
‘Algorithms’ is a core CS concept included in the K-12 CS standards, yet student challenges with understanding different aspects of algorithms are still not well documented, especially for younger students. This paper…
This study explores how teachers across the United States answer and reason on “teacher assessment tasks” designed to elicit content knowledge for teaching (CKT) about matter and its interactions. It leverages a think…
In this report section, we discuss the importance of aligning classroom assessments with learning goals and instructional practices to both shape and evaluate students’ learning opportunities. In this…
Our 5D assessment development process is eight phases, each with a clear goal and tools to support task development. The tools and processes are combined in the 5D Assessment Development Tool for easy access from a single…
The significance of inquiry skills is widely acknowledged in science practice across many areas.  Carrying out experimental investigations is an indispensable element of scientific inquiry and, therefore, an important…
The significance of inquiry skills is widely acknowledged in science practice across many areas.  Unlike experimentation, another form of inquiry skill, observational investigation has been much ignored in science…
Formative assessment can facilitate teachers’ abilities to elicit and notice the disciplinary substance of students’ thinking and to respond based on this. Following a design-based process, we developed principled…
Estimating and monitoring the construct-irrelevant variance (CIV) is of significant importance to validity, especially for constructed response assessments with rich contextualized information. To examine CIV in…
Understand students’ fraction concepts through interview tasks. Includes tasks and guide to record student thinking. Understand students’ fraction concepts through interview tasks.  Includes tasks…
To understand the mathematics writing of students, we conducted a synthesis to evaluate empirical research about mathematics writing. We identified 29 studies that included a mathematics-writing assessment, intervention,…
Join the panelists from the plenary presentation to continue conversations about common standards in each of the STEM disciplines. Assessment Curriculum Equity…
The author describes an innovative approach to assessment that aims to blend the productive characteristics of both summative and formative assessment. The resulting assessment system is accountable to students and…
Use these ideas to diagnose and address common conceptual obstacles that inhibit students’ success. Cirillo, M. & Hummer, J. (2019). Addressing misconceptions in secondary geometry proof.…
To best support students in developing competence, assessments that allow students to use knowledge to solve challenging problems and make sense of phenomena are needed. These assessments need to be designed and tested to…
Test scoring procedures should align with the intended uses and interpretations of test results. In this paper, we examine three test scoring procedures for an operational assessment of early numeracy, the Early Grade…
Liu, O. L., Lee, H.S. & Linn, M.C. (2011a). An investigation of explanation multiple-choice items in science assessment. Educational Assessment, 16, 164-184. ABSTRACT: Both multiple-choice and constructed-response…
The effective use of formative assessment (FA) has been demonstrated to confer positive impacts on student learning. To understand why and how FA works, it is necessary to characterize teachers’ FA practices, but because…
This paper analyzes teaching practices that successfully integrate robotics in middle school science and math classrooms. A robotics-based curriculum offers numerous opportunities to enrich science,…
Involving students in scientific modeling practice is one of the most effective approaches to achieving the next generation science education learning goals. Given the complexity and multirepresentational features of…
This study applied the many-facet Rasch measurement (MFRM) to assess students’ knowledge-in-use in middle school physical science. This study applied the many-facet Rasch measurement (MFRM) to assess…
This paper introduces an approach for designing NGSS-aligned assessments that measure young learners’ science progress while also attending to the scientific language and literacy practices that are integral parts of the…
In this interactive talk, Wilson will ask each project to make explicit its assumptions about how teachers learn, the forces that matter the most, and how the logic and components of programs reflect those underlying…
This paper presents WriteEval, a hybrid text analytics method for analyzing student-constructed responses. Real-time formative assessment of student learning has become the subject of increasing…
This paper describes HASbot, an automated text scoring and real‐time feedback system designed to support student revision of scientific arguments. This paper describes HASbot, an automated text scoring…
Teachers experience challenges in effectively using formative assessment practices in their classrooms. In the US, only 28% of elementary teachers report using formative assessment. This study highlights the need to design…
This study aimed to examine an assumption regarding whether generative artificial intelligence (GAI) tools can overcome the cognitive intensity that humans suffer when solving problems. We examine the performance of…
In this article, authors examined classroom videos of nine experienced teachers of elementary, middle, and high school science, aiming to create a model of FA enactment that is useful to teachers.…
This article pilots ChatGPT in tackling the most challenging part of science learning and found it successful in automation of assessment development, grading, learning guidance, and recommendation of learning materials…
Presented in this paper are the results from analyzing a discussion between five high school chemistry teachers as they generated a set of best practices for inquiry assessments. High school chemistry…
This report takes stock of what we currently know as well as what we need to know to make classroom assessment maximally beneficial for the teaching and learning of STEM subject matter in K–12 classrooms…
The process of using Learning Analytics (LA) to improve teaching works from the assumption that data should be readily shared between stakeholders in an educational organization. However, the design of LA tools often does…
This article reports on how three prospective teachers had differing opportunities to demonstrate their skills in the context of the field assessment, but similar opportunities in the context of the simulation assessment…
In this session, the presenters discuss findings and experiences regarding technology-embedded assessment and how to support teachers in using it effectively. Assessment…
We present a conceptual framework for designing and analyzing illustrations used in science assessment. This conceptual framework is intended to help test developers to systematically create and examine illustrations used…
Teachers face challenges when building the concept of substance with students because tensions of meanings emerge from students’ daily life and canonical ideas developed in classrooms. A powerful tool to address learning,…
How do we measure knowledge in use? In this paper we describe how we use principles of evidence-centered design to develop classroom-based science assessments that integrate three dimensions of science proficiency—…
The study’s purpose is to describe content validity evidence related to new problem-solving measures currently under development. Bostic, J., Matney, G., Sondergeld, T., & Stone, G. (2018, November…
Authors investigate ways to support students in integrating their understanding of density concepts through a graph that is linked to a simulation depicting the relationship between mass, volume, and density…
K- 12 Computer Science (CS) education is developing rapidly but still lacks a comprehensive measure for CS teachers’ pedagogical content knowledge (PCK). We respond to this need by describing the design of a CS-PCK…
Understanding, exploring, and interacting with the world through models characterizes science in all its branches and at all levels of education.  Model-based reasoning is central to science education and thus science…
Building on the work of Ball and Cohen and that of Davis and Krajcik, as well as more recent research related to K12 teacher learning from and about curriculum materials, we seek to answer the question, How can educative…
This paper describes a program to engage teachers to learn about mechatronics, robotics, and Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) through hands-on activities and collaborative research. Rapid…
In this study, analyzing lesson plans using the rubrics provided opportunities for suggestions and feedback for improvement to developers and it informs the development of new lessons by the project team…
'Algorithms’ is a core CS concept included in the K-12 CS learning standards, yet student challenges with understanding and using algorithms are still not well documented. This paper describes an approach to decompose the…
The purpose of this presentation is to convey validity evidence for a new measure titled Problem-Solving Measure for grade four (PSM4), an assessment within the previously published PSM series designed for elementary and…
This article presents a tool and discusses the rationale for the authors’ development of a tool designed to assess the alignment of culturally responsive schooling principles within schools serving predominantly…
There is strong agreement in science teacher education of the importance of teachers' content knowledge for teaching (CKT), which includes their subject matter knowledge and their pedagogical content knowledge. However,…
This paper examines the use of Imaginative Education (IE) to create an NGSS-aligned middle school engineering curriculum that supports transfer and the development of STEM identity. This paper examines…