What's New on CADREK12.org

Early Career News | Kindling the fire: Fueling preservice science teachers' interest to teach in high‐needs schools
Meredith W. Kier and Jason A. Chen (2011-12 CADRE Fellow) published this article in Science Education.
Posted: Monday, April 15
Early Career News | Impact of model‐based science curriculum and instruction on elementary students' explanations for the hydrosphere
Ben Baumfalk, Devarati Bhattacharya, Tina Vo (2016-17 CADRE Fellow), Cory Forbes, Laura Zangori, and Christina Schwarz co-authored this article for the Journal of Research in Science Teaching.
Posted: Monday, April 15
Early Career News | Impossibility and Certainty
Carlos A. Mejía Colindres (2013-14 CADRE Fellow) published this article in the April 2019 issue of Mathematics Teacher with co-author Stephanie Peters.
Posted: Monday, April 15
Early Career News | Addressing Misconceptions in Secondary Geometry Proof
Michelle Cirillo (CAREER awardee) and Jenifer Hummer (2017-18 CADRE Fellow) co-authroed this article for the April 2019 issue of Mathematics Teacher.
Posted: Monday, April 15
Event | EHR Core Research: Production Engineering Education and Research (ECR: PEER) Full Proposal Deadline
To learn more, visit https://www.nsf.gov/funding/pgm_summ.jsp?pims_id=505647&WT.mc_id=USNSF_….
Posted: Monday, April 15
Event | 2019 STEM for All Video Showcase
Join us May 13-20 for the 2019 STEM for All Video Showcase, a free, interactive, week-long video showcase event that will feature over 200 federally funded projects. https://stemforall2019.videohall.com/
Posted: Monday, April 15
Event | Charting the Future of Making in STEM Education: Partnerships
In December the National Science Foundation convened nearly 60 Principal Investigators from projects funded through the Dear Colleague Letter (NSF-086) “Enabling the Future of Making to Catalyze New Approaches in STEM Learning and Innovation.” The NSF EAGER Maker Summit: Charting the Future of Making in STEM Education tasked these projects with exploring topics of interest to NSF and the Maker…
Posted: Monday, April 15
Event | Charting the Future of Making in STEM Education: Broadening Participation
In December the National Science Foundation convened nearly 60 Principal Investigators from projects funded through the Dear Colleague Letter (NSF-086) “Enabling the Future of Making to Catalyze New Approaches in STEM Learning and Innovation.” The NSF EAGER Maker Summit: Charting the Future of Making in STEM Education tasked these projects with exploring topics of interest to NSF and the Maker…
Posted: Monday, April 15
Event | Charting the Future of Making in STEM Education: Research & Evaluation
In December the National Science Foundation convened nearly 60 Principal Investigators from projects funded through the Dear Colleague Letter (NSF-086) “Enabling the Future of Making to Catalyze New Approaches in STEM Learning and Innovation.” The NSF EAGER Maker Summit: Charting the Future of Making in STEM Education tasked these projects with exploring topics of interest to NSF and the Maker…
Posted: Monday, April 15
Event | Charting the Future of Making in STEM Education: Process and Pedagogy
In December the National Science Foundation convened nearly 60 Principal Investigators from projects funded through the Dear Colleague Letter (NSF-086) “Enabling the Future of Making to Catalyze New Approaches in STEM Learning and Innovation.” The NSF EAGER Maker Summit: Charting the Future of Making in STEM Education tasked these projects with exploring topics of interest to NSF and the Maker…
Posted: Monday, April 15
Event | Charting the Future of Making in STEM Education: Workforce Development
In December the National Science Foundation convened nearly 60 Principal Investigators from projects funded through the Dear Colleague Letter (NSF-086) “Enabling the Future of Making to Catalyze New Approaches in STEM Learning and Innovation.” The NSF EAGER Maker Summit: Charting the Future of Making in STEM Education tasked these projects with exploring topics of interest to NSF and the Maker…
Posted: Monday, April 15
Resource | What Matters for Urban Adolescents’ Engagement and Disengagement in School: A Mixed-Methods Study
This study uses a mixed-method sequential exploratory design to examine influences on urban adolescents’ engagement and disengagement in school. First, we interviewed 22 middle and high school students who varied in their level of engagement and disengagement. Support from adults and peers, opportunities to make choices, and external incentives aligned with greater engagement. In contrast, a…
Posted: Wednesday, April 10
Resource | Student learning emotions in middle school mathematics classrooms: investigating associations with dialogic instructional practices
Emotions are central to how students experience mathematics, yet we know little about how specific instructional practices relate to students’ emotions in mathematics learning. We examined how dialogic instruction, a socially dynamic form of instruction, was associated with four learning emotions in mathematics: enjoyment, pride, anger, and boredom. We also examined whether these associations…
Posted: Wednesday, April 10
Resource | Does student-centered instruction engage students differently? The moderation effect of student ethnicity
Student-centered instruction is featured in reforms that aim to improve excellence and equity in mathematics education. Although research on stereotype threat suggests that student-centered instruction may have differential effects on racial minority students, the relationship between student-centered mathematics instruction and student engagement remains understudied. This study examined the…
Posted: Wednesday, April 10
Resource | Beyond Classroom Academics: A School-Wide and Multi-Contextual Perspective on Student Engagement in School
School engagement researchers have historically focused on academic engagement or academic-related activities. Although academic engagement is vital to adolescents’ educational success, school is a complex developmental context in which adolescents also engage in social interactions while exploring their interests and developing competencies. In this article, school engagement is re-…
Posted: Wednesday, April 10
Announcement | New NSF Job Opportunity Posted
NSF is currently seeking a full-time, permanent Division Director, Division of Human Resource Development, EHR. Learn more.
