What's New on CADREK12.org

Posted: Monday, February 20
Event | Historically Black Colleges and Universities Undergraduate Program (HBCU-UP) Preliminary Proposal Deadline
Learn more at https://nsf.gov/funding/pgm_summ.jsp?pims_id=5481&org=NSF&sel_org=EHR&f…
Posted: Monday, February 20
Event | Computer Science for All (CSforAll:RPP)
Learn more at https://nsf.gov/funding/pgm_summ.jsp?pims_id=505359&org=NSF&sel_org=EHR…
Posted: Monday, February 20
Event | Show me the Money: Is Revenue Generation possible for ATE projects and Centers?
This webinar is hosted by ATE Central. This is the 3rd and final webinar of their series on sustainability. Learn more and register at https://events-na2.adobeconnect.com/content/connect/c1/916595931/en/eve…
Posted: Monday, February 20
Event | Home Sweet Home: The benefits and challenges of institutional support
This webinar hosted by ATE Central is part of a webinar series on sustainability. Learn more and register at https://events-na2.adobeconnect.com/content/connect/c1/916595931/en/eve…
Posted: Monday, February 20
Event | Data Science Education Technology Webinar
Slides | Notes and Resources In this webinar, members of The Concord Consortium's Common Online Data Analysis Platform (CODAP) project discussed highlights from the February 15-17 DSET conference, which convened more than 100 researchers, curriculum developers, and software developers to build a community and identify innovative tools and approaches for integrating data science into the K-12…
Posted: Monday, February 20
Announcement | Webinar on PPSR Funding Opportunity from NSF
CAISE is hosting a webinar February 21 at 3pm on NSF's Dear Colleague Letter: Public Participation in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics Research: Capacity-building, Community-building, and Direction-setting, a new opportunity for funding available from the National Science Foundation. The meeting will take place at 3:00 PM Eastern Standard Time, and will last for approximately 1…
Posted: Monday, February 20
Event | Webinar on PPSR Funding Opportunity from NSF
This webinar hosted by CAISE will provide information about Dear Colleague Letter: Public Participation in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics Research: Capacity-building, Community-building, and Direction-setting, a new opportunity for funding available from the National Science Foundation. The meeting will take place at 3:00 PM Eastern Standard Time, and will last for…
Posted: Monday, February 20
Event | Forum on Mathematics Intervention for Middle Grades; Waltham, MA
To learn more, visit http://www2.edc.org/accessmath/. DR K-12 Presenters: Amy Brodesky and Emily Fagan, Education Development Center, Inc. (Project: Strengthening Mathematics Intervention Classes: Identifying and Addressing Challenges to Improve Instruction for Struggling Learners)
Posted: Friday, February 17
Resource | Invaluable values: an expectancy-value theory analysis of youths’ academic motivations and intentions
While Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) fields have increased in importance over the past decade, minorities have remained traditionally underrepresented in these fields. In this study we seek to better understand some of the factors that might contribute to or potentially mitigate early STEM pipeline leaks, specifically, high school graduation and college entrance leaks. Student…
Posted: Friday, February 10
Resource | Access is not enough: The impact of emotional costs on African American students’ ICT use patterns
Previous research has examined the impact of computing interventions to reduce digital inequity. However, few studies focus on factors such as inequalities to material access, Internet use patterns, and affective or emotional anxiety. This paper investigates the potential role of emotional costs and computer self-efficacy in the connection between computer use at home and students’ computer use…
Posted: Friday, February 10
Resource | Pressurizing the STEM Pipeline: an Expectancy-Value Theory Analysis of Youths’ STEM Attitudes
Over the past decade, there has been a strong national push to increase minority students’ positive attitudes towards STEM-related careers. However, despite this focus, minority students have remained underrepresented in these fields. Some researchers have directed their attention towards improving the STEM pipeline which carries students through our educational system and into STEM careers.…
Posted: Friday, February 10
Resource | An Exploratory Analysis of Pre-service Middle School Teachers’ Mathematical Arguments
Zambak, V. S., & Magiera, M. T. (2015). An Exploratory Analysis of Pre-service Middle School Teachers’ Mathematical Arguments. In T. Bartell, K., Bieda, R. Putnam, K. Bradfield, & H. Dominguez (Eds.). Proceedings of the 37th annual meeting of the North American Chapter of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education. 428, East Lansing, MI: Michigan State University.
