What's New on CADREK12.org

Poster | Supporting Science Learning and Teaching in Middle School Classrooms Through Automated Analysis of Students' Writing (Collaborative Research: Puntambekar)
Written science explanations are central to learning and practicing science. However, there are two main challenges: first, students struggle to explain their ideas and use supporting data appropriately. Second, it is not realistic for teachers to provide real-time, comprehensive feedback to each student. We will present how PyrEval, a natural language processing (NLP) technology, provided…
Posted: Tuesday, July 25
Poster | Supporting Science Learning and Teaching in Middle School Classrooms Through Automated Analysis of Students' Writing (Collaborative Research: Passonneau)
This project supports students’ writing of science explanations. One main goal is to develop novel, automated natural language processing (NLP) technology to provide middle school students and teachers with real-time feedback on their science essays, to help them reflect on the quality of their explanations, and to foster their ability to write scientific explanations grounded in scientific…
Posted: Tuesday, July 25
Poster | Supporting School Administrators in Leading Towards Racially Just and Ambitious Mathematics Instruction
This poster will present one school's partnership work as part of our larger project. As a key lever to lead towards racially just, ambitious mathematics, the leadership team is focused on acknowledging, valuing, and incorporating students and families' funds of knowledge in mathematics into everyday classroom teaching and learning. The poster will describe the multiple pathways they are working…
Posted: Tuesday, July 25
Poster | Supporting Instructional Decision Making: The Potential of an Automatically Scored Three-dimensional Assessment System (Collaborative Research: Zhai)
This project studied the utility of a machine learning-based assessment system for supporting middle school science teachers in making instructional decisions based on automatically generated student reports (AutoRs). The assessments target three-dimensional (3D) science learning by requiring students to integrate scientific practices, crosscutting concepts, and disciplinary core ideas to make…
Posted: Tuesday, July 25
Poster | Supporting High School Students and Teachers with a Digital, Localizable, Climate Education Experience
This project is developing and testing a high school climate change unit and professional learning experience in which teachers localize part of the unit to make it relevant to their students and community context. The study is using a cohort-control quasi-experimental design to examine the impact of the unit and professional learning experience on dimensions of teacher practice and students'…
Posted: Tuesday, July 25
Poster | Supporting Elementary Teacher Learning for Effective School-based Citizen Science (TL4CS)
The goal of TL4CS is to explore how elementary school citizen science (CS) can support students’ engagement with science content and practices. The study addresses three research questions: (1) What kinds of supports foster teacher learning about effective school-based CS? (2) How do supports for teacher learning shape the way teachers enact school-based CS? and (3) What is the potential of…
Posted: Tuesday, July 25
Poster | Strengthening STEM Teaching in Native American Serving Schools Through Long-Term, Culturally Responsive Professional Development
Indigenous students experience persistent inequitable outcomes in schools, particularly in STEM. Since teacher quality is one of the most important school-based factors impacting K12 students’ learning and engagement in schools, our project provides long-term professional development to teachers in rural, Indigenous-serving schools to support teachers’ development of culturally responsive STEM…
Posted: Tuesday, July 25
Poster | Strengthening Data Literacy Across the Curriculum
This project has developed and studied multi-week curriculum modules for high school non-AP mathematics classes to promote interest and skills in statistics and data analysis among diverse student populations. Using large-scale data from the U.S. Census Bureau and the online platform CODAP, students gain experience with multivariable thinking as they investigate questions focused on social…
Posted: Tuesday, July 25
Poster | STEM Sea, Air, and Land Remotely Operated Vehicle Design Challenges for Rural, Middle School Youth
The STEM SEALs program at North Florida College explores methods for improvement of teaching and learning STEM in rural areas. It consists of three disciplines, “Sea”, “Land”, and “Air”, and three phases, design, review and summer institute for each of the disciplines.    Research data were acquired from both groups, educators and students. They show how the program accomplished 100 % engagement…
Posted: Tuesday, July 25
Poster | STEM for All Collaboratory: Accelerating Dissemination and Fostering Collaborations for STEM Educational Research and Development
The poster will look at the impact of the annual STEM for All Video Showcases as well as the STEM for All Multiplex. It will discuss implications for knowledge sharing among grantees and dissemination efforts in the future.
