
Plenary Presentation: Policy Initiatives in STEM Education


Working Lunch

The culminating session will focus on the current STEM education policy and legislative context. Leaders of the STEM Coalition will familiarize grantees with important policies and pending legislation, and will help grantees understand how to use their experience and research to inform the policy and legislative debates and decision-making.

Concluding Remarks: Barbara Brauner Berns, CADRE PI, Education Development Center, Inc.

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Session Materials

Training Teachers in the Effective Mathematical and Pedagogical Uses of Software: Perspectives from the Dynamic Number and Dynamic Geometry in Classrooms Projects


This presentation explores technology training in relation to two DR K-12 projects with a focus on increasing the mathematical and pedagogical content knowledge of teachers.

Session Type

How can professional development that is focused on technology move beyond the nuts and bolts of the particular tool to a deeper look into the mathematical and pedagogical opportunities afforded by the technology?     This presentation explores technology training in relation to two DR K–12 projects with a focus on increasing the mathematical and pedagogical content knowledge of teachers.

Interactive Visualizations, Simulations, and Games for Science and Math Learning: Comparing Goals, Affordances, and Challenges across Approaches


This interactive poster session brings together 12 projects using a range of interactive computer technologies to compare goals, affordances, and challenges across approaches.

Session Type
Structured Poster Session

This interactive poster session brings together 12 projects using a range of interactive computer technologies to improve science and math learning. The approaches range from interactive simulations to fully-immersive, multi-player games. In addition to increasing communication and collaboration among these researchers, a key goal of this session is to discuss what drives the wide range in approaches to using interactive technologies.

High School Algebra Panel


The panel will present an overview of research-grounded evidence about what is critical for students to learn about algebra in grades 6–12.

Session Type

One thread of the CADRE Algebra SIG discussion has focused on obstacles to student success in elementary algebra. For example, proficiency in numerical calculations with integers and rational numbers is often raised as a prerequisite for success in algebra; yet many students who have these skills still find algebra difficult. The panel will discuss other potential ingredients to success in high school algebra that are often short-changed in school mathematics and school culture.

Developing Diagnostic Assessments of STEM Learning: Key Decisions and Alternative Approaches


This session will engage participants in discussion of design issues and expertise required to develop diagnostic assessments of science and mathematics learning.

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The topic of this session will be the exploration of alternative approaches to designing diagnostic assessments in STEM learning. The discussion will concentrate on the full range of methodological decisions involved in drawing on current knowledge of student thinking on key ideas and transforming it into assessment strategies based on underlying models of how knowledge develops over time.

Analyzing Early Algebra Learning Progressions for Grades 3-8


This session will critically examine conjectured Early Algebra Learning Progressions for grades 3–8 for coherence, alignment, and completeness.

Session Type
Product Feedback Session
Session Materials

This session will critically examine conjectured Early Algebra Learning Progressions for grades 3–8 for coherence, alignment, and completeness.

New Web-based Tools to Help Students (and Teachers) Who Find STEM Content Challenging


Participants will be asked to view and discuss free tools that Dynabook and SmartGraphs are developing. These Web-based tools link multiple visual representations and allow immediate feedback to teachers and students.

Session Type
Product Feedback Session
Session Materials

The capabilities of interactive, Web-based media offer approaches that can be especially valuable to students and teachers who find STEM content challenging to learn. Through the lenses of both general education and special education, the presenters are designing new products to be effective for all teachers and students. Web-based tools link multiple visual representations and allow immediate feedback to teachers and students. See and discuss free tools that Dynabook and SmartGraphs are developing.