What's New on CADREK12.org

Announcement | CADRE Winter Newsletter is Here!
Focusing on the dissemination of DR K-12 work, this newsletter features a new spotlight on Formative Assessment, dissemination tips and resources, CADRE Fellows highlights, and more! Read the full newsletter
Posted: Wednesday, February 27
Newsletter | Winter 2013 Newsletter
Dear Colleagues, CADRE's work this year is largely focused on dissemination, and we are pleased to send you this quarterly CADRE newsletter that highlights efforts and resources related to that focus. We will disseminate information about your projects, both within the DR K-12 community and beyond; increase dissemination of CADRE resources, customizing, if necessary, for specific audiences; and…
Posted: Tuesday, February 26
Posted: Monday, February 18
Resource | SmartGraphs Authoring Tool
A demonstration of the SmartGraphs software, and features of the authoring system, is available here: Authoring Demo. Concord is also making the authoring system available to any NSF-funded project that wants to incorporate Web-based SmartGraphs activities into its work. Activities run directly in a browser, so there is nothing to download or install. See http://smartgraphs.org for details about…
Posted: Thursday, February 14
Announcement | SmartGraphs Contest!
About: SmartGraphs is free, open source software that helps students understand graphs and concepts represented in graphs (e.g., slope, velocity, half-life, global warming). Contest Info: The Concord Consortium is running a contest for teachers, educators, researchers and developers to create new SmartGraphs activities and compete to win one of several prizes. Activities can be submitted as…
Posted: Thursday, February 14
Event | Southern African Association for Research in Mathematics, Science and Technology Education; Cape Town, South Africa
DR K-12 Presenters: Malcolm Butler, University of Central Florida and John Settlage, University of Connecticut (Project: School Structure and Science Success: Organization and Leadership Influences On Student Achievement (Collaborative Research: Butler))
Posted: Monday, February 04
Resource | Front-Page Science: Engaging Teens in Science Literacy
“The U.S. Preventative Services Task Force issued new guidelines for mammograms in 2009. What does this mean for someone with a family history of breast cancer? Congress periodically votes on a piece of legislation called the Farm Bill. What does its current iteration mean for the safety of supermarket eggs? Understanding how the latest science affects real people—patients, consumers, voters, and…
Posted: Friday, February 01
Announcement | PARCC Updates
PARCC is seeking comment from the public on two draft policies related to its next generation assessment system: PARCC (The Partnership for Assessment of Readiness for College and Careers) has released for public comment draft policies regarding the provision of reading access accommodations and calculator accommodations on non-calculator test sessions for the PARCC tests currently under…
Posted: Wednesday, January 30
Posted: Wednesday, January 23
Posted: Wednesday, January 23
Posted: Wednesday, January 23
Posted: Wednesday, January 16
Posted: Wednesday, January 16
Event | Critical Issues in Mathematics Education 2013: Assessment of Mathematical Proficiencies in the Age of the Common Core
For more information on this workshop, visit: http://www.msri.org/web/msri/education/show/-/event/Wm9625
Posted: Tuesday, January 15
Announcement | NGSS Final Public Draft to be Released
NGSS Second and Final Public Draft to be Released Tuesday, January 8 Mark your calendars. The second (and final) public draft of the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) will be released on Tuesday, January 8, at 3 p.m. Eastern. As with previous drafts, Achieve and NSTA encourage teachers to review the draft and provide feedback online to Achieve during the comment period, which ends January …
Posted: Thursday, January 03
Announcement | Updated Toolkit!
The social media and technologies toolkit has been updated. Tips on social media statistical tools, free video/screenshare options, and more! Go to: http://cadrek12.org/resources/tools/social-media-and-technologies-toolkit
Posted: Thursday, December 27
Event | 2013 Conference for the Research Council on Mathematics Learning
For more information, visit: http://web.unlv.edu/RCML/conference2013 DR K-12 Presenter: Zhonghong Jiang, Texas State University, San Marcos (Project: Dynamic Geometry in Classrooms)
Posted: Tuesday, December 18
Event | The 17th Asian Technology Conference in Mathematics (ATCM 2012)
For more information, visit: http://atcm.mathandtech.org/ DR K-12 Presenter: Zhonghong Jiang, Texas State University, San Marcos (Project: Dynamic Geometry in Classrooms)
Posted: Tuesday, December 18
Resource | An Efficacy Study on the Use of Dynamic Geometry Software
Jiang, Z. & White, A. (2012). An efficacy study on the use of dynamic geometry software. In the Proceedings of the 12th International Congress on Mathematical Education.
Posted: Tuesday, December 18
Resource | Multiple Proof Approaches and Mathematical Connections
Jiang, Z. & O’Brien, G. (2012). Multiple Proof Approaches and Mathematical Connections. Mathematics Teacher, 105 (8), pp. 586–5
Posted: Tuesday, December 18
Event | Mathematics Education and Society 7th International Conference
For more information visit: http://cmc-math.org/activities/main.html DR K-12 Presenter: Haiwen Chu, CUNY Graduate Center (Project: CAREER: Teacher Learning Communities: Centering the Teaching of Mathematics on Urban Youth)
Posted: Friday, December 14
Event | CA Mathematics Council North Conference
For more information visit: http://cmc-math.org/activities/main.html DR K-12 Presenter: Bill Finzer, KCP Technologies (Project: Data Games: Tools and Materials for Learning Data Modeling (Collaborative Research: Finzer))  
Posted: Friday, December 14
Event | 35th Annual Conference of the Teacher Education Division (TED) of the Council for Exceptional Children (CEC); Grand Rapids, MI; Nov 9, 2012
For more information visit: http://www.tedcec.org/conference/upcoming-conferences DR K-12 Presenters: Anna McTigue and Babette Moeller, Education Development Center, Inc. (Project: Supporting Staff Developers in the Implementation of Professional Development Programs to Improve Mathematics Education for Students with Disabilities)
Posted: Friday, December 14
Event | 2013 Council for Exceptional Children Convention & Expo
For more information visit: http://www.cec.sped.org/Content/NavigationMenu/ProfessionalDevelopment/ConventionExpo/default.htm DR K-12 Presenter: Marvin  Cohen, Bank Street College of Education (Project: Supporting Staff Developers in the Implementation of Professional Development Programs to Improve Mathematics Education for Students with Disabilities)
Posted: Friday, December 14
Event | 2012 University Council of Educational Administration Convention; Denver, CO; Nov 15 - 18, 2012
Learn more at: http://www.ucea.org/annual-meeting-and-exhibits12/ DR K-12 Presenter: Glenn Phillips, Texas A&M University and Katherine McKenzie, California State University, Stanislaus (Project: Preservice Teachers Knowledge for Teaching Algebra for Equity in the Middle Grades)
Posted: Thursday, December 13
Event | 2012 European Games Based Learning Conference
Learn more at: http://academic-conferences.org/ecgbl/ecgbl2012/ecgbl12-home.htm DR K-12 Presenter: Uma Natarajan and Mandy Kirchgessner, Temple University; Diane Ketelhut, University of Maryland (Project: SAVE Science: Situated Assessment using Virtual Environments for Science Content and Inquiry)
Posted: Thursday, December 13