
The Scalability and Sustainability of Professional Development: Challenges in Preparing Mathematics PD Facilitators


Three projects investigating different approaches to preparing mathematics professional development facilitators will compare their approaches and discuss strengths and limitations with the participants.

Session Type

What are the central challenges that face research and development teams in their efforts to prepare facilitators to do the work of leading mathematics professional development? 

Supporting Implementation of the Common Core State Standards


In the Summer of 2010 a joint task force of ASSM, AMTE, NCSM and NCTM produced an action plan for supporting implementation of the Common Core State Standards for Mathematics. This session will share the recommendations and action items. Discussion and input from the audience will be sought.

Session Type
Session Materials

What do educators need to support their implementation of the Common Core Standards for Mathematics? 

In the summer of 2010, a joint task force of ASSM, AMTE, NCSM and NCTM produced an action plan for supporting implementation of the Common Core State Standards for Mathematics. In this session, presenters will share and discuss the recommendations and action items, and will seek input from the audience.

Opportunities and Challenges for Developing and Evaluating Diagnostic Assessments in STEM Education


Four DR K-12 projects will discuss opportunities and challenges that they have encountered when trying to harness psychometric models for diagnosis in science and mathematics education.

Session Type

What are the opportunities and challenges that arise when trying to harness psychometric models for diagnosis in STEM education?        

Algebra in Early Mathematics: What is Critical?


The panel will present an overview of research-grounded evidence about what is critical for students to learn about algebra in grades 1–5.

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In this panel discussion, panelists will identify some ideas that are becoming well-established by researchers even though they were by no means evident just 15–20 years ago and are yet to be assimilated into curricula and teacher education programs. They will identify what they consider to be critical issues for children to make progress in algebra in grades 1–5.

Gaming to Learn


Four NSF-funded gaming project leaders will discuss pedagogical strategies and issues related to designing and implementing STEM educational games.          

Session Type

In this session, panelists from five NSF-funded gaming projects will discuss ways in which digital game-based learning can enable learner-led exploration, taking games beyond the "quiz" model many educators still think of.


Csikszentmihalyi, Mihaly. (1990). Flow: The Psychology of Optimal Experience. HarperCollins. 

Powers, William T. (1973). Behavior: The Control of Perception. Chicago: Aldine.

Resources mentioned during the presentation:

2011 National Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators (AMTE) Conference

Event Date

AMTE’s Annual Conference provides an opportunity for members to share current research and practice findings.

The Fifteenth Annual Conference of the Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators (AMTE) will be held at the Hyatt Regency Hotel in Irvine, California from Thursday, January 27 through Saturday, January 29, 2011. Conference sessions will begin on Thursday afternoon January 27 at 1:00 p.m. The General Session will begin about 5:00 p.m. on Thursday followed by dinner on your own.

Event Type