
Janice Gobert Janice Gobert is an Associate Professor of Learning Sciences and Psychology in the Department of Social Sciences and Policy Studies and the Department of Computer Science…
Associate Professor
Fred Goldberg I have been involved in science (physics) education research, curriculum development and professional development for 38 years. Email…
Lauren Goldenberg Email Discipline Specialist (Education) Senior Research Associate…
Senior Research Associate
E. Paul Goldenberg Email Distinguished Scholar Education Development Center, Inc. (EDC…
Distinguished Scholar
Lynn Goldsmith Education Development Center, Inc. (EDC)
Jane Gorman Email
Roy Gould
Roy Gould Email Other Researcher Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory…
Art Graesser University of Memphis (U of M)
D. Ellen Granger Florida State University (FSU)
Melissa Gresalfi Indiana University (IU)
Fred Gross
Fred Gross Fred Gross is a Managing Project Director at Education Development Center. He was the Co-Principal Investigator for the NSF-funded Addressing Accessibility in Mathematics…
Principal Investigator and Managing Project Director
Tina Grotzer Tina A. Grotzer is an Associate Professor at the Harvard Graduate School of Education, a Principal Investigator at Harvard Project Zero, and a faculty member at the Center…
Associate Professor
Arlen Gullickson Western Michigan University (WMU)
Preeti Gupta Email New York Hall of Science
Michael Hacker MICHAEL HACKER – BRIEF BIOGRAPHY Michael Hacker is Co-director of the Center for STEM Education Research at Hofstra University and…
Co-Director, Center for Technological Literacy
Geneva Haertel Email Methodologist Director of Assessment Research and Design SRI…
Director of Assessment Research and Design
Robert Hamers University of Wisconsin-Madison (UW-Madison)
David Hammer David Hammer's research has focused on the learning and teaching of science (mainly physics) from elementary school through university, with particular emphases on…
James Hammerman James K.L. Hammerman, (Jim) is a Senior Researcher/ Developer/ Evaluator who Co-Directs the STEM Education Evaluation Center (SEEC) at TERC. Dr. Hammerman has been a…
Director, STEM Education Evaluation Center (SEEC)
Brian Hand
Brian Hand University of Iowa (UI)
Jane Hannaway Urban Institute
Sandra Harpole Mississippi State University (MSU)
Daniel Heck Email Senior Research Associate Horizon Research, Inc.
Senior Research Associate
Walt Heinecke University of Virginia (UVA)
Claire Hemingway Email Discipline Specialist (STEM) Education Director Botanical…
Education Director
Bruce Herbert Dr. Bruce Herbert is Professor of Geology and currently serves as the Director of the Office of Scholarly Communications in the Sterling C. Evans library At Texas A&M…
Director, Office of Scholarly Communications
Patricio Herbst Pat Herbst is a mathematics educator interested in classroom mathematical work, instructional practices, the justifications of teachers’ actions, and the development of…
Associate Professor of Mathematics Education
Deborah Herrington Email Educator Associate Professor of Chemistry and Integrated Science…
Associate Professor of Chemistry and Integrated Science
Cari Herrmann Abell American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS)
Dennis Hess Georgia Institute of Technology (Georgia Tech)
Loretta Heuer Email Discipline Specialist (Education) Sr. Research & Development Associate…
Sr. Research & Development Associate
Heather Hill Harvard University
Cindy Hmelo-Silver Email Professor Indiana University (IU)
Mary Hobbs
Mary Hobbs Mary Hobbs is a teacher, researcher, and writer with hands-on experience directing science curriculum and instruction for Pre-K through Grade 12. She has been a classroom…
Coordinator for Science Initiatives
Leroy Hood
Leroy Hood Institute for Systems Biology
Paul Horwitz Dr. Paul Horwitz, Director of the Modeling Center at the Concord Consortium, is a theoretical physicist with broad interests in the application of technology to science and…
Senior Scientist
Susan Hull
Susan Hull Email Other Director, Organizational Learning and Mathematics…
Director, Organizational Learning and Mathematics
Mary Ann Huntley Email Discipline Specialist (Education) Senior Lecturer Cornell…
Senior Lecturer
Beverly Irby Email Administrator Professor and Chair of Educational Administration Texas A…
Professor and Chair of Educational Administration
Andrew Izsak Email Associate Professor University of Georgia (UGA)…
Associate Professor
Kara Jackson Kara Jackson is currently an associate professor in mathematics education at the University of Washington. Her research has most recently focused on specifying forms of…
Assistant Professor
Jennifer Jacobs Email Other Research Associate University of Colorado Boulder…
Research Associate
Vicki Jacobs Email University of North Carolina at Greensboro (UNC Greensboro)…
Susan Jansen Varnum Temple University
Zhonghong Jiang Zhonghong Jiang is a professor of mathematics education at Texas State University. His research interests include the use of technology, problem solving, mathematical…
Martin Johnson University of Maryland (UMD)
Adam Johnston Email Discipline Specialist (STEM) Professor Weber State University…
Rebecca Jordan Rutgers University (RU)
Kara Suzuka Kara Suzuka is a researcher at the University of Michigan School of Education. Her work centers on the development of resources for the study and improvement of teaching…
Assistant Research Scientist
Page Keeley Maine Mathematics and Science Alliance (MMSA)