
Creating Inclusive STEM Opportunities for Students with Disabilities: Formal Settings Webinar On April 11 and April 13, STELAR will host a two-part webinar series…
Creating Inclusive STEM Opportunities for Students with Disabilities: Informal Settings Webinar On April 13, STELAR will host part two of a webinar series showcasing three…
Climate Crisis Learning through Scaffolded Instructional Tools Publication Earth Science Science Pedagogy…
Quantification in Empirical Activity Publication Science Elementary Changing where,…
“Science Theatre Makes You Good at Science”: Affordances of Embodied Performances in Urban Elementary Science Classrooms Publication Science…
The Honeycomb of Engineering Framework: Philosophy of Engineering Guiding Precollege Engineering Education Publication Engineering…
Explaining Differences in One Teacher’s Instruction Across Multiple Tracked Fifth‐Grade Classes Publication Mathematics Disciplinary…
Early Career News
Advancing Critical and Culturally Relevant Experiential Learning: Preparing Future Educators in Collaboration with Cooperating Teachers to Support STEM Engagement in Urban Schools News…
Early Career News
Critical Race Theory and STEM Education News CADRE Postdocs Publication Terrell R. Morton (CADRE co-PI and 2018 CADRE…
Early Career News
Increasing Multilingual Learners' Access in Mathematics News CADRE Fellows Publication Jonee Wilson (2013-14 CADRE…
Early Career News
Lifting Black Student Voices to Identify Teaching Practices That Discourage and Encourage STEM Engagement: Why #Black Teachers Matter News CADRE Postdocs…
Early Career News
Nurturing Students Through Social Interactions News CADRE Fellows Publication Tiffini Pruitt-Britton, Anne Garrison…
Early Career News
Pedagogical Chemistry Sensemaking: A Novel Conceptual Framework to Facilitate Pedagogical Sensemaking in Model-based Lesson Planning News CADRE Fellows…
Early Career News
A Troubling Lack of Diversity in Educational Materials News CADRE Fellows Publication Amanda Armstrong (2020-21 CADRE…
Early Career News
“All we Wanna do is be Free”: Advocating for Black Liberation in and through K-12 Science Education News CADRE Postdocs Publication…
Early Career News
An Alternative to STEBI-A: Validation of the T-STEM Science Scale News CADRE Fellows Publication Alana Unfried, Arif…
Early Career News
Emancipating STEM Education through Abolitionist Teaching: A Research-Practice Partnership to Support Virtual Microteaching Experiences News CADRE Fellows…
Early Career News
Going Beyond #RetireELL: A Call for Anti-colonial Approaches to Languages in STEM Education News CADRE Fellows Publication…
Early Career News
My Best Science Teacher: The Views of Black Students and Implications for Science Education Reform News CADRE Postdocs Publication…
Early Career News
The Role of Inclusion, Discrimination, and Belonging for Adolescent Science, Technology, Engineering and Math Engagement In and Out of School News CADRE Postdocs…
Project Spotlight
Simulations in STEM Teaching & Learning Mathematical Learning via Architectural Design and Modeling Using E-Rebuild Developing Preservice Elementary Teachers'…
March 2022 Newsletter Dear Colleagues, As we welcome the spring season, we also welcome a new group of DRK-12 awardees. Congratulations to the recent CAREER and RAPID award winners! Our…
Using Simulations to Support STEM Teacher Learning: Exploring Possibilities, Challenges, and Future Directions Submitted by Cadre-Admin on Wed, 03/30/2022 - 08:02…
NSF Workshop for NSF Directorate for Education and Human Resources CAREER Applicants Webinar This workshop is intended to provide guidance and mentorship to prospective…
May 10 Workshop for Prospective CAREER Applicants This workshop is intended to provide guidance and mentorship to prospective CAREER applicants to the NSF Directorate for Education and Human…
Spotlight on Simulations in STEM Teaching & Learning Read about DRK-12 work that is leveraging simulations to enhance student and teacher learning.
Contact Us If you want additional information on CADRE or have specific questions, please email CADRE.
