Nancy Holincheck

Professional Title
Assistant Professor of STEM Education
About Me (Bio)
I am an Assistant Professor of STEM Education and the Academic Program Coordinator of the Advanced Studies in Teaching and Learning (ASTL) program at George Mason University. My research interests include STEM teaching and learning, teacher reflection & teacher inquiry, identity of STEM learners and teachers, gender in STEM and science, physics education, problem solving, science teaching and learning, and problem-based learning. My current funded projects include my DRK-12 EAGER project focused on elementary teacher and student learning of quantum concepts, an IUSE project examining the physics identity of undergraduate women, a Department of Education-funded grant focused on K-12 quantum, particularly secondary students and teachers, and an NSF-funded project to support postdoctoral scholars at George Mason focused on reducing barriers to quantum education. With all of my research, I aim to increase opportunities while addressing systemic inequities in STEM education to support students from historically marginalized groups in STEM.
Citations of DRK-12 or Related Work (DRK-12 work is denoted by *)

*Holincheck, N., Rosenberg, J. L., Zhang, X. L., *Butler, T. N., Colandene, M., Dreyfus, B. W.  (2024)). Quantum science and technologies in K-12: Supporting teachers to integrate quantum in STEM classrooms. Education Sciences, 14(3), Article 219.

*Zhang, X., Holincheck, N., Rosenberg, J. L., Dodman, S., Dreyfus, B., & Simons, J. (Accepted, 2024). Why teach quantum: Elementary teachers' initial beliefs about quantum. In Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Quantum Computing & Engineering (QCE24), Quantum Science and Engineering and Education Conference (QSEEC).

George Mason University (GMU)

This project will study learning associated with elementary teachers' engagement in professional learning and elementary students' learning related to quantum science, quantum thinking, and careers. The knowledge base required for elementary teachers and students to learn quantum will be identified in order to explore and compare how elementary students and teachers conceptualize and make sense of quantum science concepts.