What's New on CADREK12.org

Resource | Advancing Online and Blended Professional Development Through NSF's DRK-12 Program
The STEM education landscape continuously shifts in response to factors such as changing workforce demands; new knowledge about how children and adults learn; better strategies for broadening participation in under-served and underrepresented populations; and changes in local, state, and national policy. Empowering teachers with new knowledge and approaches to navigate this changing landscape…
Posted: Monday, April 30
Poster | Emerging Communities for Mathematical Practices and Assessment (EnCoMPASS): An Online Practice Space for Teacher Noticing and Wondering
Noticing important aspects of student work (e.g. Professional Noticing (van Es & Sherin, 2002)), interpreting and evaluating student thinking and providing high-quality feedback are seen as high leverage practices and are “likely to lead to large advances in student learning” (Ball, Sleep, Boerst, & Bass, 2009, p.461). However, improving the quality and efficiency of these noticing…
Posted: Monday, April 30
Poster | Emerging Communities for Mathematical Practices and Assessment (EnCoMPASS): An Online Practice Space for Teacher Noticing and Wondering
Noticing important aspects of student work (e.g. Professional Noticing (van Es & Sherin, 2002)), interpreting and evaluating student thinking and providing high-quality feedback are seen as high leverage practices and are “likely to lead to large advances in student learning” (Ball, Sleep, Boerst, & Bass, 2009, p.461). However, improving the quality and efficiency of these noticing…
Posted: Monday, April 30
Poster | Changes to Mathematical Understanding as Influenced by Learning in a Collaborative Dynamic Geometry Setting
Web 2.0 environments provide infrastructure for synchronous access to communication and shared dynamic mathematical tools. These tools enable mathematicians (Alagie & Alagie, 2013) and mathematics learners (Alqahtani & Powell, in press; Powell, 2014; Stahl, 2015) alike to collaborate online to discuss mathematical ideas and solve mathematics problems. However, scant literature in…
Posted: Monday, April 30
Poster | Changes to Mathematical Understanding as Influenced by Learning in a Collaborative Dynamic Geometry Setting
Web 2.0 environments provide infrastructure for synchronous access to communication and shared dynamic mathematical tools. These tools enable mathematicians (Alagie & Alagie, 2013) and mathematics learners (Alqahtani & Powell, in press; Powell, 2014; Stahl, 2015) alike to collaborate online to discuss mathematical ideas and solve mathematics problems. However, scant literature in…
Posted: Monday, April 30
Poster | Vulnerability in Action: Noticing and Wondering in Building a Professional Learning Communities
Objectives: This study examined an online and blended professional learning community (PLC) of mathematics teachers and the role of sociocultural practices in its constitution and sustainability. The last decade has been marked by efforts to institutionalize PLCs in teacher education. However, a gap exists in the literature on how PLCs are constructed and sustained, especially for PLCs that are…
Posted: Monday, April 30
Poster | Proportions Playground: Using Interactivity to Support Mathematical Reasoning
Objective & Theoretical Framework: The Proportions Playground project is concerned with how dynamic mathematical environments promote teachers’ mathematical reasoning. Specifically, this is an exploratory project aimed at understanding how to promote reasoning about proportional situations and the role dynamic environments have in that effort. We work from a knowledge in pieces perspective (…
Posted: Monday, April 30
Poster | Enhancing Teaching and Learning with Social Media: Supporting Teacher Professional Learning and Student Scientific Argumentation
Purpose: This exploratory grant was a design study to develop professional learning activities (e.g. face-to-face, online) to help teachers use available and emerging social media to teach scientific argumentation. A research team of freshman and sophomore (grades 9-10) Life Science teachers collaborating as co-researchers with project staff investigated how particular social media (e.g. Twitter…
Posted: Monday, April 30
Poster | Designing Practice-Based Learning Labs for K-2 Teachers: Initial Lessons Learned
Objectives: It is well established that professional development (PD) is effective when learning opportunities are 1) closely connected to teachers’ classroom practice, supporting new practices in context, and 2) collaborative, enabling teachers to experiment with and reflect on new practices together (Authors, 2013a; Ball & Cohen, 1999; Cochran-Smith & Lytle, 1999; Darling-Hammond &…
Posted: Monday, April 30
Poster | Visual Access to Mathematics: A Blended Professional Development Course for Teachers of English Learners
Significance, Objectives, and Theoretical Framework: The ever-increasing population of English Learner students (ELs) urgently needs opportunities to learn mathematical content in ways that emphasize mathematical communication and reasoning. Unfortunately, teachers are not consistently trained in how to support ELs to meet content standards (Bunch, 2013; Wei, Darling-Hammond, & Adamson, 2010…
Posted: Sunday, April 29
Poster | Supporting Urban Science Teachers in Making Instructional Decisions to Facilitate Project-Based Learning for All Students
Objective: The Next Generation Science Standards affirm an important vision for science education: Science for all students (AAAS, 1994; NRC, 2012b). In this vision, teachers engage students in three-dimensional (3D) learning by braiding scientific content with scientific and engineering practices and crosscutting concepts while fostering inclusive science classrooms. This approach aims to…
Posted: Sunday, April 29
Poster | Online Video-Based Lesson Analysis Professional Development to Support High School Science Teaching About Energy (EMAT)
Objectives: We designed and studied an online, video-based, lesson analysis professional development (PD) course focused on energy concepts. The first goal of the project was to enhance teacher knowledge and practice related to energy concepts to ultimately improve student learning. The second goal was to study the promise of efficacy of the various components of the course in enhancing teacher…
Posted: Sunday, April 29
Poster | Understanding Teacher Learning in a Virtual Learning Community: A Mixed-Methods Approach
Do teachers learn from classroom video clips on an online professional development site beyond what they indicate in the posted commentary? By comparing quantitative web usage data plus coded online video comments to qualitative interview data from 41 users of the Everyday Mathematics Virtual Learning Community (VLC), we hope to understand what, and to what extent, individual users learn from…
Posted: Sunday, April 29
Poster | Situating Professional Development in the Context of Live Instruction: Teachers’ Learning Through Legitimate Peripheral Participation
Objectives & Perspectives: This project addresses a fundamental challenge for professional development––how to support teachers to improve their practice. Decades of research have demonstrated that many common approaches to professional development do not adequately support improvements in teachers’ capabilities (e.g., Cohen & Hill, 2001; Garet et. al, 2001; Tyler, 1971). In response,…
Posted: Sunday, April 29
Survey | Fellows Contact Information for PI Meeting
Please complete the form below with the information you want CADRE to use for the DRK-12 PI Meeting participant list.
