What's New on CADREK12.org

Project Spotlight | Story in STEM Education
CADRE sat down with DR K-12 PIs Roy Gould (Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics) and Jackie Miller (EDC) to talk about their work…and specifically their passion for using story in education. Why is story such a powerful tool in the classroom? Listen in Resources of Interest: The Power of Story  (Author E.O. Wilson) Roy Gould's TEDTalk, in partnership with Curtis Wong, on the WorldWide…
Posted: Monday, February 24
Resource | Articulating the Components of Inclusive STEM High Schools
A PPT presentation on Articulating the Components of Inclusive STEM High Schools. Presented at STEMx Conference.
Posted: Monday, February 24
Announcement | IES Releases FY14 SBIR Solicitations
The Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Program at the Institute of Education Sciences (IES) provides awards to small business firms and partners for the research and development of commercially viable education technology products. The IES SBIR Fiscal Year 2014 Program Solicitations are NOW OPEN • Fiscal Year 2014 "Phase I" Competition: Under solicitation #ED-IES-14-R-0009, IES requests…
Posted: Wednesday, February 19
Announcement | NSF Cyberlearning Solicitation Webinar
Join NSF program officers and CIRCL staff for an informational webinar on the current NSF Cyberlearning and Future Learning Technologies solicitation. The webinar will take place on Tuesday, February 18th from 1pm – 2:30pm ET. --> Register for this webinar After registering, you will receive a follow-up email with webinar access details. Synopsis of Cyberlearning and Future Learning…
Posted: Monday, February 10
Resource | Publications for STEM Educators, Policymakers, and Researchers
This list contains STEM education-related publications that may be of interest to DRK-12 grantees for the purposes of (1) disseminating knowledge and products and (2) developing partnerships with stakeholders and end-users. These publications were chosen because they provide researchers and developers with an opportunity to present their work to individuals that could use, promote, or improve the…
Posted: Friday, February 07
Resource | Conferences for STEM Educators, Policymakers, and Researchers
This file contains a listing of STEM education-related conferences that may be of interest to DRK-12 grantees, such as for the purposes of (1) disseminating knowledge and products and (2) developing partnerships with stakeholders and end-users. These conferences were chosen because they provide researchers and developers with an opportunity to present their work to individuals that could use,…
Posted: Friday, February 07
Event | SE Regional Noyce Conference
To learn more, visit https://sites.google.com/site/senoyce/. DR K-12 Presenter: Cynthia Trawick, Morehouse College (Project: Morehouse College DR K-12 Preservice STEM Teacher Initiative)
Posted: Tuesday, February 04
Event | SXSW edu Conference and Festival
To learn more, visit: http://sxswedu.com/. DR K-12 Presenter: Jodi Asbell-Clarke, EdGE at TERC (Proejct: Leveling Up: Supporting and Measuring High School STEM Knowledge Building in Social Digital Games)
Posted: Tuesday, February 04
Event | 2014 Creating Balance in an Unjust World Conference on Math Education and Social Justice
To learn more, visit http://creatingbalanceconference.org/?page_id=930. DR K-12 Presenter: Vivian Lim, University of Pennsylvania and CUNY, Brooklyn College (Project: Learning Mathematics of the City in the City)
Posted: Monday, February 03
Resource | Electronic Science Notebooks and Argumentation: Analysis of Student Writing
Inquiry-based learning is a part of modern science education at all levels. The new science education standards framework has both emphasized the central role of inquiry and further defined the core competencies, such as making a claim and supporting it with evidence (NRC, 2011). This emphasis on argumentation arises not only out of its importance in science practice but also because students…
Posted: Wednesday, January 29
Resource | Strategic Scaffolding for Scientific Inquiry
Though many national and international science organizations stress the importance of integrating scientific inquiry into classroom instruction, this is often difficult for teachers. Moreover, assessing and scaffolding inquiry skills for students can be even more of a challenge. This paper investigated the student performances in an inquiry-based, situated virtual environment assessment and their…
Posted: Wednesday, January 29
Resource | Improving Science Assessments by Situating Them in a Virtual Environment
Current science assessments typically present a series of isolated fact-based questions, poorly representing the complexity of how real-world science is constructed. The National Research Council asserts that this needs to change to reflect a more authentic model of science practice. We strongly concur and suggest that good science assessments need to consist of several key factors: integration…
Posted: Wednesday, January 29
Resource | Engage. Elaborate. Evaluate! Virtual Environment-Based Assessments of Science Content and Practices
Create an immersive virtual environment to engage students in problem solving.
