
Mary Atwater University of Georgia (UGA)
Carlos Ayala Sonoma State University (SSU)
Ryan Baker
Ryan Baker Worcester Polytechnic Institute (WPI)
Jacqueline Barber Over the past 30 years, Jacqueline Barber has been involved in K-12 science and mathematics education, involved in promoting teaching and learning among children,…
Associate Director
Erin Bardar Email Discipline Specialist (Other) TERC, Inc. Gaming/…
Marjorie Bardeen Fermi Research Alliance, LLC.
David Barnes Email Administrator Assoc. Executive Director for Research, Learning and Development…
Assoc. Executive Director for Research, Learning and Development
Carne Barnett-Clarke Email Senior Research Associate WestEd Curriculum…
Senior Research Associate
Jeffrey Barrett Jeffrey E. Barrett is a Professor of Mathematics Education and also serves as an Associate Director of the Center for Mathematics, Science and Technology at Illinois…
James Barufaldi Email Educator Ruben E. Hinojosa Regents Professor University of…
Ruben E. Hinojosa Regents Professor
Hyman Bass
Hyman Bass University of Michigan (UM)
Michael Battista Email Discipline Specialist (Education) Professor Ohio State…
Juliet Baxter University of Oregon (UO)
Carole Beal Email Professor of Cognitive Science University of Arizona (U of A)
Professor of Cognitive Science
Kurt Becker Kurt Becker is a Professor and the Department Head of Engineering and Technology Education (ETE) at Utah State University. Under his direction, the PhD in Engineering…
ETE Department Head
Rocio Benedicto New Mexico State University (NMSU)
Gary Benenson Gary Benenson is Professor of Mechanical Engineering at the City College of New York. Prior to becoming an educator, he was a technician at Yale-New Haven Hospital and…
Alan Berkowitz I have been Head of Education at the Cary Institute of Ecosystem Studies in Millbrook, NY since 1985. I received my Bachelors of Arts degree in Environmental Studies from…
Head of Education
Kathy Berry Bertram Email Director, Geophysical Institute Education Outreach University of Alaska…
Director, Geophysical Institute Education Outreach
Pamela Blanchard Louisiana State University (LSU)
Maria Blanton Email Other Senior Scientist TERC, Inc…
Senior Scientist
Merrie Blunk Email Discipline Specialist (Education) Researcher University of Michigan (…
Timothy Boerst University of Michigan (UM)
David Boger I have spent the last 37 years as a science educator in higher education. Recieved my PhD from the University of New Mexico. I have taught at the University of North Texas,…
Marco Bravo Email Santa Clara University (SCU)
Stacey Lowery Bretz Stacey Lowery Bretz biography • Professor of Chemistry at Miami University in Oxford, OH (2005 – present) • B.A. in chemistry at Cornell University (1989) • M.S…
Professor of Chemistry
Ted Britton WestEd
Debra Brockway Email Assistant Director, Assessment Center for Innovation in Engineering and Science…
Assistant Director, Assessment
Cindy Buchenroth-Martin Boulder Language Technologies
Gail Burrill Michigan State University (MSU) Burrill, G., & Ben-Zvi, D. (2019). Topics and trends in current statistics education research:…
William Bush I am a professor of mathematics education and director of the Center for Research in Mathematics and Science Teacher Development at the University of Louisville. The…
Brian Butz
Brian Butz Temple University
Albert Byers National Science Teachers Association (NSTA)
Jinfa Cai
Jinfa Cai University of Delaware (UD)
Roy Caldwell Email Educator Professor University of California, Berkeley (UC…
Janet Carlson Formerly Executive Director at BSCS. Email Stanford University
David Carraher TERC, Inc.
Jennifer Cartier University of Pittsburgh (Pitt)
Tutita Casa Dr. Tutita M. Casa is an Assistant Professor of Mathematics Education in the Department of Curriculum and Instruction in the Neag School of Education at the University of…
Assistant Professor
Jeanne Century University of Chicago (U of C)
Gina Cervetti Email Assistant Professor University of Michigan (UM)…
Assistant Professor
Kristine Chadwick Educational Policy Improvement Center (EPIC)
Barbara Chamberlin Barbara Chamberlin is the Extension Instructional Design and Educational Media Specialist. Dr. Chamberlin directs the NMSU Learning Games Lab, where she researches…
Associate Professor, and Director of the Learning Games Lab
Daniel Chazan Email Associate Professor, Center for Mathematics Education University of Maryland, College…
Associate Professor, Center for Mathematics Education
Bing Chen
Bing Chen University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Britte Cheng Email Discipline Specialist (Education) Education Researcher SRI…
Education Researcher
Ranyee Chiang New York University (NYU)
Jeffrey Choppin Jeffrey Choppin has been a principal investigator on multiple research and conference grants from NSF, Spencer, and the CPM Educational Program; in addition, he has been…
Professor of Mathematics Education
Kathryn Chval Kathryn B. Chval is the Associate Dean for Academic Affairs in the College of Education at the University of Missouri. In addition, she is an Associate Professor of…
Associate Dean for Academic Affairs
Douglas Clark Douglas Clark is an associate professor of science education at Vanderbilt University. Clark completed his doctoral and postdoctoral work at UC Berkeley and his master’s…
Associate Professor