Posted: Tuesday, July 25
Poster | SPIRAL: Supporting Professional Inquiry and Re-Aligning Learning Through a Structured e-Portfolio System
Teacher portfolios have long been used to support professional reflection and learning. We developed a new type of e-portfolio tool enabling teachers to efficiently capture, annotate, and share multimedia evidence of student learning and instruction (documents, pictures, video) in mobile devices. This tool supported vertical professional learning communities with teachers in multiple grades,…
Posted: Tuesday, July 25
Poster | Spanning Boundaries: A Statewide Network to Support Science Teacher Leaders to Implement Science Standards
A partnership between the University of North Carolina at Greensboro and the Exploratorium, the Spanning Boundaries project researches how science teacher leaders (STLs) can be supported and activated to bring educational improvements into their local contexts. We draw on a range of frameworks from organizational theory and social learning theory to examine how science teacher leaders, as…
Posted: Tuesday, July 25
Poster | Science Coordinators Advancing a Framework For Outstanding Leadership Development
This project explores how supporting District Science Coordinators can impact the instruction of science teachers. In this project, we developed an online program for District Science Coordinators and tracked their and their science teachers professional learning. In this project, we will report on some of the initial results from the first and second cohort of teachers and District Science…
Posted: Tuesday, July 25
Poster | Science Communities of Practice Partnership
A study of how organizational conditions influence elementary teachers' science learning.
Posted: Tuesday, July 25
Poster | Science and Engineering Education for Infrastructure Transformation
This project studies and develops science and engineering education technology and pedagogy that supports project‐based learning of science, engineering, and computation concepts and skills underlying the strategically important "green" and "smart" aspects of the infrastructure, which is a national priority.
Posted: Tuesday, July 25
Poster | Restructuring Middle School Science around Grand Challenges
Grand Challenges (GCs) are multi-faceted issues that are shaping the world such as climate change and pandemics. Evidence suggests that students are interested in GCs and motivated to contribute solutions; this project creates opportunities situate GCs in middle school science. Project goals include: 1) Develop four GC units. 2) Collaborate with science teachers to enact and study GC units. 3)…
Posted: Tuesday, July 25
Poster | Reducing Racially Biased Beliefs by Fostering a Complex Understanding of Human Genetics Research in High-School Biology Students (Collaborative Research: Golan Duncan)
We are developing a politically-oriented genetics unit for high school. Drawing on the Rightful Presence (Calabrese Barton & Tan, 2020) and Critical Science Agency (Basu et al., 2009) theoretical frameworks, the unit will explore the ways in which representations of genetic differences within and between groups and construals of gene-environment interactions are historically informed,…
Posted: Tuesday, July 25
Poster | Reasoning Language for Teaching Secondary Algebra
We investigate teacher beliefs about discourses employed with equation solving and the challenges these beliefs might pose for the implementation of instructional practices that promote deductive reasoning in algebra. To reveal these beliefs, we recorded three explanations of solving a linear equation that each had distinct discursive characteristics, and then analyzed teachers’ small-group…
Posted: Tuesday, July 25
Poster | Professional Development Supports for Teaching Bioinformatics through Mobile Learning
Professional Development Supports for Teaching Bioinformatics through Mobile Learning
Posted: Tuesday, July 25
Poster | Preparing Teachers to Design Tasks to Support, Engage, and Assess Science Learning in Rural Schools
This project prepares rural secondary science teachers to design five-dimensional assessment tasks in which students use the three dimensions of the NGSS to make sense of phenomena that connect to their interests and identities. We created an online course to develop a 5D vision for science with teachers and support them in designing phenomenon-driven tasks. After ethnography and co-design work,…
Posted: Tuesday, July 25
Poster | Preparing Next Generation Scientists Through Teacher and Extension Science Partnerships and Schoolyard Citizen Science Investigations in Elementary Schools
Schoolyard SITES is a community partnership STEM teacher professional development program and research study at University of New Hampshire. The program partners elementary teachers with UNH Extension science volunteers to bring locally-relevant citizen science projects to their students. Our research study examines the factors associated with a community-based partnership PD model that will…
Posted: Tuesday, July 25
Poster | Precipitating Change in Alaskan and Hawaiian Schools: Modeling Mitigation of Coastal Erosion
With partners from Alaskan and Hawaiian Native communities, multiple universities, and the Concord Consortium, we are exploring approaches to designing, testing, and refining multi-perspective, middle school science instruction about coasts and coastal change. Key questions include: How can multiple perspectives be included in ways that demonstrate equity and respect rather than some perspectives…
Posted: Tuesday, July 25
Poster | Practice-Driven Professional Development for Algebra Teachers
How do we design small meaningful suggestions for instructional improvement that are easy to implement, rooted in teachers' existing practice, and have a high rate of uptake? That's the question we explore on this poster.