Part 3: Professional Development for Researchers Who Don’t Study PD May 3 | 12 - 1 PM ET In Part 3 of the CADRE Learning Series, panelists will discuss what they learned from their design…
Part 3: Professional Development for Researchers Who Don’t Study PD Webinar In Part 3 of the CADRE Learning Series, panelists will discuss what they learned from their…
Join us for Part 3 of the CADRE Learning Series on PD May 3 | 12 - 1 PM ET In Part 3 of the CADRE Learning Series: Professional Development for Researchers Who Don’t Study PD, panelists…
2022 NSF CAREER Foundation-Wide Program Briefing Webinar NSF is providing information on the NSF Faculty Early Career Development (CAREER) program solicitation NSF 22-586 at…
2022 NSF CAREER Foundation-Wide Program Briefing Webinar NSF is providing information on the NSF Faculty Early Career Development (CAREER) program solicitation NSF 22-586 at…
NSF CAREER Proposal Submission Logistics Webinar Webinar Representatives from NSF's Division of Information Systems will hold a technical webinar on system-related…
April 2022 Newsletter Dear Colleagues, We thank all of you who completed our recent survey of DRK-12 projects. Based on the results, we’re taking an initial look at the ways DRK-12 projects…
Snapshot of Active DRK-12 Awards: Broadening Participation
2022 ITEST Solicitation Webinar: Solicitation Overview Webinar On May 9th and May 16th from 1- 2:30 PM ET, STELAR will host National Science Foundation Program Officers for…
2022 ITEST Solicitation Webinar: How to Write a Competitive Proposal Webinar On May 9th and May 16th from 1- 2:30 PM ET, STELAR will host National Science Foundation Program…
New Proposal Preparation Functionality and NSF-PAR Enhancements May 3, 2022 Announcement from the National Science Foundation: Dear Colleagues: We are excited to share the latest…
Registration: Informational Webinar on DRK-12 Solicitation (20-572) CADRE will host an NSF-led webinar on DRK-12 Solicitation 20-572 on June 16, 2022, 1-2 PM ET. Please register by filling out…
Informational Webinar on NSF's DRK-12 Solicitation CADRE will host an NSF-led webinar on DRK-12 Solicitation 20-572 on June 16, 2022, 1-2 PM ET. If you are planning to submit a DRK-12…
Mathematical and Scientific Argumentation in PreK-12: A Cross-Disciplinary Synthesis of Recent DRK-12 Projects Publication Mathematics…
Modeling in Science Education: A Synthesis of Recent Discovery Research PreK-12 Projects Publication Science Standards…
Teachers’ Pedagogical Content Knowledge in Mathematics and Science A Cross-Disciplinary Synthesis of Recent DRK-12 Projects Publication Mathematics…
Register for the Spring 2022 NSF Virtual Grants Conference Join the National Science Foundation (NSF) for the Spring 2022 NSF Virtual Grants Conference! This virtual conference will be…
Revision of NSF Award Terms and Conditions Notice from NSF sent May 13, 2022 Dear Colleagues: We wanted to make you aware that the entire suite of NSF Award Terms and Conditions have been…
NSF ITEST Proposal Conceptualization Webinar: Ingredients of a Competitive ITEST Proposal Webinar Join STELAR for a special presentation by NSF Program Officers on Thursday…
Informational Webinar on NSF's DRK-12 Solicitation Webinar CADRE will host an NSF-led webinar on DRK-12 Solicitation 20-572 on June 16, 2022, 1-2 PM ET. If you are…
Recognized DRK-12 Videos at the STEM for All Video Showcase More than 40 DRK-12 projects shared their work in 3-min videos during the 2022 STEM For All Video Showcase. Congratulations to the…
Project Spotlight
Video-Enhanced Teacher Education Video in the Middle: Flexible Digital Experiences for Mathematics Teacher Education Refining a Model with Tools to Develop Math PD…
How to Create a High-Quality Engagement Plan to Disseminate STEM Research and Innovations Webinar The Evidence Quality and Reach Hub (EQR Hub) hosted a free webinar on…