We examined secondary (6-12) mathematics teachers’ participation in a professional development (PD) model where they collectively investigated video cases of students engaging with ambitious instructional materials. We leveraged frame analysis, frame processes, and the Teaching for Robust Understanding framework to characterize the learning of professional learning communities. We found that teacher learning was supported within collegial environments where teachers respectfully challenged or transformed ideas on how to solve problems of practice. Our findings highlight how engagement in a PD model supports teachers in establishing participation and reification patterns that encourage them to engage collegially, justify their positions, and align to ambitious teaching practices. These findings implicate a need for mathematics education leadership communities to take action to support collegial conversations in PD intentionally.
DiNapoli, J., Daniel, A., Leonard, H. S., Kim, Y., Bonaccorso, V. D., & Murray, E. (2023). Characterizing mathematics teacher learning patterns through collegial conversation in a community of practice. Journal of Mathematics Education Leadership, 24(2), 25-47.