Posted: Monday, April 23
Resource | National Survey on Supporting Struggling Mathematics Learners in the Middle Grades: Executive Summary
This executive summary captures the results of the National Survey on Supporting Struggling Mathematics Learners in the Middle Grades, a study designed and conducted by EDC. The survey was conducted as part of the Strengthening Mathematics Intervention project, which was funded by the National Science Foundation. This executive summary describes the key results from schools across the United…
Posted: Friday, April 20
Resource | Classroom Learning Partner Tools Documentation
Classroom Learning Partner (CLP) tools allow students and teachers to create, annotate, and manipulate visual representations to solve math problems. The tools may be used for a number of mathematical purposes, but were mainly conceived to assist in creating visual representations for multiplication and division. The underlying model of multiplication and division assumed by the current set of…
Posted: Thursday, April 19
Resource | Classroom Learning Partner Tools Documentation
Classroom Learning Partner (CLP) tools allow students and teachers to create, annotate, and manipulate visual representations to solve math problems. The tools may be used for a number of mathematical purposes, but were mainly conceived to assist in creating visual representations for multiplication and division. The underlying model of multiplication and division assumed by the current set of…
Posted: Thursday, April 19
Announcement | Register for the NSF CAREER Program Webinar
The NSF CAREER Coordinating Committee will host a webinar to answer participants' questions about development and submission of proposals to the NSF Faculty Early Career Development Program (CAREER). The webinar will give participants the opportunity to interact with members of the NSF-wide CAREER Coordinating Committee in a question-and-answer format. Date: May 15, 2018Time: 1:00pm EST Learn…
Posted: Thursday, April 19
Event | NSF CAREER Program Webinar
The NSF CAREER Coordinating Committee hosts a webinar to answer participants' questions about development and submission of proposals to the NSF Faculty Early Career Development Program (CAREER). The webinar will give participants the opportunity to interact with members of the NSF-wide CAREER Coordinating Committee in a question-and-answer format. Learn more and register for the webinar at https…
Posted: Thursday, April 19
Newsletter | April 2018 Newsletter
Dear Colleagues, It has been a busy spring for CADRE and the DRK-12 community who have been working hard on dissemination and outreach efforts. Representatives from DRK-12 projects have been spreading the word about their research to other researchers and practitioners (including through the CADRE-organized AERA and NSTA sessions).   Awardees are finding ways disseminate to their research to…
Posted: Thursday, April 19
Announcement | New NSF Research.gov Proposal Preparation and Submission Site
Beginning April 30, proposers can choose to use Research.gov or the existing FastLane system to upload proposals. Note, however, that any proposal submitted through Research.gov will not be available in FastLane (and vice versa). Eventually, NSF's goal is to move proposal preparation and submission fully over to Research.gov. Learn More
Posted: Wednesday, April 18
Project Spotlight | Visual Representations in Mathematics
Visual representations (VRs) are used in mathematics to help students solve problems or understand abstract ideas. Graphing data, placing numbers in a line, or drawing out a word problem are all examples of using VRs. Several NSF-funded projects within the DRK–12 portfolio are using VRs to enhance mathematical understanding. In this Spotlight, CADRE asks five mathematics education projects to…
Posted: Monday, April 16
Announcement | Register for the CADRE Legislative Visits Webinar
CADRE is hosting a webinar on conducting legislative visits. The purpose of this webinar is to help NSF awardees prepare for effective informational meetings with congressional staff and craft appropriate messages for conversations with them about preK-12 STEM education. Date/Time: May 2, 2018 | 1:00pm ETPanelists: Neil Canfield, Legislative Affairs Specialist, Office of Legislative &…
Posted: Monday, April 09
Event | CADRE Legislative Visits Webinar
On May 2nd, CADRE hosted a webinar on conducting legislative visits. The purpose of this webinar was to help NSF awardees prepare for effective informational meetings with congressional staff and craft appropriate messages for conversations with them about preK-12 STEM education. Panelists: Neil Canfield, Legislative Affairs Specialist, Office of Legislative & Public Affairs, NSF; Augustus…
Posted: Monday, April 09
Announcement | NSF Job Opportunity
NSF is seeking temporary Program Directors with expertise in education research in the broad area of science teaching and learning. Learn more: https://www.usajobs.gov/GetJob/ViewDetails/494808400
Posted: Thursday, April 05
Newsletter | March 2018 Newsletter
Dear Colleagues,   Now that the 2018 US budget has just passed with increased research spending, we can focus on NSF's 2019 Budget Request to Congress. As you look at a breakdown of the EHR funding request, note that the requested funding level for DRK-12 remains level at 82.21 (dollars in millions). (Also note that ECR's budget is separated in several budget lines across divisions.) We look…
Posted: Wednesday, March 28