Posted: Tuesday, April 02
Project Spotlight | Engineering Education
National interest in K–12 engineering education has been growing, especially since engineering was included in the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS). Yet, there is a need for more research, professional development, curricula, and assessments. The National Science Foundation has been addressing this need, in part, through the DRK–12 program. This Spotlight features NSF-funded and evidence…
Posted: Monday, April 01
Early Career News | CADRE early career researchers featured in new resource spotlight
Courtney P. Benjamin (2018-19 CADRE Fellow) and Terrell Morton (2018 CADRE Postdoc) have featured blogs in CADRE's Engaging and Supporting Women and Girls in STEM spotlight.
Posted: Thursday, March 28
Resource | Navigating the Academic Job: Developing Your Identity as an Early Career Scholar
At the 2017 American Educational Research Association (AERA) Annual Meeting, faculty from different institutions gathered to address this question during a Division C Fireside Chat session entitled “Navigating the Academic Job: Perspective from Deans, Late-Career Faculty, and New faculty at Varying Universities.” Division C, the Learning & Instruction Division, is dedicated to mentoring…
Posted: Wednesday, March 27
Newsletter | March 2019 Newsletter
Dear Colleagues, This month, we are celebrating International Women's Day and Women's History Month by highlighting women and girls in STEM (@UN_Women; #WomenInScience)! On PI Day (March 14, 2019), NASA sent two women into space to upgrade the International Space Station and almost complete the first-ever all-female spacewalk! Still, UNESCO reports that "low female participation in STEM studies…
Posted: Wednesday, March 27
Early Career News | New NSF Solicitation: Building Capacity in STEM Education Research
ECR’s Building Capacity for STEM Education Research (ECR: BCSER) solicitation supports projects that build individuals’ capacity to carry out high quality STEM education research that will enhance the nation’s STEM education enterprise and broaden the pool of researchers that can conduct fundamental research in STEM learning and learning environments, broadening participation in STEM fields, and…
Posted: Monday, March 25
Announcement | Applications Invited for the 2019 Summer Research Training Institute on Cluster-Randomized Trials
Northwestern University, with a grant from the National Center for Education Research (NCER) in the Institute of Education Sciences (IES) of the U.S. Department of Education, is providing support for the 2019 Summer Research Training Institute on Cluster-Randomized Trials. The Summer Training Institute's aim is to increase the national capacity of researchers to develop and conduct rigorous…
Posted: Monday, March 25
Resource | Webinar: Evidence Standards for Evaluating Math and Science Programs
What are evidence standards for evaluating math and science programs? Watch this webinar recording with experts from the American Institutes for Research (AIR) for an engaging webinar about evidence standards. Presenters discussed the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) Tiers of Evidence and the What Works Clearinghouse (WWC) evidence rating system and how these evidence standards relate to…
Posted: Thursday, March 21
Early Career News | Postdoctoral Research Associate
Researchers at the University of Southern California Rossier School of Education are hiring a postdoctoral research associate for the Joan Herman and Richard Rasiej Mathematics Initiative.
Posted: Thursday, March 21
Resource | In Praise of Messy Data
Gould, R. R., S. Sunbury, & Dussault, M. (2014). In praise of messy data: Lessons from the search for alien worlds. The Science Teacher, 31.
Posted: Wednesday, March 20
Resource | Using online telescopes to explore exoplanets from the physics classroom
The search for habitable planets offers excellent opportunities to advance students’ understanding of core ideas in physics, including gravity and the laws of motion, the interaction of light and matter, and especially the nature of scientific inquiry. Thanks to the development of online telescopes, students can detect more than a dozen of the known exoplanets from the classroom, using data they…
Posted: Wednesday, March 20
Resource | Integrating Geospatial Technologies in Fifth-Grade Curriculum: Impact on Spatial Ability and Map-Analysis Skills
This study explores the effects of geographic information systems (GIS) curriculum on fifth-grade students' spatial ability and map-analysis skills. A total of 174 students from an urban public school district and their teachers participated in a quasi-experimental design study. Four teachers implemented a GIS curriculum in experimental classes over six weeks while three teachers continued with…
Posted: Wednesday, March 20
Blog | What Black Women Are Trying to Teach Us: Transforming Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Work in K-12 STEM Education Research, Practice, and Policy
On October 16th, 2018, I had the opportunity to attend a presentation at the University of Missouri by Dr. Ashley Woodson, Assistant Professor in Social Studies Education. Dr. Woodson’s presentation, “Same Script, Different Cast?: The Civic Case Against STEM Superheroes” was part of the Sandra K. Abell Conversations about College Science Teaching lecture series. Dr. Woodson brought to the…
Posted: Wednesday, March 20
Blog | 3 Ways Intersectionality Can Help You Predict the Future (Or, at least provide you job security)
Knowledge, power, identity. What do these words mean to STEM? As a STEM education researcher, I’d say a lot. More so, as a Black woman, a mother, and a feminist who studies critical STEM education, I’d say they mean everything. See what happened there? Providing more information about who I am and how I view myself and the world contextualized the question I led with, and what’s important to me…
Posted: Wednesday, March 20
Posted: Tuesday, March 19