
Strategies for Fostering Authentic Community Partnerships in STEM Education Research

Report cover showing a group of adults collaborating around a table.What are the opportunities and challenges for establishing community partnerships among K–12 STEM education researchers and Black and Brown communities?


Ceily Moore, Tyrisse Silmone, Davon L. Breedlove, Terrell R. Morton

Short Description

What are the opportunities and challenges for establishing community partnerships among K–12 STEM education researchers and Black and Brown communities? CADRE partners interviewed five community partners from diverse backgrounds in STEM education to understand how STEM education researchers can better engage with communities and share their insights in this brief.

Recruiting & Retaining Participants for Your Education Research



Short Description

CADRE interviewed researchers to learn about their most effective strategies for recruiting and retaining participants for STEM education research. While there are no shortcuts to successful recruitment, a sustained commitment to understanding and addressing the needs of a district and its teachers is key to long-term success. In this new brief, CADRE share practices that have proven successful for experienced researchers. 

Guide for Developing Partnerships

CADRE has compiled tips from DRK-12 awardees on building partnerships, acknowledging context and history, nurturing relationships and the work, and adapting to change.



Short Description

CADRE has compiled tips from DRK-12 awardees on building partnerships, acknowledging context and history, nurturing relationships and the work, and adapting to change.

Partnership Building as a Broadening-Participation Strategy: Helping Researchers and Developers Bridge the Gaps in STEM Education

This brief examines the continued underrepresentation of African Americans, Latinos, Native Americans, and women of all racial and ethnic backgrounds in STEM fields; explains the benefits of collaboration around broadening participation; and offers guidance on building partnerships as a strategy for bridging the gaps in STEM education.



Short Description

This brief examines the continued underrepresentation of African Americans, Latinos, Native Americans, and women of all racial and ethnic backgrounds in STEM fields; explains the benefits of collaboration around broadening participation; and offers guidance on building partnerships as a strategy for bridging the gaps in STEM education.

NSF Proposal Toolkit

Learn more about NSF’s funding opportunities in education and explore resources to help you in the proposal preparation, submission, and review process.


Part 1: NSF DRK-12 Program & Solicitation | Other NSF EHR Funding Opportunities



Short Description

Planning to submit an NSF proposal this year? This toolkit is a compilation of helpful resources.

Fostering Knowledge Use in STEM Education: A Brief on R&D Partnerships with Districts and Schools

Produced by a CADRE work group of NSF-supported researchers and developers, this practice brief makes a case for substantive partnerships between STEM education R&D projects and districts and schools.  Despite leading a wide variety of pro


Barnes, David

Benenson, Gary

Heuer, Loretta

Hobbs, Mary

King, Karen

Kinzer, Cathy

Recker, Mimi

Riley, Derek

Schifter, Catherine

Turnbull, Brenda

Wiburg, Karin

Short Description

This practice brief makes a case for substantive partnerships between STEM education R&D projects and districts and schools.

Education R&D Partnership Tool

Education research and development (R&D) partnerships have the potential to develop knowledge and resources that contribute to improved student learning. Often districts and schools are asked to participate in R&D projects, and yet, there is little guidance in the field of education R&D regarding strategies to make project partnerships effective and mutually beneficial.


Derek Riley

Short Description

Organized around six themes for establishing and nurturing successful partnerships, the Education R&D Partnership Tool includes a Work Sheet that prompts reflection and discussion on prominent issues, as well as a parallel Reference Sheet with practical considerations. It includes tips for starting and sustaining a partnership dialogue and an appendix that elaborates on the six themes.

Partnering with Users to Develop STEM Education Materials: Insights from Discovery Research K-12 Projects

This brief suggests practical ways of engaging teachers and other “end-users” in projects that develop materials for education in the areas of science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM). Projects described in this brief have benefited from school, district, and state users serving as Co-PIs, advisory board members, co-developers, implementation managers, data collectors, professional developers, and project emissaries to the broader field.


Derek Riley

Short Description

This brief suggests practical ways of engaging teachers and other “end-users” in projects that develop materials for education in the areas of science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM). Projects described in this brief have benefited from school, district, and state users serving as Co-PIs, advisory board members, co-developers, implementation managers, data collectors, professional developers, and project emissaries to the broader field. The brief describes how K-12 end-users and decision-makers are instrumental for developing materials that will be adopted, implemented with essential fidelity, sustained at classroom and organizational levels, and scaled within and to new organizations.