
Interactive mobile interface with augmented reality for learning digital control concepts

The use of augmented reality (AR) and mobile applications has recently been investigated in the teaching of advanced concepts and training of skills in a variety of fields. By developing educational mobile applications that incorporate augmented reality, unique interactive learning experiences can be provided to learners on their personal smartphones and tablet computers.


Jared A. Frank

Anthony Brill

Vikram Kapila

Lead Organization(s)
Short Description

This paper presents the development of an immersive user interface on a tablet device that can be used by engineering students to interact with a motor test-bed as they examine the effects of discrete-time pole locations on the closed-loop dynamic response of the test-bed.

Subtraction Involving Negative Numbers: Connecting to Whole Number Reasoning

In this article, we explore how students attempt to bridge from their whole number reasoning to integer reasoning as they solve subtraction problems involving negative  numbers. Based on interviews with students ranging from first graders to preservice teachers, we identify two overarching strategies: making connections to known problem types and leveraging conceptions of subtraction.


Laura Bofferding

Nicole Wessman-Enzinger

Lead Organization(s)
Short Description

In this article, we explore how students attempt to bridge from their whole number reasoning to integer reasoning as they solve subtraction problems involving negative numbers.

Facilitating Teacher Learning When Using Different Representations of Practice

Providing opportunities for learning through professional development requires the examination of facilitation of sessions with teachers. This study investigates facilitation of professional development to promote teacher learning when using animations and videos in a study group with five teachers. We ask: What practices (and moves within those practices) do the facilitators enact during high-quality conversations and specific to the professional development activities?


Gloriana González

Jason T. Deal

Lisa Skultety

Short Description

This study investigates facilitation of professional development to promote teacher learning when using animations and videos in a study group with five teachers.

Dissemination Toolkit: Guide to Product Dissemination

Product Dissemination Icon

12 Questions to Guide a Product-Driven Dissemination Strategy

If you have a resource, activity, event, or project milestone that you would like to disseminate, use the guiding questions below to help you devise a plan.



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The 12 Steps for a Product-Driven Dissemination Strategy can help you devise a plan for disseminating a product (a resource, activity, event, or even a milestone in your project) successfully.

Dissemination Toolkit: Project Websites

Websites IconWebsites are a great way to share resources and information about your project. However, they can be expensive to make and maintain. Below are some tips for deciding whether a website is right for your project, determing which website content management system best fits your needs, and bringing visitors to your site.



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Planning to create a website to feature your project's work? Here are some tips and things to think about.

Dissemination Toolkit: Effective Presentations

Presentations Icon

Attending a conference this year? Below are tips on speaking, designing slides, perfecting a project elevator speech, and formatting and designing a poster. Whether you are just an attendee or a keynote speaker, there should be something of interest to you.



Short Description

A compilation of resources on potential conferences, presentation tips, and poster advice.

Dissemination Toolkit: Media Interviews

Media Interviews IconHave you ever fielded a call from a journalist asking for an interview about your work? Was the resulting article and quote(s) what you expected? To make the most of your next opportunity, here are a few tips for when you are the interviewee.



Short Description

Have you ever fielded a call from a journalist asking for an interview about your work? Was the resulting article and quote(s) what you expected? To make the most of your next opportunity, here are a few tips for when you are the interviewee.

Dissemination Toolkit: Analytics

Analytics iconData, data, data. Determine how well your website, Facebook page, tweets, video, or email is performing and compare posts, content, and views over time.



Short Description

A compilation of resources to help you determine how well your website, Facebook page, tweets, video, or email is performing and compare posts, content, and views over time.

Dissemination Toolkit: Accessible Products & Communications

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Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 was amended in 1988 to require federal agencies to make their electronic and information technology (EIT) accessible to people with disabilities. Projects funded by the National Science Foundation should be 508 compliant to increase equal access to materials.



Short Description

A compilation of resources for making your products and communications more accessible.