DRK-12 Research and Products

Publication | In this paper, authors present the causal loop diagrams developed to explain the relationships between the actors and attributes involved in implementing EarSketch in a particular school setting. The diagram allows us to better make decisions…
Publication | This study investigates strategies teachers use to support mental imagery during model-based science class discussions.
Publication | Inclusive STEM high schools (ISHSs) (where STEM is science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) admit students on the basis of interest rather than competitive examination. This study examines the central assumption behind these schools—…
Publication | This guide delivers all the tools you need to get serious about mathematical argumentation and bring well-planned, well-constructed mathematical discourse to life in your classroom.
Publication | This article examine geometry teachers' perspectives regarding realistic contexts during a lesson study cycle. I ask the following. (a) What are the participants' perspectives regarding realistic contexts that elicit students' prior knowledge? (…
Publication | This article describes the development of four novel non-visual panning methods designed from the onset with consideration of these perceptual and cognitive constraints.
Tool | Third-grade students’ use model-based reasoning about geospheric components of the hydrologic cycle (i.e., groundwater) and how elementary teachers scaffold students’ model-based reasoning. Instructional resources developed through this project include…
Publication | This chapter focused on learning and teaching measurement.
Publication | In this study, we analyzed the participation of teachers and students during their co-construction of explanatory models for concepts in circuit electricity in two high school physics classes.
Publication | We report on an eight-year project in which we partnered with several large urban school districts in the U.S. that were attempting to support mathematics teachers’ development of ambitious, inquiry-oriented instructional practices.
Publication | This study explores the effects of geographic information systems (GIS) curriculum on fifth-grade students' spatial ability and map-analysis skills.
Publication | Submitting a proposal to NSF's DR K-12 Program? Read the latest solicitation.
Publication | In the current study, we advance this research by using EVT as a framework to examine the STEM attitudes of young students directly. We hypothesize that students’ academic-related expectancies for success and subjective task values will be…
Publication | A guide for preparation and submission of NSF applications via grants.gov. Effective January 30, 2017.
Publication | In this article, authors introduce the design of a science teaching video club and present a study of its implementation.
Publication | Helping Students Make Sense of the World Using Next Generation Science and Engineering Practices was developed for K–12 science teachers, curriculum developers, teacher educators, and administrators. These authors and many others contributed to…
Publication | This report presents key findings from a keyword survey administered in 2017 to the principle investigators of the CADRE Discovery Research PreK–12 (DRK–12) program during the fall of 2017. The survey asked respondents to select keywords that…
Publication | In this study, we conducted in-depth interviews with 106 students from sixth to twelfth grade and 34 middle and high school teachers about how they conceptualized math and science engagement and disengagement.
Publication | Does the promise of competency-based PD outweigh the challenges to implementing it? Do we really want competency-based PD or just more effective, sustained, job-embedded PD like instructional coaching, lesson study, and the like. Read this blog…
Publication | In the Model- Evidence Link (MEL) diagram activities, students engage with Earth science content knowledge and evaluate the connections between evidence and alternative explanations. We have developed a rubric for assessing the quality of…
Publication | This appendix of the California Science Framework focuses on Computer Science in Science.
Publication | This article considers a role for live coding that does not focus on live performance but rather on educational contexts.
Publication | In this study we seek to better understand some of the factors that might contribute to or potentially mitigate early STEM pipeline leaks, specifically, high school graduation and college entrance leaks.