
Carrie Allen Dr. Allen’s research aims to address institutional and systemic inequalities within STEM education by supporting the design and implementation of STEM learning reforms. She…
Assistant Professor, Learning Sciences
Marta Mielicki Email Other University of Illinois at Chicago (UIC)…
Bianca Montrosse-Moorhead Dr. Bianca Montrosse-Moorhead, Measurement, Evaluation, and Assessment program, joined the University of Connecticut in 2013. At the university, she also…
Assistant Professor of Measurement, Evaluation, & Assessment
Corey Knox
Corey Knox Science/Environmental Education: My research and action interests involve exploring the ways in which pressing global and community issues related to sustainability (climate…
Doctoral Student/Research Associate
Regan Vidiksis Email Other Research Associate Education Development Center, Inc. (EDC…
Research Associate
Teo Paoletti Email Educator
David Kanter Email Discipline Specialist (Education) President, Kanter Learning Design & Research…
President, Kanter Learning Design & Research
Jasmine Ma
Jasmine Ma Email Assistant Professor of Mathematics Education New York University (NYU…
Assistant Professor of Mathematics Education
Rina Hoffer Rina Hoffer is currently working in the California office as project manager for the Common Online Data Analysis Platform (CODAP). She has worked as a researcher, consultant…
Project Manager
Bruce Wellman Email Educator Dept. Chair Engineering Department 21st…
Dept. Chair Engineering Department
Marcia Linn Marcia C. Linn is a professor of development and cognition specializing in education in mathematics, science, and technology in the Graduate School of Education at the…
Jennifer Listman Email Administrator New York University (NYU) Polytechnic School of Engineering…
Karen Yang
Karen Yang Email Other
Jennifer Stiles Jenn Stiles is a research associate at EDC and the project coordinator for CADRE. As part of CADRE, her work focuses mainly on the project's broadening…
Research Associate
Steve Sanzo Email Other
Brittany Webre Email Educator Doctoral Research Assistant for Mathematics Dept Texas…
Doctoral Research Assistant for Mathematics Dept
Lori Takeuchi Joan Ganz Cooney Center
Paul LeMahieu Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching
Carl Kesselman University of Southern California (USC)
Prasad Ram
Prasad Ram EdNovo
Zachary Pardos Digital Learning Environments, Machine Learning, and Assessment Email Assistant Professor…
Assistant Professor
David Eisenbud Mathematical Sciences Research Institute (MSRI)
Guadalupe Valdes Stanford University
Angela Calabrese Barton Michigan State University (MSU)
Molly Stuhlsatz BSCS
Julie Yu
Julie Yu Exploratorium
Christian Doabler Christian Doabler, Ph.D., is a Research Assistant Professor with the Center on Teaching and Learning at the University of Oregon. He specializes in curriculum design,…
Louise Mead Michigan State University (MSU)
Wendy Sanchez Kennesaw State University Research and Service Foundation
Irene Lee
Irene Lee Santa Fe Institute
Alyssa Goodman Harvard University
Rebecca Callahan University of Texas, Austin
Alejandra Magana-de-Leon Purdue University
Katherine McMillan Education Development Center, Inc. (EDC)
Leah Clapman Leah Clapman heads the PBS NewsHour’s education department, overseeing content for the web and broadcast, tools for teachers and special projects for school-aged audiences…
Managing Editor, Education
M. Suzanne Donovan Strategic Education Research Partnership Institute
Alan Schoenfeld University of California, Berkeley (UC Berkeley)
Jie-Qi Chen Erikson Institute
Magaly Lavadenz Loyola Marymount University (LMU)
Emily Theriault-Kimmey Email Educator University of Michigan - Ann Arbor…
Sarah Selling
Susanna Farmer Email Graduate Student Research Assistant University of Michigan - Ann Arbor…
Graduate Student Research Assistant
Candice Gaytán Email Assistant Professor of Science Education Biology Classroom Practice…
Assistant Professor of Science Education
Annick Rougee Email Other University of Michigan (UM) Mathematics…
Dana Grosser-Clarkson I am a postdoctoral researcher in the Center for Mathematics Education (CfME) at the University of Maryland. I am currently working on an NSF funded grant…
Postdoctoral Researcher
Ayana McCoy Email Associate Project Director Science
Associate Project Director
Mark Thames University of Michigan - Ann Arbor
Catrina Adams Email Discipline Specialist (STEM) Education Director Botanical Society…
Education Director
Hasan Deniz University of Nevada, Las Vegas (UNLV)
Pauline Chinn University of Hawaii at Manoa Businger, S. Nogelmeier, P., Chinn, P. & Schroeder, T. (2018). Hurricane with a History: Hawaiian…