a Career and Technical Education Coursetaking Pipeline Between High School and College?
Jay Plasman (2015-16 CADRE Fellow), Michael Gottfried, and Cameron Sublett co-authored this article for Teachers College Record.
Posted: Thursday, January 10
Early Career News | How Do Teachers Use Comics to Promote Engagement, Equity, and Diversity in Science Classrooms?
Camillia Matuk (2010-11 CADRE Fellow), Talia Hurwich, Amy Spiegel, and Judy Diamond co-authored this article for Research in Science Education.
Posted: Thursday, January 10
Early Career News | Resettled Burmese Refugee Youths’ Identity Work in an Afterschool STEM Learning Setting
Minjung Ryu, Mavreen Rose S. Tuvilla (2018-19 CADRE Fellow), and Casey Elizabeth Wright co-authored this article for the Journal of Research in Childhood Education.
Posted: Wednesday, January 02
Early Career News | The impact of political identity, grouping, and discussion on young people's views of political documentaries
Jeremy Stoddard and Jason Chen (2011-12 CADRE Fellow) and co-authored this article for Learning, Media and Technology.
Posted: Tuesday, January 01
Announcement | Information About the Government Shutdown for NSF Proposers and Grantees
NSF has provided information for NSF proposers and grantees in the case of a government shutdown: https://www.nsf.gov/shutdown/grantees.jsp 
Posted: Thursday, December 27
Newsletter | December 2018 Newsletter
Dear Colleagues, In 2018 ... Approximately 56.6 million students were expected to attend elementary and secondary schools—the majority of whom are nonwhite. Public school systems were expected to employ about 3.2 million full-time teachers, according to NCES. We saw the transition to the implementation of ESSA accountability systems, as shown in this CCSSO timeline. The Perkins Act was…
Posted: Wednesday, December 26
Announcement | New NSF Dear Colleague Letter Opportunity
The NSF seeks Research to Improve STEM Teaching and Learning, and Workforce Development for Persons with Disabilities through the following programs: EHR Core Research (ECR): STEM Learning and Learning Environments, Broadening Participation, and Workforce Development (NSF 19-508) Discovery Research preK-12 (NSF 17-584) Improving Undergraduate STEM Education: Education and Human Resources (NSF 17-…
Posted: Friday, December 21
Posted: Monday, December 17
Event | NSF Graduate Research Fellowship Program (GRFP) Full Proposal Deadline
Deadline for Psychology, Social Sciences, STEM Education and Learning fields. Learn more at https://www.nsf.gov/funding/pgm_summ.jsp?pims_id=6201&org=DRL&sel_org=D…
Posted: Friday, December 14
Event | Innovative Technology Experiences for Students and Teachers (ITEST) Full Proposal Deadline
Learn more at https://www.nsf.gov/funding/pgm_summ.jsp?pims_id=5467&org=DRL&sel_org=D…
Posted: Friday, December 14
Event | Faculty Early Career Development Program (CAREER) Full Proposal Deadline
Deadline for BIO, CISE, EHR. Learn more at https://www.nsf.gov/funding/pgm_summ.jsp?pims_id=503214&org=DRL&sel_org…
Posted: Friday, December 14
Resource | Teaching About Energy
In this article, we draw upon the Conceptual Profile Theory to discuss the negotiation of meanings related to the energy concept in an 11th grade physics classroom. This theory is based on the heterogeneity of verbal thinking, that is, on the idea that any individual or society does not represent concepts in a single way. According to this perspective, the processes of conceptualization consist…
Posted: Thursday, December 13
Resource | Measuring Pedagogy and the Integration of Engineering Design in STEM Classrooms
The present study examined changes in high school biology and technology education pedagogy during the first year of a three-year professional development (PD) program using the INSPIRES educative curriculum. The Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) calls for the integration of science and engineering through inquiry-based pedagogy that shifts the burden of thinking from the teacher to the…
Posted: Thursday, December 13
Resource | Project Accelerate: Bringing AP® Physics 1 to Underserved Students
Economically disadvantaged and underrepresented high school students in many urban, rural, and small suburban communities don’t have access to Advanced Placement® (AP®) courses either because of a lack of trained teachers, limited or no AP program, or a school history of low participation. Physics is often a “gate keeper” course to entry into physical science, technology, engineering and…
Posted: Thursday, December 13
Resource | Probing the Relevance of Chemical Identity Thinking in Biochemical Contexts
The solving of problems in biochemistry often uses concepts from multiple disciplines such as chemistry and biology. Chemical identity (CI) is a foundational concept in the field of chemistry, and the knowledge, thinking, and practices associated with CI are used to answer the following questions: “What is this substance?” and “How is it different from other substances?” In this study, we…
Posted: Thursday, December 13
Announcement | 2019 STEM for All Video Hall: Call for Presenters
STEM for All Video Showcase: Innovations in STEM Education | May 13 - 20, 2019 | http://stemforall2019.videohall.com/ Call for Presenters! If you are engaged in a federally-funded project to improve Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics (STEM) and computer science education, we invite you to submit a video to the showcase and discuss it with researchers, practitioners, policy makers and…
Posted: Tuesday, December 11
Early Career News | The Effects of Invention and Recontextualization on Representing and Reasoning with Trees of Life
Camillia Matuk (2010-11 CADRE Fellow) published this article in Research in Science Education with co-author David H. Uttal.
