What's New on CADREK12.org

Announcement | PCAST report released
America is home to extraordinary assets in science, engineering, and mathematics that, if properly applied within the educational system, could revitalize student interest and increase proficiency in these subjects and support an American economic renewal, according to a new report from an independent council of Presidential advisors. The new report by the President’s Council of Advisors on…
Posted: Friday, September 17
Event | 2010 CADRE Website Orientation 101
During this informal webinar, we'll give you a run-down of the website's features, walk you through editing your project and member profiles, introduce some of the site's collaboration and dissemination tools, and respond to participant questions. After a short break, participants have the option to reconvene for CADRE Website Orientation 102. If you are interested in participating, please sign…
Posted: Thursday, September 09
Event | Cyberlearning Tools for STEM Education (CyTSE) Conference: Call for Proposals
Call for Presenters submission due Oct 15, 2010.  For more information about the conference, visit: http://cadrek12.org/events/2010/09/07/cyberlearning-tools-stem-education-cytse-conference  
Posted: Tuesday, September 07
Event | Cyberlearning Tools for STEM Education (CyTSE) Conference
  Call for Presenters   Cyberlearning Tools for STEM Education  (CyTSE) Conference March 8-9, 2011 The Claremont Hotel Club & Spa Berkeley, CA   Submissions due October 15, 2010     The call for presenters for the first annual CyTSE Conference is now available!     CyTSE will convene researchers, developers, and educational leaders interested in cyberlearning tools to enhance STEM teaching…
Posted: Tuesday, September 07
Announcement | Cyberlearning Tools for STEM Education Conference: Call for Presenters
Call for Presenters: Oct 15, 2010 submission deadline   Cyberlearning Tools for STEM Education  (CyTSE) Conference March 8-9, 2011 The Claremont Hotel Club & Spa Berkeley, CA       The call for presenters for the first annual CyTSE Conference is now available!     CyTSE will convene researchers, developers, and educational leaders interested in    cyberlearning tools to enhance STEM teaching…
Posted: Tuesday, September 07
Posted: Monday, August 30
Posted: Monday, August 30
Project Spotlight | Scientific Literacy through Science Journalism (SciJourn)
August 31, 2010 The SciJourn project investigates the teaching of science journalism as a vehicle for improving high school students' scientific literacy and engagement. The project brings St. Louis area youth into a real newsroom environment as they produce original content for both print and online versions of the newspaper SciJourner: Teens Engaging Science through Journalism. Q&A with…
Posted: Friday, August 27
Announcement | Accepting Applications
CADRE Fellowship program 2010-2011 The CADRE Fellowship, now in its second year, is a capacity building experience for early career researchers and developers to gain exposure to STEM education research and researchers working beyond the Fellow's particular project and institution, network with colleagues from across the country, and gain insights into NSF and what it takes to be successful and…
Posted: Tuesday, August 24
Announcement | Submission Reminder!
NARST Early Career Research Award:  Submission Reminder The NARST Early Career Research Award acknowledges contributions to science education through research by individuals during the five years immediately following receipt of the doctoral degree. To qualify for the award this year, the nominee must have received the doctoral degree on or after January 1, 2005. All NARST members are encouraged…
Posted: Wednesday, August 18
Event | NARST Early Career Research Award Nominations Due
NARST Early Career Research Award:  Submission Reminder The NARST Early Career Research Award acknowledges contributions to science education through research by individuals during the five years immediately following receipt of the doctoral degree. To qualify for the award this year, the nominee must have received the doctoral degree on or after January 1, 2005. All NARST members are encouraged…
Posted: Wednesday, August 18
Event | Fellow nominations due
The Community for Advancing Discovery Research in Education (CADRE), a resource network funded by the National Science Foundation, supports researchers and developers who participate in Discovery Research K-12 (DR K-12) projects on teaching and learning in the science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) disciplines.   CADRE: helps grantees to share methods, findings, results, and…
Posted: Tuesday, August 17
Announcement | The "Learning from Leadership" Study: A Video Commentary on the Report
Video commentary on the Learning from Leadership Study: Learning from Leadership: Investigating the Links to Improved Student Learning is the largest in-depth study of school leadership to date. Report co-author Kyla Wahlstrom, director of the Center for  Applied Research and Educational Improvement at the University of Minnesota, discusses:  The design and breadth of the research(1 minute) The…
Posted: Tuesday, August 17
Announcement | NCES Offers Training Seminar on Three Staffing Surveys
Three surveys – Schools and Staffing Survey (SASS), the Teacher Follow-up Survey (TFS) and the Principal Follow-up Survey (PFS) – will be the focus of a training seminar held October 13-15, 2010 in Washington, DC. The National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) is sponsoring a 2 1/2-day seminar on using the SASS, TFS, and PFS data. Those invited to apply include: advanced graduate students…
Posted: Monday, August 16
Event | Submission Deadline for "Selecting an Inquiry Experience" Issue of Science and Children
Submission information available at www.nsta.org/publications/call-sc.aspx.