Posted: Tuesday, July 25
Poster | Opening Pathways into Engineering Through an Illinois Physics and Secondary Schools Partnership
Illinois Physics and Secondary Schools (IPaSS) is a partnership between the University of Illinois Physics Department and 40 high school physics teachers representing 38 schools across Illinois. The holistic goal of the program is to develop a physics teaching Community of Practice that supports high school physics teachers from diverse school contexts in the design and implementation of high-…
Posted: Tuesday, July 25
Poster | Online Practice Suite: Practice Spaces, Simulations and Virtual Reality Environments for Preservice Teachers to Learn to Facilitate Argumentation Discussions in Math and Science
This project uses design-based research to develop, pilot, and refine a set of complementary online activities for preservice teachers to engage in approximations of practice to develop their ability to facilitate argumentation-focused discussions in mathematics and science. The effort has produced an integrated online practice suite (OPS) containing a coordinated and scaffolded collection of…
Posted: Tuesday, July 25
Poster | Modeling Assessment to Enhance Teaching and Learning (Collaborative Research: Lehrer)
This project modifies an assessment system to provide ongoing, instructionally productive evidence to teachers about student learning and to link student work products and formative assessments with summative assessments in models that generate useful estimates of student growth. In this iteration, the assessment system is refined as we with K-5 teachers in two schools to develop a learning…
Posted: Tuesday, July 25
Poster | Middle School Students Graphing From the Ground Up (Collaborative Research: Paoletti)
In MS-GGU, we attend to middle-school students’ understandings of coordinate systems and frames of reference prior to examining their graph construction and interpretation. The project goals are to advance knowledge of students’ developing understandings of graphs “from the ground up” with attention to underlying coordinate systems and frames of reference that comprise the coordinate systems and…
Posted: Tuesday, July 25
Poster | Measuring the Effectiveness of Middle School STEM-Innovation and Engineering Design Curricula
This DRK-12 Impact Study project investigates the effectiveness of STEM-Innovation and Design (STEM-ID) curricula in approximately 29 middle schools, targeting 29 engineering teachers and approximately 5,000 students across middle grades in Georgia. This 3-year middle school Engineering and Technology course sequence was developed and implemented as part of the AMP-IT-UP (#1238089) Math/Science…
Posted: Tuesday, July 25
Poster | Measuring Early Mathematical Reasoning Skills: Developing Tests of Numeric Relational Reasoning and Spatial Reasoning
The primary aim of the MMaRS study is to develop a mathematics assessment system to use for grades K-2 that measure students’ abilities in two foundational and predictive constructs, numeric relational reasoning (NRR) and spatial reasoning (SR). Teachers may use results of these assessments to guide their instructional decision making to support student learning of these constructs. The…
Posted: Tuesday, July 25
Poster | Managing Uncertainty for Productive Struggle: Exploring Teacher Development for Managing Students' Epistemic Uncertainty as a Pedagogical Resource in Project-based Learning
The project explores teachers' capacity to manage student uncertainty as a pedagogical resource that supports student’s productive struggle and the development of conceptual knowledge during project-based learning (PBL) instruction in middle school science classrooms. This project explores how teachers' instructional practices change over time with repeated use of epistemic uncertainty as a…
Posted: Tuesday, July 25