Posted: Friday, February 10
Event | 6th Annual Early Childhood STEM Conference; Pasadena, CA
To learn more, visit http://www.ecstem.org/. DR K-12 Presenters: Elisabeth McClure, Joan Ganz Cooney Center; Susan Bales, Frameworks Institute; Chip Donahue, Erikson Institute; Peggy Ashbrook, National Science Teachers Association (Project: Fostering STEM Trajectories: Bridging Early Childhood Education Research, Practice, and Policy…
Posted: Friday, February 10
Resource | Effectiveness of Inquiry-Based Lessons Using Particulate Level Models To Develop High School Students’ Understanding of Conceptual Stoichiometry
Students’ inaccurate ideas about what is represented by chemical equations and concepts underlying stoichiometry are well documented; however, there are few classroom-ready instructional solutions to help students build scientifically accurate ideas about these topics central to learning chemistry. An intervention (two inquiry-based activities) was developed, piloted, and evaluated with common…
Posted: Friday, February 10
Newsletter | 2016-17 Publications
The following publications were submitted by DR K-12 project members. Find publications below by topic: Engineering | Math | Science | Science & Math | Science & Technology | Science, Technology & Engineering | Science, Technology & Math | STEM | Technology | Technology & Engineering ENGINEERING Elementary School Framing engineering practices in elementary school…
Posted: Friday, February 10
Resource | Developing an understanding of children's justifications for the circle area formula
In this study we investigated eighth grade students’ informal justification for the circle area formula to expand accounts of the measurement knowledge for middle-school age students. Data were collected during three paired interviews of a three-year teaching experiment. Here we describe schemes students exhibited as they operated on measurement tasks at a level we have described as “conceptual…
Posted: Friday, February 10
Resource | Analysis of Pre-service Teachers’ Generalization and Justification Strategies in Solutions to Figural Pattern-generalization Tasks
We analyzed 37 PSTs’ written solutions to four figural pattern generalization tasks, video recordings of class discussions, and audio-recordings of problem-based interviews during which the PSTs were asked to solve one pattern generalization task, to answer the following research questions: (1) What relationships and structural aspects of a figural pattern do PSTs build upon to formulate pattern…
Posted: Friday, February 10
Resource | Secondary Science Teaching for English Learners: Developing Supportive and Responsive Learning Contexts for Sense-Making and Language Development
This book focuses on the preparation of secondary science teachers to teach science to English Learners (EL) and is based on the SSTELLA (Secondary Science Education with English Language and Literacy Acquisition) project that has been implemented in four pre-service teacher education programs in Arizona, California and Texas, all states with large populations of EL. The project addresses two…
Posted: Friday, February 10
Resource | Family-school partnerships in a context of urgent engagement: Rethinking models, measurement, and meaningfulness
This commentary highlights key themes across the five chapters of this volume, as well as offers specific recommendations concerning future directions for inquiry on the issue of family–school connections. A case is made that in order to advance scientific knowledge of this issue and its application, dialogue is sorely needed that is multidisciplinary, engages mixed methods and emic traditions,…
Posted: Friday, February 10
Resource | Prompting meaningful analysis from pre-service teachers using elementary mathematics video vignettes
Learning from video is a theoretically grounded and popular professional development activity. In online professional development communities, however, responses to video are often shallow and lack meaningful commentary about issues that surround teaching and learning mathematics. By altering the framing conditions that accompany video clips posted to the Everyday Mathematics Virtual Learning…
Posted: Friday, February 10
Resource | Supporting secondary students in building external models to explain phenomena
Supporting Secondary Students in Building External Models is a collaborative project with Michigan State University and the Concord Consortium, funded by the National Science Foundation (NSF) to examine how to support secondary school students in constructing and revising models to explain scientific phenomena and design solutions to problems. This article describes the project and research plans…
Posted: Friday, February 10
Resource | Supporting secondary students in building external models to explain phenomena
Supporting Secondary Students in Building External Models is a collaborative project with Michigan State University and the Concord Consortium, funded by the National Science Foundation (NSF) to examine how to support secondary school students in constructing and revising models to explain scientific phenomena and design solutions to problems. This article describes the project and research plans…
Posted: Friday, February 10
Resource | Monday's lesson: Students making models
This brief article provides an overview of how to use the SageModeler systems modeling tool with an ocean acidification model as an example. Damelin, D. (2016). Monday's lesson: Students making models. @Concord, 20(2), 7.
Posted: Friday, February 10
Resource | Identifying multiple levels of discussion-based teaching strategies for constructing scientific models
This study sought to identify specific types of discussion-based strategies that two successful high school physics teachers using a model-based approach utilized in attempting to foster students’ construction of explanatory models for scientific concepts. We found evidence that, in addition to previously documented dialogical strategies that teachers utilize to engage students in effectively…
Posted: Friday, February 10
Resource | Use of physics simulations in whole class and small group settings: Comparative case studies
This study investigates student interactions with simulations, and teacher support of those interactions, within naturalistic high school classroom settings. Two lesson sequences were conducted, one in 11 and one in 8 physics class sections, where roughly half the sections used the simulations in a small group format and matched sections used them in a whole class format. Unexpected pre/post…
Posted: Friday, February 10
Resource | Attributes of instances of student mathematical thinking that are worth building on in whole-class discussion
This study investigated attributes of 278 instances of student mathematical thinking during whole-class interactions that were identified as having high potential, if made the object of discussion, to foster learners’ understanding of important mathematical ideas. Attributes included the form of the thinking (e.g., question vs. declarative statement), whether the thinking was based on earlier…
Posted: Friday, February 10
Resource | Attributes of instances of student mathematical thinking that are worth building on in whole-class discussion
This study investigated attributes of 278 instances of student mathematical thinking during whole-class interactions that were identified as having high potential, if made the object of discussion, to foster learners’ understanding of important mathematical ideas. Attributes included the form of the thinking (e.g., question vs. declarative statement), whether the thinking was based on earlier…
Posted: Friday, February 10
Resource | Attributes of instances of student mathematical thinking that are worth building on in whole-class discussion
This study investigated attributes of 278 instances of student mathematical thinking during whole-class interactions that were identified as having high potential, if made the object of discussion, to foster learners’ understanding of important mathematical ideas. Attributes included the form of the thinking (e.g., question vs. declarative statement), whether the thinking was based on earlier…
Posted: Friday, February 10
Resource | The eight essential elements of inclusive STEM high schools
Background Inclusive STEM (traditionally known to stand for “Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math”) high schools are emerging across the country as a mechanism for improving STEM education and getting more and diverse students into STEM majors and careers. However, there is no consensus on what these schools are or should be, making it difficult to both evaluate their effectiveness and…
Posted: Friday, February 10