Posted: Saturday, December 01
Newsletter | November 2018 Newsletter
Dear Colleagues, October was National Disabilities Awareness Month, and December 3 is International Day of Disabled Persons. So this month, CADRE is featuring DRK-12 projects studying STEM education for children and youth with disabilities. In addition to this month's Spotlight, you might also visit CADRE's dissemination toolkit for information and resources about developing accessible products…
Posted: Thursday, November 29
Announcement | What Was Your STEM Spark?
The National Science Foundation seeks to energize the STEM community around the importance of STEM education and is asking its partners, stakeholders and anyone who has a passion science to share the moment that sparked their curiosity about or interest in science, technology, engineering or math. We want you to share the stories of the teachers that encouraged you, the moment you witnessed…
Posted: Thursday, November 29
Resource | Case Studies
Case studies from the FAACT project.
Posted: Wednesday, November 28
Resource | A Handbook and Tool for Uncovering Children’s Conceptions of Fractions
Understand students’ fraction concepts through interview tasks.  Includes tasks and guide to record student thinking.
Posted: Wednesday, November 28
Resource | Principles for Designing Large-Format Refreshable Haptic Graphics Using Touchscreen Devices: An Evaluation of Nonvisual Panning Methods
Touchscreen devices, such as smartphones and tablets, represent a modern solution for providing graphical access to people with blindness and visual impairment (BVI). However, a significant problem with these solutions is their limited screen real estate, which necessitates panning or zooming operations for accessing large-format graphical materials such as maps. Non-visual interfaces cannot…
Posted: Tuesday, November 27
Resource | Touchscreen-Based Haptic Information Access for Assisting Blind and Visually-Impaired Users: Perceptual Parameters and Design Guidelines
Touchscreen-based smart devices, such as smartphones and tablets, offer great promise for providing blind and visually-impaired (BVI) users with a means for accessing graphics non-visually. However, they also offer novel challenges as they were primarily developed for use as a visual interface. This paper studies key usability parameters governing accurate rendering of haptically-perceivable…
Posted: Tuesday, November 27
Resource | Touchscreen-Based Haptic Information Access for Assisting Blind and Visually-Impaired Users: Perceptual Parameters and Design Guidelines
Touchscreen-based smart devices, such as smartphones and tablets, offer great promise for providing blind and visually-impaired (BVI) users with a means for accessing graphics non-visually. However, they also offer novel challenges as they were primarily developed for use as a visual interface. This paper studies key usability parameters governing accurate rendering of haptically-perceivable…
Posted: Tuesday, November 27
Resource | Comparing Haptic Pattern Matching on Tablets and Phones: Large Screens Are Not Necessarily Better
Significance: Touchscreen-based, multimodal graphics represent an area of increasing research in digital access for individuals with blindness or visual impairments; yet, little empirical research on the effects of screen size on graphical exploration exists. This work probes if and whenmore screen area is necessary in supporting a patternmatching task.Purpose: Larger touchscreens are thought to…
Posted: Tuesday, November 27
Resource | Comparing Haptic Pattern Matching on Tablets and Phones: Large Screens Are Not Necessarily Better
Significance: Touchscreen-based, multimodal graphics represent an area of increasing research in digital access for individuals with blindness or visual impairments; yet, little empirical research on the effects of screen size on graphical exploration exists. This work probes if and whenmore screen area is necessary in supporting a patternmatching task.Purpose: Larger touchscreens are thought to…
Posted: Tuesday, November 27
Resource | Initial Understandings of Fraction Concepts Evidenced by Students With Mathematics Learning Disabilities and Difficulties
Documenting how students with learning disabilities (LD) initially conceive of fractional quantities, and how their understandings may align with or differ from students with mathematics difficulties, is necessary to guide development of assessments and interventions that attach to unique ways of thinking or inherent difficulties these students may face understanding fraction concepts. One way to…
Posted: Tuesday, November 27
Resource | Productive Struggle for All: Differentiated Instruction
Lynch, S., Hunt, J.H., & Lewis, K. (2018). Productive struggle for all: Differentiated instruction. Mathematics Teaching in the Middle School, 24(4), 194-201.
Posted: Tuesday, November 27