American Chemical Society 2019 ACS National Meeting & Expo; Orlando, FL

Event Date
Sponsoring Organization

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DRK-12 Presenters:

  • Adam Schafer, Ellen Yezierski, and Victoria Borland, Miami University
Event Type

European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction 18th Biennial EARLI Conference; Aachen, Germany

Event Date

To learn more, visit:

DRK-12 Presenters:

  • Doug Lombardi, Timothy Klavon and Reed Kendall, Temple University; Margaret (Missy) Holzer, Chatham High School, NJ
Event Type

2019 International Conference on Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning; Lyon, France

Event Date

To learn more, visit

DRK-12 Presenters:

  • Camillia Matuk*, New York University
  • Nadav Ehrenfeld and Ilana Horn, Vanderbilt University

*Denotes CADRE Fellow or Fellows alumnus

Event Type

European Science Education Research Association 2019 ESERA Conference; Bologna, Italy

Event Date

To learn more, visit

DRK-12 Presenters:

  • Christa Haverly*, Michigan State University

*Denotes CADRE Fellow or Fellows alumnus

Event Type