
“You are Never too Little to Understand Your Culture”: Strengthening Early Childhood Teachers through the Diné Institute for Navajo Nation Educators

There is international and widespread recognition that early childhood education must be fully inclusive and based on the language, culture, and epistemology of local Indigenous communities (Kitson, 2010). Early childhood education (ECE) programs can only deliver on the promises ofculturally responsive schooling (Castagno & Brayboy, 2008; McCarty & Lee, 2014) when “staff members understand cultural expectations, relationships, and the subtleties of communication, including non-verbalcommunication” within the community (Kitson & Bowes, 2010, p.86).


Angelina E. Castagno

Tiffany Tracy

Desiree Denny

Breanna Davis

Hosava Kretzmann

Lead Organization(s)
Short Description

This article describes one effort to strengthen early childhood teaching in schools on the Navajo Nation that centers the work of two teachers within a program attempting to support teachers in the development of academically rigorous, culturally responsive curriculum across the Navajo Nation.

Making Critical Thinking Visible for Student Analysis and Reflection: Using Structured Documentation to Enhance Effective Reasoning and Communication

Butcher, K. R., Runburg-Larson, M., & Lane, M. (2019). Making critical thinking visible for student analysis and reflection: Using structured documentation to enhance effective reasoning and communication. Science Scope, 42(8), 44-53.


Kirsten R. Butcher

Madlyn Larson

McKenna Lane

Lead Organization(s)
Short Description

This Science Scope article discusses how to foster critical-thinking skills in middle school science.

The Joys of Teaching Ecology in K–12 and Informal Settings

Esposito, R. M. M, Harris, C., Berkowitz, A. R., & Pregnal, M. (2019). The joys of teaching ecology in K-12 and informal settings. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment, 17(9), 538-539.


Rhea M  M Esposito

Cornelia Harris

Alan R Berkowitz

Maribel Pregnall

Short Description

This article describes opportunities for primary and secondary ecology education in formal and informal settings.

Improving Ecological Education through a Four‐Dimensional Framework

At its November 2018 meeting, the Ecological Society of America's Governing Board made the important decision to endorse the 4‐Dimensional Ecology Education (4DEE) framework. Developed over the past 3 years by a task force of ESA members who solicited input from a variety of groups, the framework takes a fresh and innovative approach toward the teaching of ecology.


Kenneth Klemow

Alan Berkowitz

Carmen Cid

George Middendorf

Short Description

This article describes the 4‐Dimensional Ecology Education (4DEE) framework. Developed by a task force of ESA members who solicited input from a variety of groups, the framework takes a fresh and innovative approach toward the teaching of ecology.

K–12 DREAMS to Teach Program at Morehouse College

This study explores the pathways to K–12 Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics instruction among Black/African American males in the Discovery Research Education for African American Men in STEM to Teach (DREAMS to Teach) program at Morehouse College, a Historically Black College and University located in Southwest Atlanta, Georgia. Many studies articulate the importance of cultural alignment between students and their instructors’ influence on STEM participation and persistence.


Cynthia Trawick

Thema Monroe-White

Jigsa A. Tola

Jamie P. Clayton

J. K. Haynes

Lead Organization(s)
Short Description

This study explores the pathways to K–12 Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics instruction among Black/African American males in the Discovery Research Education for African American Men in STEM to Teach (DREAMS to Teach) program at Morehouse College

The Re-Novicing of Elementary Teachers in Science? Grade Level Reassignment and Teacher PCK

There is growing recognition of the prevalence of “within school churn”, a phenomenon in which teachers remain within a school but are assigned a new grade level or course. In this study we examine the consequences of within-school churn for the pedagogical content knowledge of elementary teacher participants in an NSF-funded science PD program. We argue grade-level reassignment is akin to out-of-field science teaching for elementary teachers, as they encounter a new set of grade-specific standards, new subject matter topics, and new curricula.


Deborah L. Hanuscin

Zandra de Araujo

Dante Cisterna

Kelsey Lipsitz

Delinda van Garderen

Short Description

In this study, authors examine the consequences of within-school churn for the pedagogical content knowledge of elementary teacher participants in an NSF-funded science PD program.

SOLID Start K-2 Curriculum Materials

SOLID Start (Science Oral Language and Literacy Development from the Start of School) curricula are guided by a driving question and puzzling phenomena that engage young students and elicit their natural curiosities. The units are designed to support young students’ science learning and oral language and literacy development.


Tanya Wright

Amelia Gotwals

Amanda Bismack

Lead Organization(s)
Short Description

SOLID Start (Science Oral Language and Literacy Development from the Start of School) curricula are guided by a driving question and puzzling phenomena that engage young students and elicit their natural curiosities. The units are designed to support young students’ science learning and oral language and literacy development.

Insight from DRK-12 CAREER Awardees

This resource contains advice from CAREER awardees in the DRK-12 portfolio about how to develop a competitive proposal and successfully manage a CAREER project based on their experience. Twenty-four DRK-12 CAREER awardees responded to the questions:



Short Description

This resource contains advice from CAREER awardees in the DRK-12 portfolio about how to develop a competitive proposal and successfully manage a CAREER project based on their experience.

Designing ‘Productive Uncertainty’ into Investigations to Support Meaningful Engagement in Science Practices

We want students to engage from the earliest ages in science and engineering practices with sincere curiosity and purpose. Science investigations can be viewed as “working through uncertainty.” However, 3D instructional materials often try to support engagement in science practices by making them very explicit and scaffolding the process to make it easy to accomplish—arguably, too easy.


Eve Manz

Sarah Arnold

Colleen Bazinet

Betsy Beckert

Diana Garity

Griselda George

Pat O'Brien

Lauren Reilly

Lead Organization(s)
Short Description

This teaching tool focused on an alternative approach to science investigation that emphasizes productive uncertainty.

Getting a Grip: A Framework for Designing and Adapting Elementary School Science Investigations

This column provides ideas and techniques to enhance your science teaching. This issue describes a framework for designing and adapting elementary school science investigations.

Manz, E. (2019). Getting a Grip: A Framework for Designing and Adapting Elementary School Science Investigations. Science & Children.


Eve Manz

Lead Organization(s)
Short Description

This column provides ideas and techniques to enhance your science teaching.