Front-Page Science: Engaging Teens in Science Literacy

“The U.S. Preventative Services Task Force issued new guidelines for mammograms in 2009. What does this mean for someone with a family history of breast cancer? Congress periodically votes on a piece of legislation called the Farm Bill. What does its current iteration mean for the safety of supermarket eggs? Understanding how the latest science affects real people—patients, consumers, voters, and taxpayers—is at the heart of science literacy.”
—From Chapter 1 of Front-Page Science


Wendy Saul

Angela Kohnen

Alan Newman

Laura Pearce

Short Description

Like citizen journalists, your students can get to the heart of science literacy—and challenging questions like these—with the “learn by doing” methodology in this innovative book. Front-Page Science uses science journalism techniques to help students become better consumers of, and contributors to, a scientifically literate community.

Exploring the Unknown


Amy Pallant

Sarah Pryputniewicz

Hee-Sun Lee

Lead Organization(s)
Short Description

This article describes The Concord Consortium's High-Adventure Science Project, which brings frontier science into the classroom, allowing students to explore questions in Earth and space science that scientists are currently investigating.

Modeling Earth's Climate


Amy Pallant

Hee-Sun Lee

Sara Pryputniewicz

Lead Organization(s)
Short Description

This article describes an online climate change curriculum that incorporates dynamic computer models that enable students to visualize the complex interactions related to climate change science. Students learn how adjusting variables in a dynamic model affects the entire system.