DRK-12 Research and Products

Publication | Problem solving is an important skill in the knowledge economy. Research indicates that the development of problem solving skills works better in the context of instructional approaches centered on real-world problems. But students need…
Publication | In this paper we focus on what happens when a task is first introduced to students as a crucial phase of instruction. We report on an empirical study of 132 middle grades mathematics teachers' instruction—in particular, the nature of the ways in…
Publication | The Science Teachers Learning from Lesson Analysis (STeLLA) project is a videobased analysis-of-practice PD program aimed at improving teacher and student learning at the upper elementary level. The PD program developed and utilized two “lenses…
Publication | Maps at four levels of scale—global, national, regional, and local—provide a context for mathematical investigations that help teachers learn about their students.
Publication | A curriculum unit developed through a collaboration between Michigan State University, Northwestern University, the University of Michigan, Wright State University and 5th grade teachers from Kinawa 5th-6th public school that enables students to…