
Anchoring High School Students in Real-Life Issues that Integrate STEM Content and Literacy

Principal Investigator:

Through the integration of STEM content and literacy, this project studies the ways teachers implement literacy practices in the STEM classroom. Teachers will facilitate instruction using scenarios that present students with STEM-related issues, presented as scenarios. After reading and engaging with math and science content, students write a source-based argument in which they state a claim, support the claim with evidence from the texts, and explain the multiple perspectives on the issue.

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“Zooming In” on Robotics during COVID-19: A Preservice Teacher, an Engineering Student, and a 5th Grader Engineer Robotic Flowers via Zoom

The COVID-19 induced school shutdown dramatically decreased students’ hands-on STEM learning opportunities. An NSF-funded program partnering preservice teachers and undergraduate engineering students to teach robotics to fifth graders was adapted to a virtual format via Zoom. A case study intimately explored one team’s experience as they engineered bio-inspired robots over five weekly sessions. Zoom recordings, written reflections, and lesson slides were analyzed to describe how the virtual context shaped the lesson and influenced the preservice teacher’s experience.


Jennifer Kidd

Krishna Kaipa

Kristie Gutierrez

Pilar Pazos

Orlando Ayala

Stacie Ringleb

Lead Organization(s)
Short Description

An NSF-funded program partnering preservice teachers and undergraduate engineering students to teach robotics to fifth graders was adapted to a virtual format via Zoom. A case study intimately explored one team’s experience as they engineered bio-inspired robots over five weekly sessions.

Improving Undergraduate STEM Education: Education and Human Resources (IUSE: EHR) Full Proposal Deadline

Event Date
Sponsoring Organization

Institutional and Community Transformation Capacity-Building Proposals
Engaged Student Learning and Institutional and Community Transformation Level 1 Proposals

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Event Type

CHALK Coaching Website

The CHALK tool is a progressive web application that guides educators to improve instructional quality in early education settings. CHALK provides targeted observation tools that allow instructional coaches to easily track key classroom practices on their digital devices in real-time. This tool instantly transforms observation data into user-friendly visualizations for coaches and teachers to engage in data-driven coaching conversations for professional growth.


CHALK Project Team

Short Description

The CHALK tool is a progressive web application that guides educators to improve instructional quality in early education settings. CHALK provides targeted observation tools that allow instructional coaches to easily track key classroom practices on their digital devices in real-time.

Situating Presence Within Extended Reality for Teacher Training: Validation of the eXtended Reality Presence Scale (XRPS) in Preservice Teacher Use of Immersive 360 Video

The use of video is commonplace for professional preparation in education and other fields. Research has provided evidence that the use of video in these contexts can lead to increased noticing and reflection. However, educators now have access to evolving forms of video such as 360 video. The purpose of this study was to adapt and validate an instrument for assessing immersive 360 video use in an undergraduate preservice teacher university training program.


Enrico Gandolfi

Karl W. Kosko

Richard E. Ferdig

Lead Organization(s)
Short Description

The purpose of this study was to adapt and validate an instrument for assessing immersive 360 video use in an undergraduate preservice teacher university training program.

Effect and Influence of Ambisonic Audio in Viewing 360 Video

Research has provided evidence of the value of producing multiple representationsof content for learners (e.g., verbal, visual, etc.). However, much of the research has acknowledged changes in visual technologies while not recognizing or utilizing related audio innovations. For instance, teacher education students who were once taught through two-dimensional video are now being presented with interactive, three-dimensional content (e.g., simulations or 360 video). Users in old and new formats, however, still typically receive monophonic sound.


Richard E. Ferdig

Karl W. Kosko

Enrico Gandolfi

Lead Organization(s)
Short Description

Research has provided evidence of the value of producing multiple representationsof content for learners (e.g., verbal, visual, etc.). However, much of the research has acknowledged changes in visual technologies while not recognizing or utilizing related audio innovations. The purpose of this study was to respond to this gap by comparing the outcomes of watching 360 video with either monophonic or ambisonic audio.

Toward a Productive Definition of Technology in Science and STEM Education

The lack of a definition of the T in STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) acronym is pervasive, and it is often the teachers of STEM disciplines who inherit the task of defining the role of technology within their K-12 classrooms. These definitions often vary significantly, and they have profound implications for curricular and instructional goals within science and STEM classrooms.


Joshua Ellis

Jeanna Wieselmann

Ramya Sivaraj

Gillian Roehrig

Emily Dare

Elizabeth Ring-Whalen

Short Description

This theoretical paper summarizes of technology initiatives across science and STEM education from the past 30 years to present perspectives on the role of technology in science-focused STEM education.

Toward a Productive Definition of Technology in Science and STEM Education

The lack of a definition of the T in STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) acronym is pervasive, and it is often the teachers of STEM disciplines who inherit the task of defining the role of technology within their K-12 classrooms. These definitions often vary significantly, and they have profound implications for curricular and instructional goals within science and STEM classrooms.


Joshua Ellis

Jeanna Wieselmann

Ramya Sivaraj

Gillian Roehrig

Emily Dare

Elizabeth Ring-Whalen

Short Description

This theoretical paper summarizes of technology initiatives across science and STEM education from the past 30 years to present perspectives on the role of technology in science-focused STEM education.