Posted: Wednesday, January 29
Resource | Using order to reason about negative numbers: The case of Violet
This case study illustrates how a 2nd-grade child, Violet, used an ordinal view of number to reason about positicve and negative integers and arithmetic involving integers. Violet's ordinal view of number facilitated her ability to reason about and correctly solve some integer-related problems and constrained her solutions to others. We demonstrate how Violet's thinking evolved over time while…
Posted: Wednesday, January 29
Resource | Encouraging Students to Think Critically About Earth's Systems and Sustainability
This article describes how the NSF funded High-Adventure Science: Earth’s Systems and Sustainability (HAS:ESS) project is developing online curriculum modules for middle school and high school classroom use. The curricula engage students with interactive computational models and analysis of real-world data as they build scientific reasoning and argumentation skills, focused around core ideas in…
Posted: Tuesday, January 28
Resource | The Future of Fracking: Exploring Human Energy Use
Today few states require Earth science as part of the high school curriculum—despite the fact that both NSES and AAAS Benchmarks have substantial Earth and space science content standards. However, this may change. The Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) give equal importance to Earth and space science, physical science, life science and engineering. And it’s likely that the 26 Lead State…
Posted: Tuesday, January 28
Resource | Using Generic and Context--Specific Scaffolding to Support Authentic Science Inquiry
In this conceptual paper, we propose an heuristic to balance context-specific and generic scaffolding, as well as computer-based and teacher scaffolding, during instruction centered on authentic, scientific problems. This paper is novel in that many researchers ask a dichotomous question of whether generic or context-specific scaffolding is best, and fail to focus on what processes and cognitions…
Posted: Monday, January 27
Resource | Scaffolding: Definition, Current Debates, and Future Directions
Instructional scaffolding can be de fi ned as support provided by a teacher/parent, peer, or a computer- or a paper-based tool that allows students to meaningfully participate in and gain skill at a task that they would be unable to complete unaided. The metaphor of scaffolding has been applied to instruction in contexts ranging from literacy education to science education, and among individuals…
Posted: Monday, January 27
Resource | A Framework for Designing Scaffolds That Improve Motivation and Cognition
A problematic, yet common, assumption among educational researchers is that when teachers provide authentic, problem-based experiences, students will automatically be engaged. Evidence indicates that this is often not the case. In this article, we discuss (a) problems with ignoring motivation in the design of learning environments, (b) problem-based learning and scaffolding as one way to help, (c…
Posted: Monday, January 27
Resource | Toward a framework on how affordances and motives can drive different uses of scaffolds: theory, evidence, and design implications
One way to help students engage in higher-order thinking is through scaffolding, which can be defined as support that allows students to participate meaningfully in and gain skill at a task that is beyond their unassisted abilities. Most research on computer-based scaffolds assesses the average impact of the tools on learning outcomes. This is problematic in that it assumes that computer-based…
Posted: Monday, January 27
Announcement | Symposium on Postsecondary Institution Ratings Systems Rescheduled for February 6
The Department of Education is developing a Postsecondary Institution Ratings System (PIRS) to assess the performance of postsecondary institutions, advance institutional accountability and enhance consumer access to useful information. To assist in this effort, NCES has invited national experts to provide information about data elements, metrics, methods of data collection, methods of weighting…
Posted: Friday, January 24
Event | 2014 VSA Annual Conference
To learn more, visit http://visitorstudies.org/conference-overview.
Posted: Wednesday, January 22
Event | 2014 STEM Conference: STEM Education and Our Planet: Making Connections Across Contexts
To learn more, visit http://stem2014.ubc.ca/call-for-papers/.
Posted: Wednesday, January 22
Event | 2014 STEM Solutions National Leadership Conference
To learn more, visit http://usnewsstemsolutions.com/become-an-exhibitor.
Posted: Wednesday, January 22
Event | National School Boards Association 2017 Annual Conference
To learn more, visit https://www.nsba.org/events/calendar/nsba-annual-conference-2017.
Posted: Wednesday, January 22
Posted: Wednesday, January 22
Posted: Wednesday, January 22
Event | 2014 74th Annual Conference
To learn more, visit http://annualconference.nsba.org/exhibitors/become-an-exhibitor/.
Posted: Wednesday, January 22
Event | 2014 NAEYC’s Annual Conference & Expo
To learn more, visit http://www.naeyc.org/conference/.
Posted: Wednesday, January 22
Event | 2014 NAEYC National Institute
To learn more, visit http://www.naeyc.org/institute/.
Posted: Wednesday, January 22