
In this study, we examine the results of high school teacher implementation of the VisChem Approach in four classrooms following an intensive professional development program. Most chemistry instruction…
In this report, we present a novel solution to the problem of multiple-criterion-focused selection of research and PD participants when the number of applicants to participate outnumbers the availability of resources…
Repository of project simulation tasks and data. Repository of project simulation tasks and data. Mathematics Science Classroom Practice…
Schoolyard SITES Curriculum Workbook includes a narrative description of the SITES professional development program and the Project Planning Guide. Schoolyard SITES Curriculum Workbook includes a…
Drawing on Gee's notion of discourses, we examine how teachers incorporate language legitimizing socially and culturally constructed values and beliefs. In particular, we focus on the discourse of ability hierarchy—…
Teachers can play critical roles in challenging or reinscribing dominant narratives about what counts as STEM, who is seen within STEM disciplines, and how these disciplines should be taught. However, teachers have often…
Our research study examines the community-based partnership PD model and its impact on school teachers’ self-efficacy and their success in engaging students in the NGSS science practices through citizen science projects…
Teachers play a crucial role in guiding students through sensemaking by addressing uncertainties and assisting in solution development. Student uncertainty is recognized as a pedagogical resource, engaging them in…
Situated in the context of advanced placement (AP) reform in the United States, we investigated profiles of teachers’ motivation for participating in professional development (PD) courses in a two-cohort sample of nt1 = 2,…
Mathematics education research tends to center on what Mathematics Teacher Educators-Researchers (MTERs) work on or the people (teachers and students) they work with. Rarely, research in mathematics education focuses…
Children who live in under-resourced communities and attend under-resourced schools deserve access to high-quality teachers and educational opportunities to support their success and well-being. This study emerged from a…
This study investigated upper elementary teachers’ framings of their students’ mathematical thinking in written across the three component skills of noticing. Drawing on a situated perspective, the research examines the…
Courey, S. J., LePage, P., Siker, J. R., Blackorby, J. (2012). Engaging Preservice and Inservice Teachers In Middle School Mathematics: Using Dynabook to Shape Unconventional College Classrooms. Society for Information…
Previous research suggests the value of technology-enhanced materials that guide learners to use dynamic, interactive visualizations of science phenomena. The power of these visualizations to improve student understanding…
Gerard, L.F., Varma, K., Corliss, S., & Linn, M.C (2011). Professional development in technology-enhanced science. Review of Educational Research. 81(3), 408 – 448 ABSTRACT: The knowledge integration framework is used…
In 2010, the National Governor’s Association and the Council of Chief State School Officers published theCommon Core State Standards for Mathematics (CCSSM) and to date, 44 states, the District of Columbia,and the U.S.…
In this session, participants experience a PD model that successfully encourages teachers to adopt a curriculum’s underlying philosophy rather than simply to enact it as sequence of activities…
Submitted to The Journal of the Learning Sciences In this article, we describe and illustrate an analytical perspective in which educational policies are viewed as designs for supporting learning. This learning design…
In this interactive talk, Wilson will ask each project to make explicit its assumptions about how teachers learn, the forces that matter the most, and how the logic and components of programs reflect those underlying…
Loving, C. C., Schroeder, C., Kang, R., Shimek, C., & Herbert, B. (2007). Blogs: Enhancing links in a professional learning community of science and mathematics teachers. Contemporary Issues in Technology and Teacher…
21st Century Skills Biology Classroom Practice Educational Technology Science Professional Development…
This chapter focuses on research that can inform the improvement of mathematics teaching and learning at scale. In educational contexts, improvement at scale refers to the process of taking an instructional innovation that…
Professional Development Teacher Attitudes/Beliefs Teacher Practice Teacher Retention Tool Other…
Professional Development Teacher Attitudes/Beliefs Teacher Retention Presentation Other…
Professional Development Presentation Middle High Stamatis Vokos…
This session presents results from four studies investigating professional development support for teachers’ use of innovative technologies in inquiry science and the impacts of support on learning…
Science Professional Development Presentation Elementary Betty Young…
In this article, we present an analytical approach for documenting the identities for teaching that mathematics teachers negotiate as they participate in two or more communities that define high-quality teaching…
A poster on Project Instrument Development (I.D.) - Growth of Empowerment in Career Science Teachers. A poster on Project Instrument Development (I.D.) - Growth of Empowerment in Career Science…
Note: A previous version of this paper was presented at the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Research Pre-Session in San Diego (April 2010) and the Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association…
Mathematics Science Professional Development Presentation Middle Pradeep M. Dass…
In this poster, we describe the goals of our research, our proposed model for professional development, our framing of design-based approaches to learning, and our framing of computational thinking…
This paper describes Supporting Research, Service and Teaching in Mathematics Education, or STaR, is a program designed to support new faculty who have taken a tenure-track mathematics education position in a U.S.…
Science Professional Development Presentation Elementary Susan Doubler…
This session presents results of a four-year longitudinal, mixed-methods study showing how Target Inquiry affects teacher beliefs, transforms teacher practice, and increases student achievement…
Our purpose in this article is to propose a comprehensive, empirically grounded theory of action for improving the quality of mathematics teaching at scale. In doing so, we summarize current research findings that can…
Three DR-K12 projects investigating the implementation of mathematics professional development programs by district-based facilitators discuss with participants their approaches to assessing fidelity and preliminary…
This session presents strategies for delivering professional development via interactive television and using videos collected remotely as a data source. Professional Development…
The Science Teachers Learning from Lesson Analysis (STeLLA) project is a videobased analysis-of-practice PD program aimed at improving teacher and student learning at the upper elementary level. The PD program developed…
Professional Development Teacher Practice Video Presentation Middle High…
Developed by the Education Development Center and Bank Street College of Education, this professional development program will show general and special education teachers how to collaborate to provide a high-quality,…
This article presents our plans and initial work to explore how mathematics teacher education programs can prepare teachers for diverse middle grades classrooms. It describes the start-up of a five-year National Science…
In this paper, we present an overview of the National Science Foundation (NSF) funded Knowledge for Algebra Teaching for Equity (KATE) Project and experiences from preservice teachers who are preparing for teaching middle…
Equity in mathematics education should be one of the most important concerns of teachers, administrators, policy makers, mathematicians, and mathematics educators. In fact, the Association of Mathematics Teacher Educator (…
The future strength of the National Science Foundation’s (NSF) K-12 education research and development efforts depends in part on the development of promising early career researchers and developers—including doctoral…
Exploring students' problem solving within an integrated engineering and literacy activity Problem scoping—determining the nature and boundaries of a problem—is an essential aspect of the engineering…
Examining discourse of a team of pre-service teachers within an IEL engineering design challenge The incorporation of engineering practices and core ideas into the Next Generation Science Standards at…
Student’s performance in science classrooms has continued to languish throughout the USA. Even though proficiency rates on national tests such as National Assessment of Educational Progress are higher for Caucasian…
Attention to the core practices of teaching necessitates core pedagogies in teacher preparation. This article outlines the diffusion of one such pedagogy from medical to teacher education. The concept of clinical…