
Articulating the Components of Inclusive STEM High Schools

A PPT presentation on Articulating the Components of Inclusive STEM High Schools. Presented at STEMx Conference.


Melanie LaForce

Liz Bancroft

Short Description

A PPT presentation on Articulating the Components of Inclusive STEM High Schools. Presented at STEMx Conference.

Publications for STEM Educators, Policymakers, and Researchers

This list contains STEM education-related publications that may be of interest to DRK-12 grantees for the purposes of (1) disseminating knowledge and products and (2) developing partnerships with stakeholders and end-users. These publications were chosen because they provide researchers and developers with an opportunity to present their work to individuals that could use, promote, or improve the work.



Short Description

STEM education-related publications that may be of interest to DR K-12 grantees.


Conferences for STEM Educators, Policymakers, and Researchers

This file contains a listing of STEM education-related conferences that may be of interest to DRK-12 grantees, such as for the purposes of (1) disseminating knowledge and products and (2) developing partnerships with stakeholders and end-users. These conferences were chosen because they provide researchers and developers with an opportunity to present their work to individuals that could use, promote, or improve the work. We include conferences that target practitioners and policymakers, as well as research and academic communities.



Short Description

This list includes STEM education-related conferences that may be of interest to DRK-12 grantees.


Encouraging Students to Think Critically About Earth's Systems and Sustainability

This article describes how the NSF funded High-Adventure Science: Earth’s Systems and Sustainability (HAS:ESS) project is developing online curriculum modules for middle school and high school classroom use. The curricula engage students with interactive computational models and analysis of real-world data as they build scientific reasoning and argumentation skills, focused around core ideas in Earth Science with particular emphasis on how humans affect Earth’s systems. Currently available modules focus on climate change and on fresh water availability.


Amy Pallant


The Future of Fracking: Exploring Human Energy Use

Today few states require Earth science as part of the high school curriculum—despite the fact that both NSES and AAAS Benchmarks have substantial Earth and space science content standards. However, this may change. The Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) give equal importance to Earth and space science, physical science, life science and engineering.


Amy Pallant

Short Description

The Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) give equal importance to Earth and space science, physical science, life science and engineering. It’s likely that the 26 Lead State Partners that helped develop the standards will adopt them in their entirety, which could provide a significant motivation for incorporating more Earth and space science content into their required curriculum.

Using Generic and Context--Specific Scaffolding to Support Authentic Science Inquiry

In this conceptual paper, we propose an heuristic to balance context-specific and generic scaffolding, as well as computer-based and teacher scaffolding, during instruction centered on authentic, scientific problems. This paper is novel in that many researchers ask a dichotomous question of whether generic or context-specific scaffolding is best, and fail to focus on what processes and cognitions each type of scaffolding excels at supporting.


Brian R. Belland

Jiangyue Gu

Sara Armbrust

Brant Cook


Scaffolding: Definition, Current Debates, and Future Directions

Instructional scaffolding can be de fi ned as support provided by a teacher/parent, peer, or a computer- or a paper-based tool that allows students to meaningfully participate in and gain skill at a task that they would be unable to complete unaided. The metaphor of scaffolding has been applied to instruction in contexts ranging from literacy education to science education, and among individuals ranging from infants to graduate students. In this chapter, scaffolding is defined and its theoretical backing is explored. Then scaffolding strategies and examples are explored.


Brian R. Belland


A Framework for Designing Scaffolds That Improve Motivation and Cognition

A problematic, yet common, assumption among educational researchers is that when teachers provide authentic, problem-based experiences, students will automatically be engaged. Evidence indicates that this is often not the case.


Brian R. Belland

ChanMin Kim

Michael J. Hannafin


Toward a framework on how affordances and motives can drive different uses of scaffolds: theory, evidence, and design implications

One way to help students engage in higher-order thinking is through scaffolding, which can be defined as support that allows students to participate meaningfully in and gain skill at a task that is beyond their unassisted abilities. Most research on computer-based scaffolds assesses the average impact of the tools on learning outcomes. This is problematic in that it assumes that computer-based scaffolds impact different students in the same way.


Brian R. Belland

Joel Drake


Moving STEM Education Forward: National Priorities and the National Science Foundation’s DR K-12 Program

What does the United States need to do to build future generations’ knowledge and skills in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM), and what kinds of research and innovation can enable the needed changes in teaching and learning? This brief describes examples of research and development (R&D) sponsored by the National Science Foundation (NSF) that are designed to advance knowledge and practice in STEM education. It highlights just a few of the many R&D projects that have the potential to equip educators in pursuing national priorities for STEM education.


Derek Riley

Colleen McCann

Yvonne Woods

Short Description

What does the United States need to do to build future generations’ knowledge and skills in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM), and what kinds of research and innovation can enable the needed changes in teaching and learning? This brief describes examples of research and development (R&D) sponsored by the National Science Foundation (NSF) that are designed to advance knowledge and practice in STEM education. It highlights just a few of the many R&D projects that have the potential to equip educators in pursuing national priorities for STEM education.