
Preparing new science teachers for high-need schools

In 2012, the American Museum of Natural History (AMNH) in New York City launched the Master of Arts in Teaching (MAT) Urban Residency Program. The AMNH recruits Earth science majors from across the United States who are motivated to teach in high-need schools in New York State. Developing a teacher preparation program from scratch is a tall order, and the museum is learning a tremendous amount from its pilot effort.

Kinzler, R. & Macdonald, M. (2014, January-February). Preparing new science teachers for high-need schools. Dimensions Magazine, 27.


Rosamond Kinzler

Maritza Macdonald

Short Description

In 2012, the American Museum of Natural History (AMNH) in New York City launched the Master of Arts in Teaching (MAT) Urban Residency Program. Developing a teacher preparation program from scratch is a tall order, and the museum is learning a tremendous amount from its pilot effort.

A balancing act in third space: Graduate-level earth science in an urban teacher-residency program

This article describes a museum-based urban teacher-residency (UTR) program's approach to building subject-specific content knowledge and research experience in Earth Science teacher candidates. In the museum-based program, graduate-level science courses and research experiences are designed and implemented specifically for the UTR by active Earth and Space research scientists that account for almost half of the program's faculty.


N. Alex Zirakparvar

Short Description

This article describes a museum-based urban teacher-residency (UTR) program's approach to building subject-specific content knowledge and research experience in Earth Science teacher candidates.

Informal science institutions and learning to teach: An examination of identity, agency, and affordances

Informal science education institutions play an important in the public understanding of science and, because of this are well-positioned to positively impact science teacher education. Informal science institutions (ISIs) have a range of affordances that could contribute to learner-centered science teacher identity development. This article describes research from a clinical experience in a museum where teacher candidates engaged visitors in learning dialogs around objects on a moveable cart in an exhibit.


Jennifer D. Adams

Preeti Gupta

Short Description

This article describes research from a clinical experience in a museum where teacher candidates engaged visitors in learning dialogs around objects on a moveable cart in an exhibit. We describe how working in informal settings and learning to use the affordances of that setting supports aspiring teachers to connect theory to practice in ways that developed Spielraum in that is student-centered, responsive to the needs of learners, and allows for the imagination future selves and classrooms that are conducive to maintaining these identities.

Breaking Dichotomies: Learning to Be a Teacher of Science in Formal and Informal Settings

This chapter examines the affordances of museum resources in informal settings and how they shape science teacher identity. More specifically, this chapter discusses how residents learning how to teach in school settings leverage experiences of learning to teach in museum settings. 

Gupta, P., Trowbridge, C., & Macdonald, M. (2016). Breaking dichotomies: Learning to be a teacher of science in formal and informal settings. In L. Avraamidou & W. M. Roth (Eds.), Intersections of formal and informal science (pp. 178-188).New York, NY: Routledge.


Lucy Avraamidou

Wolff-Michael Roth

Short Description

This chapter examines the affordances of museum resources in informal settings and how they shape science teacher identity.

Examining the Impact of Lesson-Analysis Based Teacher Education and Professional Development across Methods Courses, Student Teaching, and Induction


Christopher Wilson

Molly Stuhlsatz

Connie Hvidsten

Betty Stennett

Lead Organization(s)
Short Description

Presentation on ViSTA at the 2017 NARST conference in San Antonio, Texas. The ViSTA Plus project is a multi-year preservice teacher education program for elementary teachers that spans the methods course, student teaching, and the first year of teaching.


A Student Asks About (-5)!

A first-year algebra student’s curiosity about factorials of negative numbers became a starting point for an extended discovery lesson into territory not usually explored in secondary school mathematics.

E. Paul Goldenberg

Cynthia J. Carter

Short Description

A first-year algebra student’s curiosity about factorials of negative numbers became a starting point for an extended discovery lesson into territory not usually explored in secondary school mathematics.

What is “repeated reasoning" in MP8?

To make sense of the Common Core State Standards mathematical practice (MP) 8, this article illustrates what “repeated reasoning” means, why looking for and expressing regularity in it is such a valuable mathematical habit of mind, and how that differs from analyzing structure (MP 7) and from finding patterns in numerical results. 


E. Paul Goldenberg

Cynthia J. Carter

June Mark

Johannah Nikula

Deborah B. Spencer

Short Description

To make sense of the Common Core State Standards mathematical practice (MP) 8, this article illustrates what “repeated reasoning” means, why looking for and expressing regularity in it is such a valuable mathematical habit of mind, and how that differs from analyzing structure (MP 7) and from finding patterns in numerical results.


Emerging Design Principles for Online and Blended Teacher Professional Development in K-12 STEM Education

2017 CADRE Fellows

Between February and September 2017, awardees representing 11 projects participated in a series of activities designed to elicit and form consensus around emerging design principles for online and blended teacher PD programs in K–12 STEM education. The resulting principles are organized and presented around three themes: 



Short Description

Following the launch of Spotlight on Online & Blended Professional Development (PD), CADRE convened awardees representing 11 DRK-12 projects in a series of activities designed to elicit and form consensus around emerging design principles for online and blended teacher PD programs. The resulting principles are presented in a new report.


Mathematical Argumentation in Middle School—The What, Why, and How

Get them talking: Your formula for bringing math concepts to life!


Jennifer Knudsen

Harriette Stevens

Teresa Lara-Meloy

Hee-Joon Kim

Nicole Shechtman

Lead Organization(s)
Short Description

This guide delivers all the tools you need to get serious about mathematical argumentation and bring well-planned, well-constructed mathematical discourse to life in your classroom.

A synthesis of mathematics writing: Assessments, interventions, and surveys

Mathematics standards in the United States describe communication as an essential part of mathematics. One outlet for communication is writing. To understand the mathematics writing of students, we conducted a synthesis to evaluate empirical research about mathematics writing. We identified 29 studies that included a mathematics-writing assessment, intervention, or survey for students in 1st through 12th grade. All studies were published between 1991 and 2015.


Sarah Powell

Michael Hebert

Jeremy Cohen

Tutita Casa

Janine Firmender

Short Description

To understand the mathematics writing of students, we conducted a synthesis to evaluate empirical research about mathematics writing. We identified 29 studies that included a mathematics-writing assessment, intervention, or survey for students in 1st through 12th grade. All studies were published between 1991 and 2015.