What's New on CADREK12.org

Resource | A Coding Tool for Examining the Substance of Teacher Professional Learning and Change with Example Cases from Middle School Science Lesson Study
Although lesson study is increasingly adopted in the United States (U.S.), the impact of lesson study on teacher learning is uncertain. This study presents a theoretically grounded set of codes to systematically document the various aspects of teacher learning and change (knowledge and beliefs, professional learning community, resources) in lesson study across contexts. To present examples of the…
Posted: Thursday, May 30
Resource | The Diverse Faces of Teacher Leadership: A Typology and Survey Tool
The potential benefits of teacher leadership are widely acknowledged; however, the conceptualization of this construct is in need of theoretical development and analytic clarification. The purpose of this mixed methodology study was to operationalize distinct types of teacher leadership into an organized typology, based on case studies of teacher leaders in a science education project. In…
Posted: Thursday, May 30
Resource | Measuring Science Instructional Practice: A Survey Tool for the Age of NGSS
Ambitious efforts are taking place to implement a new vision for science education in the United States, in both Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS)-adopted states and those states creating their own, often related, standards. Inservice and pre-service teacher educators are involved in supporting teacher shifts in practice toward the new standards. With these efforts, it will be important to…
Posted: Thursday, May 30
Newsletter | May 2019 Newsletter
Dear Colleagues, Save the date! The 2020 DRK-12 PI Meeting will be held June 3-5, 2020, at the Washington Marriott Wardman Park Hotel in Washington, D.C. Invitations will be sent next winter. In the meantime, please send any suggestions (e.g., theme, structure, plenary speakers, etc.) that you have for us to bring to the planning committee. Last week, the CADRE Fellows met with NSF program…
Posted: Wednesday, May 29
Blog | Key Features of Successful Partnerships: Reflections from the TRU-Lesson Study Team
  CADRE invited the PIs of the TRUmath and Lesson Study: Supporting Fundamental and Sustainable Improvement in High School Mathematics Teaching project (Grant Nos. 1503342, 1503454) to reflect on the lessons they've learned from their work at the district level.   What have you found to be key features of successful partnerships between research and development institutions and school districts…
Posted: Tuesday, May 28
Blog | Mixed Methods Research
Mixed methods research, dating back to the mid- to late 1980’s (Creswell & Plano, 2011), is defined as “research in which the investigator collects and analyzes data, integrates the findings, and draws inferences using both quantitative and qualitative approaches” (Tashakkori & Creswell, 2007). In a recent CADRE newsletter, an article on mixed methods research drew a lot of attention.…
Posted: Tuesday, May 28
Project Spotlight | Systemic Reform
The DRK-12 portfolio includes a number of projects endeavoring to scale innovations and enact reforms on a systemic level. In this spotlight, explore the types of partnerships, methodologies, theoretical frameworks, challenges and strategies that support this kind of work. This Spotlight includes a perspective piece by Suzanne Donovan and Alan Schoenfeld, highlights the work of seven projects,…
Posted: Friday, May 24
Resource | What They Learn When They Learn Coding: Investigating Cognitive Domains and Computer Programming Knowledge in Young Children
Computer programming for young children has grown in popularity among both educators and product developers, but still relatively little is known about what skills children are developing when they code. This study investigated N = 57 Kindergarten through second grade children’s performance on a programming assessment after engaging in a 6-week curricular intervention. Children used the ScratchJr…
Posted: Friday, May 24
Event | STELAR Webinar: 2019 NSF ITEST Solicitation
Learn more here: http://stelar.edc.org/events/stelar-webinar-2019-nsf-itest-solicitation…
Posted: Friday, May 24
Event | STELAR Webinar: 2019 NSF ITEST Solicitation
Learn more here: http://stelar.edc.org/events/stelar-webinar-2019-nsf-itest-solicitation
Posted: Friday, May 24
Resource | Impact of Model‐based Science Curriculum and Instruction on Elementary Students' Explanations for the Hydrosphere
Developing scientific literacy about water systems is critical for K‐12 students. However, even with opportunities to build knowledge about the hydrosphere in elementary classrooms, early learners may struggle to understand the water cycle (Forbes et al., 2015; Gunckel et al., 2012; Zangori et al., 2015; Zangori et al., 2017). Scientific modeling affords opportunities for students to develop…
Posted: Tuesday, May 07
Blog | Learning about Complex Systems Using Modeling and Scientific Argumentation
Scientists use models to explain and predict phenomena in order to better understand our world. Here are some concrete examples across a range of professions: Physicists might create and test a mathematical model of how a river bed changes over time due to erosion. Astronomers might use modeling to predict the path of an asteroid. Geologists might use modeling to predict how water will flow…
Posted: Wednesday, May 01
Early Career News | Dear Colleague Letter: Research Opportunities in Europe for NSF Postdoctoral Research Fellows
This letter invites current NSF Postdoctoral Research Fellows to apply for research visits to any identified, appropriate European research group. Connecting researchers with complementary strengths and shared interests promotes scientific progress in solving some of the world's most vexing problems. This international research opportunity is mutually beneficial to the U.S. participants and the…
Posted: Monday, April 29
Early Career News | Dear Colleague Letter: Research Opportunities in Europe for NSF CAREER Awardees
