What's New on CADREK12.org

Posted: Thursday, July 05
Poster | Discovery Research K-12
Co-Principal Investigator(s): Vickie IngePhillip McNeilSharon Emerson-StonnellPat CampbellIris Weiss
Posted: Tuesday, July 03
Poster | LOCUS: Levels of Conceptual Understanding in Statistics
Jeff HaberstrohBrad Hartlaub
Posted: Monday, July 02
Posted: Monday, July 02
Announcement | 2013 AERA deadline change
On behalf of AERA, this is to notify you that the deadline to submit a paper or session submission for the 2013 AERA Annual Meeting has been changed to Monday, July 23, 2012, at 11:59 PM Pacific Time. This is a modification of the original July 22nd deadline in order to avert a Sunday submission deadline by moving the deadline to the next business day. The AERA Online Submission System remains…
Posted: Monday, July 02
Posted: Wednesday, June 27
Posted: Wednesday, June 27
Posted: Wednesday, June 27
Poster | A Digital Resource for Developing Mathematics Teachers' TPCK
Boo MurrayPam LePageJody SikerJanet BowesSusan Nickerson
Posted: Wednesday, June 27