What's New on CADREK12.org

Survey | Registration: Informational Webinar on DRK-12 Solicitation (20-572)
NSF program directors Rob Ochsendorf and Mike Steele presented on the revised DRK-12 Solicitation (20-572), giving an overview of the revisions and sharing important information and key takeaways from the solicitation.  RECORDING | SLIDES | NSF PROPOSAL TOOLKIT
Posted: Tuesday, May 12
Early Career News | NSF CAREER Program Webinar
The NSF CAREER Program Webinar will take place Wednesday, May 13, 2020, starting at 2:00pm ET. This webinar will provide information on the NSF Faculty Early Career Development program (CAREER) solicitation NSF 20-525. It will include a briefing on the CAREER program and key solicitation requirements followed by a question and answer session. Participants are encouraged to submit questions before…
Posted: Monday, May 11
Announcement | Recent Virtual DRK-12 Sessions: Recordings and Slides
View recording, slides and resources from the five webinars hosted by CADRE this spring:  Adapting Your DRK-12 Research Amid the COVID-19 Pandemic | May 19, 2020 | 2:00-3:00 PM ETBeth Herbel-Eisenmann, Rob Ochsendorf, Laura O'Dwyer, and Alan Stockdale led an online discussion about the implications of COVID-19 on DRK-12 research, including approaches to adapting current projects and designing new…
Posted: Friday, May 08
Resource | Visual Access to Mathematics Resources
In response to the COVID-19 pandemic school closures, the VAM project compiled example strategies, tasks, and apps for supporting students who are English learners (ELs) in mathematics, with information about how to adapt these examples to remote learning. Online workshops related to the resources and strategies were also offered for educators. 
Posted: Wednesday, May 06
Event | Adapting Your DRK-12 Research Amid the COVID-19 Pandemic
VIEW RESOURCES Panelists:  Beth Herbel-Eisenmann | Program Director, National Science Foundation; Professor, Department of Teacher Education, Michigan State University  Rob Ochsendorf | Program Director and DRK-12 Program Lead, National Science Foundation Laura O’Dwyer | Professor, Department of Measurement, Evaluation, Statistics, and Assessment, Lynch School of Education Boston College Alan…
Posted: Wednesday, May 06
Event | Analyzing Teacher Learning in a Community of Practice Centered on Video Cases of Mathematics Teaching
In this webinar, presenters Joseph DiNapoli, Eileen Murray, Doug O'Roark, and John Russell, shared the evolution of an analytic method that aims to reveal how secondary mathematics teachers build knowledge while collectively analyzing and discussing video of mathematics teaching, and engaged webinar participants with that analytic method to gather feedback on the approach developed through the…
Posted: Wednesday, May 06
Event | Analyzing Teacher Learning in a Community of Practice Centered on Video Cases of Mathematics Teaching
In this webinar, presenters Joseph DiNapoli, Eileen Murray, Doug O'Roark, and John Russell, shared the evolution of an analytic method that aims to reveal how secondary mathematics teachers build knowledge while collectively analyzing and discussing video of mathematics teaching, and engaged webinar participants with that analytic method to gather feedback on the approach developed through the…
Posted: Wednesday, May 06
Event | Analyzing Teacher Learning in a Community of Practice Centered on Video Cases of Mathematics Teaching
In this webinar, presenters Joseph DiNapoli, Eileen Murray, Doug O'Roark, and John Russell, shared the evolution of an analytic method that aims to reveal how secondary mathematics teachers build knowledge while collectively analyzing and discussing video of mathematics teaching, and engaged webinar participants with that analytic method to gather feedback on the approach developed through the…
Posted: Wednesday, May 06
Survey | Registration: Adapting Your DRK-12 Research Amid the COVID-19 Pandemic
May 19, 2020 | 2-3 PM ET Panelists:  Beth Herbel-Eisenmann | Program Director, National Science Foundation; Professor, Department of Teacher Education, Michigan State University Rob Ochsendorf | Program Director and DRK-12 Program Lead, National Science Foundation Laura O’Dwyer | Professor, Department of Measurement, Evaluation, Statistics, and Assessment, Lynch School of Education Boston College…
Posted: Tuesday, May 05
Event | NSF CAREER Program Webinar
This webinar will provide information on the NSF Faculty Early Career Development program (CAREER) solicitation NSF 20-525 on Wednesday, May 13, 2020, starting at 2:00 pm Eastern Daylight Time. The webinar will include a briefing on the CAREER program and key solicitation requirements followed by a question and answer session. Participants are encouraged to submit questions before the webinar…
Posted: Tuesday, May 05
Survey | Registration: Analyzing Teacher Learning in a Community of Practice Centered on Video Cases of Mathematics Teaching
Panelists: Joseph DiNapoli | Assistant Professor of Mathematics Education, Montclair State University Eileen Murray | Associate Professor of Mathematics Education, Montclair State University Doug O'Roark | Executive Director of Math Circles of Chicago; AIM-TRU Project Director of DePaul University's STEM Center John Russell | Senior Education Researcher, Math For America The goals of the…
Posted: Tuesday, May 05
Early Career News | Giving Birth to Inferential Reasoning
Ryan "Seth" Jones (CAREER Awardee) published this article in Mathematics Teacher: Learning and Teaching PK–12 with co-authors Zhigang Jia and Joel Bezair.
