
In December the National Science Foundation convened nearly 60 Principal Investigators from projects funded through the Dear Colleague Letter (NSF-086) “Enabling the Future of Making to Catalyze New Approaches in STEM…
In December the National Science Foundation convened nearly 60 Principal Investigators from projects funded through the Dear Colleague Letter (NSF-086) “Enabling the Future of Making to Catalyze New Approaches in STEM…
Join us May 13-20 for the 2019 STEM for All Video Showcase, a free, interactive, week-long video showcase event that will feature over 200 federally funded projects.…
To learn more, visit…. National Science Foundation (NSF) Funding Opportunity…
Early Career News
News CADRE Fellows CAREER Awardees Publication Michelle Cirillo (CAREER awardee) and Jenifer Hummer (2017-18 CADRE Fellow) co-authroed…
Early Career News
News CADRE Fellows Publication Carlos A. Mejía Colindres (2013-14 CADRE Fellow) published this article in the April 2019 issue of Mathematics Teacher…
Early Career News
News CAREER Awardees Publication Meixia Ding (CAREER awardee) Wei Chen, and Ryan Scott Hassler published this article in Mathematical Thinking and…
Early Career News
News CADRE Fellows Publication Ben Baumfalk, Devarati Bhattacharya, Tina Vo (2016-17 CADRE Fellow), Cory Forbes, Laura Zangori, and Christina Schwarz…
Early Career News
News CADRE Fellows Publication Meredith W. Kier and Jason A. Chen (2011-12 CADRE Fellow) published this article in Science Education.
Early Career News
News CADRE Fellows Publication María González‐Howard (2015-16 CADRE Fellow) published this article in Science Education.
Early Career News
News CADRE Fellows Publication K. C. Busch (2013-14 CADRE Fellow) co-authored this Science Education article with Brian M. Donovan, Rob Semmens,…
Use these ideas to diagnose and address common conceptual obstacles that inhibit students’ success. Cirillo, M. & Hummer, J. (2019). Addressing misconceptions in secondary geometry proof.…
This paper describes HASbot, an automated text scoring and real‐time feedback system designed to support student revision of scientific arguments. This paper describes HASbot, an automated text scoring…
In this article, it is argued that the construct of rightful presence, and the coconstructed “making present” practices that give rise to moments of rightful presence, is 1 way to consider how to make sense of the…
Blog On Being Inducted into the DRK-12 ProgramAs a CADRE Fellow, one of my tasks at the DRK-12 PI Meeting--in addition to making new connections and learning about the projects that are being funded…
This study is focused on engineering for sustainable communities (EfSC) in three middle school classrooms. This study is focused on engineering for sustainable communities (EfSC) in three middle school…
The purpose of this study is to explore to what extent supporting elementary teachers’ PCK about teaching engineering would improve their beliefs that students’ engineering learning can be influenced by effective…
In response to Bandura’s proposal that self-efficacy is a situation-specific construct, the authors developed a valid and reliable engineering teaching self-efficacy instrument for elementary teachers through modifying…
In this article, authors describe how we engaged grade 3–5 students in an engineering design activity supported with relevant reading, writing, and talking tasks embedded within the engineering design activity…
Questionnaire designed to collect data about teachers' opinions of engineering issues. Engineering Tool Elementary…
The INSPIRES project revised the RTOP rubric for use in engineering classrooms. The RTOP rubric was original developed for assessing lesson design and implementation, content-propositional knowledge, procedural knowledge,…
Early Career News
News CADRE Fellows Webinar On May 8, 2019 at 10:00am ET, Nathan Holbert, Matthew Berland, and Cynthia D'Angelo (2009-10 CADRE Fellow)…
This list of currently funded projects was last updated April 2020. Explore both current and past Earth Science and environmental education projects. View our Spotlight on DRK-12 Environmental/Earth Science Projects and…
Video Christine Cunningham and Chris Rogers talk about the promise and potential power of engineering education in the K-12 classroom. "I think it's actually a very…
Blog Two decades ago when I started thinking about doing engineering with K–12 students, it was a new idea and there was paucity of research in this area. Conducting a literature review related to preK–…
