What's New on CADREK12.org

Announcement | NSF Dear Colleague Letter: Expanding the NSF INCLUDES National Network
This Dear Colleague Letter encourages the submission of funding requests for supplements to NSF grants to connect with the NSF INCLUDES Network and supplemental funding requests for DDLPs to continue to participate in network activities. NSF welcomes supplemental funding requests from: Active NSF INCLUDES Design and Development Launch Pilot awards to maintain linkages to the NSF INCLUDES National…
Posted: Monday, February 25
Early Career News | Transferring specialized content knowledge to elementary classrooms: Preservice teachers’ learning to teach the associative property
Meixia Ding (CAREER awardee) published this article in the International Journal of Mathematics Educational in Science and Technology with co-author Kayla Heffernan.
Posted: Wednesday, February 20
Early Career News | Transitioning from textbook to classroom instruction in mathematics: The case of an expert Chinese teacher
Chen Wei and Meixia Ding (CAREER awardee) published this article in Frontiers of Education in China.
Posted: Wednesday, February 20
Early Career News | An Examination of Credit Recovery Students’ Use of Computer-Based Scaffolding in a Problem-Based, Scientific Inquiry Unit
Brian Belland (CAREER awardee), D. Mark Weiss, Nam Ju Kim, Jacob Piland, Jiangyue Gu co-authored this article for the February 2019 issue of International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education.
Posted: Tuesday, February 19
Announcement | New Effective Date for the Revised NSF PAPPG
Due to the recent lapse in appropriations, implementation of the revised NSF Proposal & Award Policies & Procedures Guide (PAPPG), (NSF 19-1) was postponed. The revised PAPPG will now be effective for proposals submitted, or due, on or after February 25, 2019. Significant changes include: Addition of Research.gov as an option for proposal preparation and submission, and proposal file…
Posted: Friday, February 15
Early Career News | Increasing Science Literacy in Early Childhood
Phil Vahey, Regan Vidiksis (2014-15 CADRE Fellow), and Alexandra Adair co-authored this article in the Winter 2018-19 issue of the American Educator.
Posted: Friday, February 15
Early Career News | From Secondary to Postsecondary: Charting an Engineering Career and Technical Education Pathway
Michael Gottfried and Jay Plasman (2015-16 CADRE Fellow) co-authored this article for the Journal of Engineering Education.
Posted: Thursday, February 14
Early Career News | Linear quantity models in US and Chinese elementary mathematics classrooms
Meixia Ding (CAREER awardee) Wei Chen, and Ryan Scott Hassler published this article in Mathematical Thinking and Learning.
Posted: Friday, February 08
Early Career News | IES What Works Clearninghouse Certified Reviewer
Become an IES What Works Clearninghouse Certified Reviewer through their online training program.
Posted: Friday, February 01
Early Career News | AERA Job Board
Postdoctoral and graduate fellowships now included on the AERA Job Board.
Posted: Friday, February 01
Early Career News | NSF Graduate Research Fellowship Program (GRFP)
NSF's Graduate Research Fellowship Program (GRFP) recognizes and supports outstanding graduate students who are pursuing research-based master's and doctoral degrees in STEM or in STEM education.
Posted: Friday, February 01
Early Career News | Institute for Broadening Participation's (IBP) Pathways to Science
Search the Institute for Broadening Participation's (IBP) Pathways to Science for potential graduate student programs and fellowships.
Posted: Friday, February 01
Early Career News | Minority Postdoc
This web portal on the minority postdoctoral experience features jobs, news, articles, resources, and events about jobs, career advice, professional development, funding, fellowships, mentoring, and diversity issues.
Posted: Friday, February 01
Early Career News | Postdoc Jobs
An online service dedicated to postdoc recruitment.
Posted: Friday, February 01
Early Career News | Find a Postdoc
A directory of PostDoc and PhD Jobs.
Posted: Friday, February 01
Early Career News | IES Pathways to the Education Sciences Research Training Program
The IES Pathways to the Education Sciences Research Training Program aims to broaden the participation of underrepresented groups in the scientific community by providing an introduction to education research and scientific methods, meaningful opportunities to participate in education research studies, professional development, and mentoring that lead to doctoral study. Find funded programs that …
Posted: Friday, February 01
Early Career News | Federal opportunities for graduate students
A gateway to browse through federal oportunities for graduate students.
Posted: Friday, February 01
Early Career News | Aligning Test Scoring Procedures with Test Uses: A Balancing Act
Leanne R. Ketterlin Geller, Lindsey Perry (2018 CADRE Postdoc), Linda M. Platas, and Yasmin Sitabkhan co-authored this aritcle for the Global Education Review's Policies and Practices in Support of Mathematics Learning issue.