This letter invites current CAREER awardees to apply for research visits to any identified, appropriate European research group. Connecting researchers with complementary strengths and shared interests promotes scientific progress in solving some of the world's most vexing problems. This international research opportunity is mutually beneficial to the U.S. participants and their hosts through…
Posted: Monday, April 29
Newsletter | April 2019 Newsletter
Dear Colleagues, We are saddened to share the news that Julio Lopez-Ferrao passed away on March 25. Julio had been a DRK-12 program officer since the inception of the program, and was CADRE's first program officer. He will be missed. On a happier note, we hope that you will visit the engineering spotlight. While engineering is an established area of study in post-secondary education, it is…
Posted: Friday, April 26
Resource | Linear Algebra and Geometry
Linear Algebra and Geometry is organized around carefully sequenced problems that help students build both the tools and the habits that provide a solid basis for further study in mathematics. Requiring only high school algebra, it uses elementary geometry to build the beautiful edifice of results and methods that make linear algebra such an important field.  The materials in Linear Algebra and…
Posted: Wednesday, April 24
Blog | New Directions for Engineering Education Research—Building the K-12 Agenda
Two decades ago when I started thinking about doing engineering with K–12 students, it was a new idea and there was paucity of research in this area. Conducting a literature review related to preK–12 engineering yielded almost no articles. Very few resources, curricula, tools, or frameworks existed. The small number that did exist focused exclusively on the middle or high school level. It was…
Posted: Wednesday, April 17
Early Career News | Designing Educational Video Games to Be Objects-to-Think-With
On May 8, 2019 at 10:00am ET, Nathan Holbert, Matthew Berland, and Cynthia D'Angelo (2009-10 CADRE Fellow) will discuss their Journal of the Learning Sciences article, "Designing Educational Video Games to Be Objects-to-Think-With."
Posted: Wednesday, April 17
Resource | Revised RTOP Rubric
The INSPIRES project revised the RTOP rubric for use in engineering classrooms. The RTOP rubric was original developed for assessing lesson design and implementation, content-propositional knowledge, procedural knowledge, classroom culture, and student-teacher relationships.
Posted: Tuesday, April 16
Posted: Tuesday, April 16
Resource | The Soda Can Crusher Challenge
Deniz, H., Kaya, E., & Yesilyurt, E. (2018). The soda can crusher. Science & Children. 74-78.
Posted: Tuesday, April 16
Resource | The Differential Impact of Two Engineering Professional Development Programs on Elementary Teachers’ Engineering Teaching Efficacy Beliefs
Deniz, H., Yesilyurt, E., & Kaya, E. (2018, March). The Differential Impact of Two Engineering Professional Development Programs on Elementary Teachers’ Engineering Teaching Efficacy Beliefs. Paper presented at the annual meeting of National Association for Research in Science Teaching, Atlanta, GA.
Posted: Tuesday, April 16
Resource | Engineering for sustainable communities: Epistemic tools in support of equitable and consequential middle school engineering
This study is focused on engineering for sustainable communities (EfSC) in three middle school classrooms. Three in‐depth case studies are presented that explore how two related EfSC epistemic toolsets—(a) community engineering and ethnography tools for defining problems, and (b) integrating perspectives in design specification and optimization through iterative design sketch‐up and prototyping—…
Posted: Tuesday, April 16
Resource | Designing for Rightful Presence in STEM: The Role of Making Present Practices
Opportunities to learn in consequential ways are shaped by the historicized injustices students encounter in relation to participation in STEM and schooling. In this article, it is argued that the construct of rightful presence, and the coconstructed “making present” practices that give rise to moments of rightful presence, is 1 way to consider how to make sense of the historicized and relational…
Posted: Tuesday, April 16
Resource | Automated text scoring and real‐time adjustable feedback: Supporting revision of scientific arguments involving uncertainty
This paper describes HASbot, an automated text scoring and real‐time feedback system designed to support student revision of scientific arguments. Students submit open‐ended text responses to explain how their data support claims and how the limitations of their data affect the uncertainty of their explanations. HASbot automatically scores these text responses and returns the scores with feedback…
Posted: Monday, April 15
Resource | Automated text scoring and real‐time adjustable feedback: Supporting revision of scientific arguments involving uncertainty
This paper describes HASbot, an automated text scoring and real‐time feedback system designed to support student revision of scientific arguments. Students submit open‐ended text responses to explain how their data support claims and how the limitations of their data affect the uncertainty of their explanations. HASbot automatically scores these text responses and returns the scores with feedback…
Posted: Monday, April 15
Resource | Addressing Misconceptions in Secondary Geometry Proof
Cirillo, M. & Hummer, J. (2019). Addressing misconceptions in secondary geometry proof. Mathematics Teacher, 112(6).
Posted: Monday, April 15
Early Career News | Toward a more humane genetics education: Learning about the social and quantitative complexities of human genetic variation research could reduce racial bias in adolescent and adult populations
K. C. Busch (2013-14 CADRE Fellow) co-authored this Science Education article with Brian M. Donovan, Rob Semmens, Phillip Keck, Elizabeth Brimhall, Monica Weindling, Alex Duncan, Molly Stuhlsatz, Zoë Buck Bracey, Mark Bloom, Susan Kowalski, and Brae Salazar.
Posted: Monday, April 15
Early Career News | Exploring the utility of social network analysis for visualizing interactions during argumentation discussions
María González‐Howard (2015-16 CADRE Fellow) published this article in Science Education.
Posted: Monday, April 15