Featured projects in the Spotlight on preK-12 Engineering Education: Pre-K and/or Elementary Level Developing Integrated Elementary Science, Engineering, and Language Arts Curricula Aligned with the Next Generation…
Linear Algebra and Geometry is aimed at preservice and practicing high school mathematics teachers and advanced high school students looking for an addition to or replacement for calculus. The materials are organized…
Dear Colleagues, We are saddened to share the news that Julio Lopez-Ferrao passed away on March 25. Julio had been a DRK-12 program officer since the inception of the program, and was CADRE's first program officer. He…
Early Career News
Opportunity Open until This letter invites current CAREER awardees to apply for research visits to any identified, appropriate European research group. Connecting researchers with…
Early Career News
Opportunity Open until This letter invites current NSF Postdoctoral Research Fellows to apply for research visits to any identified, appropriate European research group. Connecting…
Blog Scientists use models to explain and predict phenomena in order to better understand our world. Here are some concrete examples across a range of professions: Physicists might create and test…
Scientific modeling affords opportunities for students to develop representations, make their ideas visible, and generate model‐based explanations for complex natural systems like the water cycle. This study describes a…
Learn more here: Education Development Center, Inc. (EDC) Webinar Tue, 05/28…
Learn more here:… Education Development Center, Inc. (EDC) Webinar Thu, 06/…
Project Spotlight
In this Spotlight, explore the types of partnerships, methodologies, theoretical frameworks, challenges and strategies that support work enacting reforms on a systemic level. This Spotlight includes a perspective piece by…
Blog Mixed methods research, dating back to the mid- to late 1980’s (Creswell & Plano, 2011), is defined as “research in which the investigator collects and analyzes data, integrates the findings,…
Blog   CADRE invited the PIs of the TRUmath and Lesson Study: Supporting Fundamental and Sustainable Improvement in High School Mathematics Teaching project (Grant Nos. 1503342,…
Dear Colleagues, Save the date! The 2020 DRK-12 PI Meeting will be held June 3-5, 2020, at the Washington Marriott Wardman Park Hotel in Washington, D.C. Invitations will be sent next winter. In the meantime, please send…
This article describes the process of developing and validating a Science Instructional Practices survey instrument that is appropriate for NGSS and other related science standards. Ambitious efforts…
The purpose of this mixed methodology study was to operationalize distinct types of teacher leadership into an organized typology, based on case studies of teacher leaders in a science education project…
This study presents a theoretically grounded set of codes to systematically document the various aspects of teacher learning and change (knowledge and beliefs, professional learning community, resources) in lesson study…
Early Career News
Opportunity Open until As a Research + Practice Fellow, you will receive up to $2000 to attend the #InclusiveSciComm symposium. During the conference, as part of the fellowship, you…
Early Career News
News CAREER Awardees Publication Kevin C. Moore (CAREER awardee) co-authored this Journal of Mathematical Behavior article with Irma E. Stevens, Teo…
Early Career News
News CAREER Awardees Publication Higinio Dominguez (CAREER awardee) published this article in Educational Studies in Mathematics.
In this paper, the author theorizes reciprocal noticing as a relational practice through which teachers and students exchange roles as knowers by reciprocating each other’s noticing as they study mathematics concepts…
Early Career News
News CADRE Postdocs Publication Lindsey Perry (2018 CADRE Postdoc) published this article in the International Journal of Science and Mathematics…
Early Career News
News CADRE Fellows Publication James Bywater (2018-19 CADRE Fellow) published this article in Computer & Education with co-authors Jennifer L.…
The National Science Foundation (NSF) received more than 800 idea submissions for the NSF 2026 Idea Machine competition. Entries were judged and 33 are still in the running for the grand prize. Now, we need YOU to help NSF…
NSF is accepting comments from the external community until COB July 29, 2019 on the Proposal & Award Policies & Procedures Guide (PAPPG): To facilitate review, revised text…