Posted: Thursday, April 30
Early Career News | Spring 2020 Job Openings
Several universities and organizations are hiring for postdoc, junior faculty, and non-academic positions in STEM education, including: Boston College; BSCS Science Learning; Edfinity; Northern Illinois University; University of California, Irvine; University of Texas at Austin; Utah State University; University of Washington; and University of Wisconsin-Madison.
Posted: Thursday, April 30
Event | American Evaluation Association 2021 AEA Annual Conference - VIRTUAL
To learn more, visit https://www.evaluationconference.org/.
Posted: Wednesday, April 29
Event | American Evaluation Association 2020 AEA Annual Conference; Portland, OR - VIRTUAL
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, this conference will be held virtually. To learn more, visit https://www.eval.org/p/cm/ld/fid=829.
Posted: Wednesday, April 29
Event | Society for Research on Educational Effectivenes SREE 2021 Conference; Arlington, VA
To learn more, visit https://www.sree.org/conferences.
Posted: Wednesday, April 29
Event | 2021 ASCD Leadership Summit - VIRTUAL
To learn more, visit https://events.ascd.org/leadership-summit.
Posted: Wednesday, April 29
Event | Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development 2021 ASCD Conference on Teaching Excellence; Nashville, TN - VIRTUAL
To learn more, visit http://www.ascd.org/conferences/past-and-future-conferences.aspx.
Posted: Wednesday, April 29
Posted: Wednesday, April 29
Event | American Association of School Administrators 2021 AASA National Conference on Education; New Orleans, LA - VIRTUAL
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, this conference will be held virtually. To learn more, visit https://nce.aasa.org/.
Posted: Wednesday, April 29
Event | American Educational Research Association 2021 AERA Annual Meeting; Orlando, FL - VIRTUAL
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, this conference will be held virtually. To learn more, visit https://www.aera.net/Events-Meetings/Annual-Meeting. DRK-12 Presenters: Craig De Voto and Ben Superfine, University of Illinois at Chicago Kathryn Hayes and Caron Inouye, California State University, East Bay; Christine Lee Bae, Virginia Commonwealth University; Brit Toven-Lindsey, California State…
Posted: Wednesday, April 29
Event | American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education AACTE 73rd Annual Meeting; Seattle, WA - VIRTUAL
To learn more, https://aacte.org/professional-development-events/annual-meeting/.
Posted: Wednesday, April 29
Posted: Wednesday, April 29
Posted: Wednesday, April 29
Event | International Technology and Engineering Educators Association ITEEA 83rd Annual Conference; Denver, CO - VIRTUAL
To learn more, visit https://www.iteea.org/Activities/Conference/ITEEA2021.aspx#tabs.
Posted: Wednesday, April 29
Event | International Society for Technology in Education 2021 ISTE Conference & Expo; San Antonio, TX - VIRTUAL
To learn more, visit https://conference.iste.org/2019/about/glance.php.
Posted: Wednesday, April 29
Event | Consortium of School Networking 2021 CoSN Annual Conference; Austin, TX - VIRTUAL
To learn more, visit https://cosnconference.org/.
Posted: Wednesday, April 29
Event | Frontiers in Education 2021 FIE Conference; Lincoln, NE
To learn more, visit https://www.fie2021.org/. DRK-12 Presenters: Nick Lux, Montana State University
Posted: Wednesday, April 29
Event | Conceive Design Implement Operate Initiative 17th CDIO International Conference; Bangkok, Thailand
To learn more, visit http://www.cdio2020.chula.ac.th/index.html.
Posted: Wednesday, April 29
Event | American Society for Engineering Education 2021 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition; Long Beach, CA
To learn more, visit https://www.asee.org/conferences-and-events/conferences/future-conferen…. DRK-12 Presenters: Emily Dare, Florida International University; Benny Hiwatig and Khomson Keratithamkul, University of Minnesota; Joshua Ellis, Florida International University; Gillian Roehrig, University of Minnesota; Elizabeth Ring-Whalen, St. Catherine University; Mark Rouleau, Michigan…
Posted: Wednesday, April 29