Posted: Monday, August 16
Event | Submission Deadline for "Data Collection and Representation" Issue of Science and Children
Submission information available at www.nsta.org/publications/call-sc.aspx.
Posted: Monday, August 16
Event | Submission Deadline for "Botany" Issue of Science Scope
Submission information available at www.nsta.org/publications/call-scope.aspx?lid=ms.
Posted: Monday, August 16
Event | Submission Deadline for "Earth Science" Issue of Science Scope
Submission information available at www.nsta.org/publications/call-scope.aspx?lid=ms.
Posted: Monday, August 16
Event | Submission Deadline for "New Standards" Issue of The Science Teacher
Submission information available at www.nsta.org/publications/call-tst.aspx.
Posted: Monday, August 16
Event | Submission Deadline for "21st Century Tools" Issue of The Science Teacher
Submission information available at www.nsta.org/publications/call-tst.aspx.
Posted: Monday, August 16
Event | Submission Deadline for "Fostering Flexible Mathematical Thinking" Issue of Mathematics Teacher
Submission information available at http://www.nctm.org/publications/content.aspx?id=8756.
Posted: Monday, August 16
Event | Submission Deadline for "Fostering Mathematical Reasoning" Issue of Mathematics Teaching in the Middle School
Submission information is available at http://www.nctm.org/publications/content.aspx?id=8754.
Posted: Monday, August 16
Event | 2011 National Conference on Education (American Association of School Administrators)
Further information available at http://www.aasa.org/nce/.
Posted: Monday, August 16
Announcement | IES posts proposed research priorities: open for public comment
The Director of the Institute of Education Sciences (Institute) has developed priorities to guide the work of the Institute. The National Board for Education Sciences (Board) must approve the priorities, but before proposing the priorities to the Board, the Director must seek public comment on the priorities. The public comments will be provided to the Board prior to its action on the priorities…
Posted: Monday, August 16
Event | 2010 International Society for Design and Development in Education Conference
The particular theme of this conference will be on the ways in which people experience and use products and processes designed by others, and the ways in which designers can anticipate and learn from these experiences and put them to use in building and refining designs. The designs may be intended for policymakers, examiners, teachers or students – the foci of the working groups in which much of…
Posted: Monday, August 16
Event | 2011 International SITE Conference
Further information is available at http://site.aace.org/conf/.  View a searchable and sortable document to find colleagues presenting at SITE Look for these DR K-12 grantees who are presenting: Session Title: Iterative Development Process for the Evidence Game: A Scientific Argumentation Game for Middle School Students (03/08/2011)Presenters: Marilyn Ault (project: The Evidence…
Posted: Monday, August 16
Event | 2011 ITEEA Annual Conference (formerly ITEA)
Further information is available at http://www.iteea.org/Conference/conferenceguide.htm.
Posted: Monday, August 16
Event | 2011 Consortium of School Networking Conference
CoSN 2011: Mastering the Moment March 14-16, 2011Hilton New Orleans Riverside Hotel2 Poydras StreetNew Orleans, LA Download the Conference BROCHUREIn the face of the most serious economic crisis in generations, K–12 schools across the U.S. are slashing budgets and educational technology has become an easy target for cuts. The current crisis presents not just challenges, but also tremendous…
Posted: Monday, August 16
Event | 2011 ISTE Annual Conference and Exposition
ISTE is excited to return to the city of inspiration and innovation for our ISTE 2011 conference, dedicated to the theme of "Unlocking Potential." Philadelphia—a city known for historical firsts and the collaboration of great minds—is the perfect backdrop for the active, inquisitive educators who converge at ISTE’s annual conference and exposition every year. In the heart of a city that has long…
Posted: Monday, August 16
Event | 2011 International Engineering and Technology Education Conference
The International Engineering and Technology Education Conference (IETEC'11) is being organised to foster cooperation between a wide range of stakeholders of engineering and technology education to enhance educational policy developments, learning, teaching and research that will help enhancing 21st century skills for global engineers and technologists. The IETEC'11 will be structurally organised…
Posted: Monday, August 16