
Renee Crain National Science Foundation (NSF)
James Dietz National Science Foundation (NSF)
Janice Earle National Science Foundation (NSF)
Robert Gibbs National Science Foundation (NSF)
Michael Haney National Science Foundation (NSF)
David Hanych National Science Foundation (NSF)
Daniel Householder Email National Center for Engineering and Technology Education (NCETE)
Carmen Huber National Science Foundation (NSF)
Jill Karsten National Science Foundation (NSF)
Julio Lopez-Ferrao Email National Science Foundation (NSF)
Kathleen McCloud National Science Foundation (NSF)
Celestine Pea National Science Foundation (NSF)
Joan Prival National Science Foundation (NSF)
Joseph Reed National Science Foundation (NSF)
Thomas Rieker National Science Foundation (NSF)
James Reidy National Science Foundation (NSF)
Gerhard Salinger Administrator Curriculum Engineering Physics Disciplinary Content Knowledge Pedagogy…
Kusum Singh National Science Foundation (NSF)
Gregg Solomon National Science Foundation (NSF)
Elizabeth Vanderputten Email National Science Foundation (NSF)
Norman Webb National Science Foundation (NSF)
Z. Charles Ying National Science Foundation (NSF)
Lee Zia
Lee Zia National Science Foundation (NSF)
Lisa Marco-Bujosa Other Villanova University Other
Leana Nordstrom Email Associate Project Director Education Development Center, Inc. (EDC)
Associate Project Director
Greta Shultz University of Massachusetts Donahue Institute (UMass Donahue Institute)
Eric Heller Email Other University of Massachusetts Donahue Institute (UMass Donahue Institute…
Stephen Coleman Other Policy Studies Associates, Inc. (PSA)
Amy Busey
Amy Busey Email Other Research Associate Education Development Center, Inc. (EDC…
Research Associate
Suzanne M. Wilson Dr. Suzanne M. Wilson is a Neag Endowed Professor of Teacher Education at the University of Connecticut in the Department of Curriculum and Instruction. Her…
Angela McIver Angela McIver is the founder and president of Math Foundations, LLC. For nearly fifteen years, she has worked with urban students as both a math teacher and program…
Jonathan King Jonathan King is Professor of Molecular Biology at MIT and the co-author of over 200 scientific papers on the genetic control of protein folding and virus assembly. Prof.…
Glenn Stevens Glenn Stevens is a professor of mathematics at Boston University where he has taught and conducted research since 1984. He earned his Ph.D. in Mathematics from Harvard…
Chris Dede
Chris Dede Chris Dede is the Timothy E. Wirth Professor in Learning Technologies at Harvard University. His fields of scholarship include emerging technologies, policy, and leadership…
Wirth Professor in Learning Technologies
Patricia Wilson National Science Foundation (NSF)
Darryl Williams Tufts University
Mellie Torres Email Educator New York University (NYU)
Jessica Tybursky Nuzzi Jessica Tybursky Nuzzi is working on completing her dissertation at Montclair State University on shifting math teaching practices towards reform-oriented…
Graduate Research Assistant
Monica Mitchell Monica Mitchell is a mathematics education consultant specializing in education research and program evaluation. She has led and directed mathematics education reform…
Amy Parks
Amy Parks Amy Noelle Parks is an associate professor in the Department of Teacher Education at Michigan State University. Prior to that she was an assistant professor of early childhood…
Assistant Professor
R.P.H Chang Northwestern University (NU)
Phillip Griffiths Institute for Advanced Study (IAS)
Thomas Smith Email Discipline Specialist (STEM) Associate Professor of Public Policy and Education…
Associate Professor of Public Policy and Education
Fred Roberts
Ana Ferreras
Nancy Lawrence Nancy R. Lawrence has a Ph.D. in Educational Foundations & Policy from University of Colorado, Boulder. Lawrence has written on diverse topics, including formative…
Research Scientist
Jeff Marshall Email Discipline Specialist (Education) Associate Professor, Science Education…
Associate Professor, Science Education
Amy Ellis
Amy Ellis My research focuses on middle-school and secondary mathematics education. I am interested in studying students' reasoning, particularly as it relates to mathematical…
Assistant Professor
Zahra Hazari Email Discipline Specialist (Education) Professor of Science Education…
Professor of Science Education
Debra Johanning I am an associate professor at The University of Toledo. My teaching focus is K-8 elementary mathematics education. My research interests include rational number, with a…
Associate Professor of Mathematics Education