
Early Career News
News CADRE Fellows Publication Tina Vo (2016-17 CADRE Fellow) published this Journal of Science Teacher Education article with co-author Rebekah…
Early Career News
News CAREER Awardees Publication Melissa Luna (CAREER Awardee) and Sarah Selmer published this article in the Journal of Teacher Education.
Early Career News
News CADRE Fellows Publication Anne M. McAlister, James P. Bywater (2018-19 CADRE Fellow), and Jennifer L. Chiu published this article in Computer…
Early Career News
News CAREER Awardees Publication Kelly Lynn Mulvey (CAREER Awardee), Angelina Joy, Michael Caslin, Darby Orcutt, Deniz Eseryel, and Madhusudan Katti…
Early Career News
News CADRE Postdocs Publication Matthew Schmidt and Noah Glaser (2021 CADRE Postdoc) published this article in Educational Technology Research and…
Early Career News
News CADRE Fellows Publication Gwen C. Marchand, Jennifer A. Schmidt, Lisa Linnenbrink-Garcia, Christopher J. Harris, David McKinney (2019-20 CADRE…
Early Career News
News CAREER Awardees Publication Kristin Searle, Colby Tofel-Grehl (CAREER Awardee), and Beth L. MacDonald recently published this Science Scope…
Early Career News
News CAREER Awardees Publication William Zahner (CAREER Awardee) and Lynda Wynn published this article in Mathematical Thinking and Learning…
Early Career News
News CADRE Fellows Publication Jennifer A. Freeman, Michael A. Gottfried, and Jay Stratte Plasman (2015-16 CADRE Fellow) recently published this…
Early Career News
News CAREER Awardees Publication Min Sun (CAREER Awardee), Alec I. Kennedy, and Susanna Loeb published this article in Educational Evaluation and…
Early Career News
News CADRE Fellows CAREER Awardees Publication Carlos Nicolas Gomez Marchant (2014-15 CADRE Fellow; CAREER Awardee) recently published…
Post-secondary Mathematics Science This working conference brought together 34 science and mathematics teacher educators from 25…
Early Career News
News CADRE Fellows Publication Samantha A. Marshall and Patricia M. Buenrostro (2018-19 CADRE Fellow) published this article in the Journal of…
Early Career News
News CADRE Fellows Publication Kathleen Schenkel (2016-17 CADRE Fellow) recently published this Science & Children article with co-authors Angela…
Early Career News
News CADRE Postdocs Publication Terrell R. Morton (2018 CADRE Postdoc) recently published this Science Education article.
Early Career News
News CADRE Postdocs Publication Meghan Shaughnessy, Nicole M. Garcia, Michaela Krug O’Neill, Sarah Kate Selling, Amber T. Willis (2021 CADRE Postdoc…
Early Career News
News CADRE Fellows CAREER Awardees Publication Jennifer Schellinger (2019-20 CADRE Fellow), Lama Z. Jaber (CAREER Awardee), and Sherry…
Early Career News
News CAREER Awardees Publication Jessica H. Hunt (CAREER Awardee) published this Journal of Mathematics Teacher Education article with co-authors…
Early Career News
News CADRE Fellows Publication Kalani Craig, Joshua Danish, Megan Humburg (2020-21 CADRE Fellow), Cindy Hmelo-Silver, Maksymilian Szostalo, and Ann…
High School Chemistry Earth Science Assessment Curriculum Disciplinary Content Knowledge Professional…
Middle School Science Cognitive Science Educational Technology EPIC Bioscience engages middle school students in authentic…
Early Career News
Opportunity Open until ARIS fellowship proposals are now being accepted. The ARIS fellows program is for professionals, researchers, faculty, educators, graduate students, and others…
This exploratory study aimed to (1) identify the  barriers to moving STEM enrichment programming in a rural environment from in-person to virtual activities during the COVID-19 pandemic, (2) describe key decisions…
Activating Math Talk is a resource for promoting high-quality math discourse in grades K-5. The content of the chapters and discussion questions within are meant to spark conversations among teachers, teacher leaders,…
Special issue of the Journal of Science Teacher Education focused on out-of-field teaching in science. Special issue of the Journal of Science Teacher Education focused on out-of-field teaching in…
Science teachers must sometimes teach outside of their expertise, and this type of teaching assignment is referred to as being out-of-field. Among newly hired teachers, this type of assignment may have a detrimental impact…
In this chapter, authors use the Framework for Teaching Practice (Grossman, et al., 2009) as a conceptual tool for analzying the design of professional development. In this chapter, we use the Framework…
In this paper, authors analyze a PD design, examining its activities and the sequencing of professional learning tasks. In this paper, we analyze a PD design, examining its activities and the sequencing…
This article describes one mathematics professional development program designed to support all K-5 students' engagement in productive mathematical discussions, in particular emergent multilingual learners…
Middle School Mathematics Professional Development The Video in the Middle (VIM) project is creating forty asynchronous two-hour modules…
Elementary School Middle School Broadening Participation Curriculum Normal 0 false false…
Middle School High School Technology Broadening Participation This project investigates learning as students, supported by…
Middle School Computer Science Engineering Mathematics Science Curriculum Disciplinary Content Knowledge…
Elementary School Post-secondary Engineering Broadening Participation Disciplinary Content Knowledge Professional…
Teachers Engineering Mathematics Science Technology Assessment Broadening Participation…
Find general guidelines and information on preparing and justifying your proposal budget. Find general guidelines and information on preparing and justifying your proposal budget…
Pre-Kindergarten Mathematics Professional Development For the last three years, we have been creating an app called CHALK (Coaching to…
Elementary School Middle School Science Disciplinary Content Knowledge Pedagogical Content Knowledge Professional…
Elementary School Middle School High School Mathematics Classroom Practice Professional Development…
Middle School Science Assessment Curriculum This Early-Stage Design and Development project is developing NGSS-friendly…
Pre-Kindergarten Elementary School Middle School Computer Science Engineering Mathematics Science…
Elementary School Science Classroom Practice The overall goals for this CAREER project are to identify and develop ways for best…
Elementary School Middle School High School Engineering Mathematics Science Technology…
Middle School Computer Science Assessment Classroom Practice Disciplinary Content Knowledge Professional Development…
High School Mathematics Broadening Participation Classroom Practice Pedagogical Content Knowledge Professional Development…
Teachers Science Technology Assessment Curriculum Disciplinary Content Knowledge Pedagogical Content…
High School Mathematics Science Technology Classroom Practice Curriculum Educational Technology…