What's New on CADREK12.org

Blog | The Water is Not So Wide, After All (2010 PI Meeting Reflection)
Accountability has certainly become a theme in educational pursuits, and so when I write that I found it to be a thread running through and connecting my experiences at the December meeting of DR K-12 project principal investigators, you may not be surprised—but I was. I am talking here not of accountability in terms of completing the many reports required of National Science Foundation (NSF)…
Posted: Monday, January 10
Posted: Friday, January 07
Announcement | Call for Papers
Special Issue: Large-Scale Interventions in Science Education for Diverse Student Groups in Varied Educational Settings The Journal of Research in Science Teaching (JRST) invites you to prepare a manuscript for the forthcoming issue on large scale interventions for diverse student groups in varied educational settings. The special issue will discuss challenges and failures as well as…
Posted: Thursday, January 06
Posted: Thursday, January 06
Event | 2011 STEMtech Conference
The League for Innovation in the Community College is proud to announce its second annual STEMtech conference, October 2 - 5, 2011, at Indianapolis' new JW Marriott. Proposals to present at the 2011 STEMtech can be submitted online. April 15, 2011 is the deadline for submitting proposals to present at the 2011 STEMtech. Educators, industry leaders, and others will gather to discuss increasing…
Posted: Tuesday, January 04
Posted: Thursday, December 30
Posted: Thursday, December 30