Posted: Friday, February 01
Early Career News | Using classroom observations to evaluate science teaching: Implications of lesson sampling for measuring science teaching effectiveness across lesson types
Jamie N. Mikeska (2010-11 CADRE Fellow), Steven Holtzman, Daniel F. McCaffrey, Shuangshuang Liu, and Tamara Shattuck co-authored this article for Science Education Policy.
Posted: Friday, February 01
Early Career News | Most and Least: Differences in Integer Comparisons Based on Temperature Comparison Language
Laura Bofferding (CAREER awardee) and Sherri Farmer published this article in the March 2019 issue of the International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education.
Posted: Friday, February 01
Early Career News | Governor Names Former CADRE Fellow Public Education Secretary
Karen Trujillo (2011-12 CADRE Fellow) was selected by New Mexico Governor Grisham for the role of secretary of public education. Trujillo was elected to serve on the Doña Ana Board of County Commissioners in November of 2018.
Posted: Wednesday, January 30
Early Career News | Teachers' framing of argumentation goals: Working together to develop individual versus communal understanding
María González-Howard (2015-16 CADRE Fellow) and Katherine McNeill co-authored this article for the Journal of Research in Science Teaching.
Posted: Tuesday, January 29
Newsletter | January 2019 Newsletter
Dear Colleagues, Happy new year. As the government shutdown continues, we want to remind you that NSF announced that it is still accepting project reports. NSF has also recently announced that the next DRK-12 submission deadline is November 13, 2019. It isn't too early to begin your planning! Find the new proposal guide (PAPPG) and other resources in our NSF Proposal Toolkit. This month is…
Posted: Wednesday, January 16
Resource | Dynamics of Scientific Engagement in a Blended Online Learning Environment
We investigate in-service teachers’ scientific engagement in a blended online science inquiry course. We analyze a shift from teachers following instructions to doing science themselves, and we characterize it at two levels: first, in how teachers engaged in individual sense-making; and second, in how they oriented to the online community as a space for collaboration and collective knowledge…
Posted: Tuesday, January 15
Resource | Developing a Three-Dimensional View of Science Teaching: A Tool to Support Preservice Teacher Discourse
The Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) and the Framework for K-12 Science Education (NRC, 2012) on which they are based, describe a new vision for science education that includes having students learn science in a way that more closely aligns to how scientists and engineers work and think. Accomplishing this goal will require teacher educators to make important shifts in the ways they…
Posted: Tuesday, January 15
Resource | Variations in coaching knowledge and practice that explain elementary and middle school mathematics teacher change
This study investigated relationships between changes in certain types of coaching knowledge and practices among mathematics classroom coaches and how these explain changes in the attitudes, knowledge, and practice of the teachers they coach. Participants in this study were 51 school-based mathematics classroom coaches in the USA and 180 of the teachers whom they coached between 2009 and 2014.…
Posted: Tuesday, January 15
Resource | Teachers’ orientations toward using student mathematical thinking as a resource during whole-class discussion
Using student mathematical thinking during instruction is valued by the mathematics education community, yet practices surrounding such use remain difficult for teachers to enact well, particularly in the moment during whole-class instruction. Teachers’ orientations—their beliefs, values, and preferences—influence their actions, so one important aspect of understanding teachers’ use of student…
Posted: Tuesday, January 15
Resource | Teachers’ orientations toward using student mathematical thinking as a resource during whole-class discussion
Using student mathematical thinking during instruction is valued by the mathematics education community, yet practices surrounding such use remain difficult for teachers to enact well, particularly in the moment during whole-class instruction. Teachers’ orientations—their beliefs, values, and preferences—influence their actions, so one important aspect of understanding teachers’ use of student…
Posted: Tuesday, January 15
Resource | Teachers’ orientations toward using student mathematical thinking as a resource during whole-class discussion
Using student mathematical thinking during instruction is valued by the mathematics education community, yet practices surrounding such use remain difficult for teachers to enact well, particularly in the moment during whole-class instruction. Teachers’ orientations—their beliefs, values, and preferences—influence their actions, so one important aspect of understanding teachers’ use of student…
Posted: Tuesday, January 15
Resource | A framework for characterizing students’ cognitive processes related to informal best fit lines
Informal best fit lines frequently appear in school curricula. Previous research collectively illustrates that the adjective informal does not translate to cognitive simplicity. Using existing literature, we create a hypothetical framework of cognitive processes associated with studying informal best fit lines. We refine the framework using data from a cycle of design-based research about…
Posted: Tuesday, January 15