Multilingual Learners

Acquisition of mathematical language: Suggestions and activities for English language learners


Cirillo, M.

Richardson Bruna, K.

Herbel-Eisenmann, B.

Short Description

In this article, we describe aspects of mathematical language that could be problematic to English-language learners, provide recommendations for teaching English-language learners, and suggest activities intended to foster language development in mathematics.

Instructional Tools for Supporting Science Inquiry Practices and Academic Language Development for English Language Learners


Presenters share instructional materials for supporting science inquiry practices and academic language development, and seek feedback for increasing classroom implementation of materials.

Session Type
PI-organized Discussion
Session Materials

The overarching goal for this session is for presenters to receive feedback on how they might increase participant implementation of the classroom materials developed in their project. Their biggest challenge is to support deeper implementation of these materials in project classrooms despite current policy contexts in project schools. Teachers regularly say they like the materials, find them valuable, and understand their purposes.

CADRE English Language Learners SIG


(Open to all grantees)                 

This session includes a presentation on English Language Learners and the Common Core State Standards for Mathematics and the Next Generation Science Standards, followed by discipline-based discussions.

Session Type
Special Interest Group (SIG)

The Common Core State Standards (CCSS) for Mathematics and the forthcoming Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) have taken shape during a period of rapidly changing student demographics and continuing science achievement gaps which emphasize issues related to English language learners. In addition to the focus on disciplinary core ideas, the new standards emphasize “practices”— mathematical practices and scientific and engineering practices—which are language intensive.

DR K-12: Research with English Language Learners


Three ELL-focused projects will describe their work in light of cross-project challenges.

Session Type

The purpose of this session is to share information about three of the projects involved in the CADRE working group for English language learners (ELLs) and STEM. The first project, Project MSSELL (Middle School Science for English Language Learners), will report on a two-year randomized-trial  longitudinal study and the effectiveness of instructional interventions in academic science among ELLs and non-ELLs matriculating through grades 5 and 6 with comparison to the typical science instruction in an urban school district in Southeast Texas.


Resources mentioned during the presentation:

CADRE ELL Working Group


Open to all grantees

Participants will discuss their project work in relation to current literature in ELL math and science education and the DR K-12 portfolio, as well as challenges faced in their projects. If appropriate, they will begin to develop policy recommendations for the NSF.

Session Type
Working Group

This group met first at the 2009 PI meeting, and this session is the continuation of the group interactions. However, the session is open to others who are interested in participating. The session will begin with a presentation of the ELL synthesis study conducted by CADRE partner, Abt Associates. The study involves an in-depth analysis of the DRK-12 portfolio on ELL students in math and science education and a comprehensive review of the literature. This information will serve as the foundation for a discussion to be facilitated by Okhee Lee.