Professional Development

Improving the Implementation of Rigorous Instructional Materials in Middle-Grades Mathematics: Developing a System of Practical Measures and Routines (Collaborative Research: Ahn, Cobb, Jackson, and Smith)

Principal Investigator:

This project has developed practical measures, and associated routines and data representations, to support the implementation of instructional improvement strategies (e.g.,coaching) in middle-grades mathematics teaching. We will describe our classroom measures, which assess students' perspectives of key aspects of the classroom learning environment; the contributions they have made to our partner districts’ improvement efforts; and how we have attended to validity in the design and use of practical measures.

Target Audience:

Developing Teacher Noticing in Engineering in an Online Professional Development Program

Principal Investigator:

The Teacher Engineering Education Program is designed to support teacher learning in engineering education in an 18-month online asynchronous program. In this project, we collected data from two cohorts of elementary teachers (N=26) including multiple interviews throughout the program, teachers’ video recordings of their classroom teaching, and their coursework in the four required courses. This poster summarizes our central findings on teacher learning in the program, looking at teachers’ noticing and pedagogical sensemaking in engineering.

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Developing Organizational Capacity to Improve K-8 Mathematics Teaching and Learning

Principal Investigator:

CASPIR is a 5-year NSF-funded project aimed at co-developing and implementing the Elementary Math Leadership (EML) model in four K-8 school districts to improve K-8 math teaching and learning. This is done by: (1) gathering information about problems of practice collaboratively identified by districts/research team; (2) co-designing and co-implementing coherent PD; and (3) engaging in iterative cycles of co-development, implementation, and revision to productively adapt the PD model over a series of years.

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Target Audience:

Design and Implementation of Immersive Representations of Practice

Principal Investigator:

The project examines how representations of practice facilitate preservice teachers' professional knowledge for teaching fractions and multiplication/division. The project focuses specifically on: how single and multi-perspective 360 video affects PSTs' professional knowledge; how PSTs use technological scaffolds to engage in 360 video, and its effect on their professional knowledge; and the design of a platform for teacher educators to create their own 360 video immersive experiences

Co-PI(s): Richard E. Ferdig and C. C. Lu, Kent State University

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Collaborative Math: Creating Sustainable Excellence in Mathematics for Head Start Programsse Middle School Settings

Principal Investigator:

Professional development (PD) is more effective when it involves more than lead classroom teachers. Collaborative Math is a year-long professional development program designed to bring together preschool center leadership and all teaching staff for an in-depth study of early mathematics teaching and learning. We implemented the program in a total of 15 Head Start centers across two years. We found positive shifts in teacher confidence and knowledge as well as child math achievement.

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Target Audience:

CAREER: Proof in Secondary Classrooms: Decomposing a Central Mathematical Practice

Principal Investigator:

The goal of the design and development study, Proof in Secondary Classrooms (PISC), is to develop an innovative intervention to support the teaching and learning of mathematical proof in secondary geometry. PISC made use of features of lesson study and continuous improvement. Findings featured in the poster involve quantitative assessment results from pre-tests and post-tests administered over three years. Overall, the PISC curriculum had a statistically significant, positive impact on students' end-of-year results.

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Target Audience:

CAREER: Black and Latinx Parents Leading Reform and Advancing Racial Justice in Elementary Mathematics

Principal Investigator:
CAREER: Black and Latinx Parents Leading ChANge & Advancing Racial Justice in Elementary Mathematics aims to increase Black and Latinx parents' engagement in solidarity with community organizations and teachers to advance racial justice in PreK-5 mathematics through two educational programs, one for families and one for teachers. Reasearch goals include understanding the lived experiences of Black and Latinx parents as they build capacity to lead change and the development, nature, and impact of parent-teacher-community partnerships.
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Target Audience:

Building Environmental and Educational Technology Competence and Leadership Among Educators: An Exploration in Virtual Reality Professional Development

Principal Investigator:

This exploratory project supports the professional development of secondary STEM teachers by providing multiyear training around three specific areas: (1) environmental sciences themed content; (2) technology integration in the classroom, and (3) classroom-based action research within action research communities. Using virtual reality to focus on wetlands and their connection to flooding brings locally relevant STEM concepts in a real-world context that is relatable to minoritized teachers and students living in these areas.

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Target Audience:

Young Mathematicians: Expanding an Innovative and Promising Model Across Learning Environments to Promote Preschoolers' Mathematics Knowledge

Principal Investigator:

Young Mathematicians (YM) is a design and development project that aims to broaden participation by addressing the need to provide young children with early mathematics experiences. In the coming year, we will test an intervention, developed in collaboration with teachers and families, that provides learning experiences and materials for teachers and families to support adult-child interaction and engagement in mathematics, promote school-home connections in mathematics, and address adult attitudes toward mathematics, while promoting childrens mathematical knowledge.

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Target Audience:

Translating a Video-based Model of Teacher Professional Development to an Online Environment

Principal Investigator:

In prior work, BSCS studied STeLLA, a video-based analysis-of-practice professional learning (PL) model and found that it enhanced elementary science teacher and student outcomes. But the face-to-face model is difficult to scale. We present the results of a two-year design-based research study to translate the face-to-face PL into a facilitated online experience. The purpose is to create an effective, flexible, and cost-efficient PL model that will reach a broader audience of teachers.

Co-PI(s): Gillian Roehrig, University of Minnesota

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