What's New on CADREK12.org

Posted: Friday, October 12
Resource | Education R&D Partnership Tool
Education research and development (R&D) partnerships have the potential to develop knowledge and resources that contribute to improved student learning. Often districts and schools are asked to participate in R&D projects, and yet, there is little guidance in the field of education R&D regarding strategies to make project partnerships effective and mutually beneficial. Based on the…
Posted: Friday, October 12
Resource | DR K-12 Science Curriculum SIG Synthesis
The mission of the DR K-12 Science Curriculum Special Interest Group (SIG) was to further explore the types of science curricula being developed by DR K-12 grantees and to better understand the types of technologies being employed.  To assist the SIG with their work, EDC and Abt Associates gathered information from various sources to provide insight into the DR K-12 science portfolio.  The…
Posted: Friday, October 12
Resource | DR K-12 Projects Overview
This report is an overview of the projects in the DR K-12 portfolio.
Posted: Friday, October 12
Posted: Friday, October 12
Posted: Friday, October 12
Resource | District Development as a Means of Improving Mathematics Teaching and Learning at Scale
This chapter focuses on research that can inform the improvement of mathematics teaching and learning at scale. In educational contexts, improvement at scale refers to the process of taking an instructional innovation that has proved effective in supporting students’ learning in a small number of classrooms and reproducing that success in a large number of classrooms. We first argue that such…
Posted: Friday, October 12
Resource | Discovery Research K-12 (DR-K12):Descriptive Summary of Portfolio Analysis
The National Science Foundation (NSF) Division of Research on Learning in Formal and Informal Settings (DRL) maintains a portfolio of complementary programs aimed at improving science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) learning at all stages. The Discovery Research K-12 (DR-K12) program is DRL’s key program to support high-quality research and development on STEM learning and…
Posted: Friday, October 12
Resource | Discovery Research K-12 (DR K-12): Descriptive Overview of Portfolio
The Discovery Research K-12 (DR K-12) program, funded by the National Science Foundation (NSF) Division of Research on Learning in Formal and Informal Settings (DRL), supports high-quality research and development on science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) learning and teaching. The portfolio of DR K-12 projects span what NSF has characterized as a cycle of research and…
Posted: Friday, October 12
Resource | Development of Illustrations as Image Supports for English Language Learners in Large-Scale Testing: A Report on the Procedure for Designing Vignette Illustrations
This paper presents a framework and a procedure for developing vignette illustrations as a form of testing accommodation for English language learners (ELLs). Vignette illustrations are defined as illustrations added to test items originally created without illustrations, with the intent to provide a visual support for ELLs that increases their chances of accessing the content of those test items…
Posted: Friday, October 12
Resource | Developing symbol sense for the minus sign
Research on how students make sense of and use the minus sign indicates that students struggle to understand the multiple meanings of the minus sign. Teachers can support students in developing robust understanding of each interpretation of the minus sign, and associated symbol sense, so that they can move among the meanings and can recognize and use each meaning seamlessly.
Posted: Friday, October 12
Resource | Designing Digital Experiences for Positive Youth Development: From Playpen to Playground
With the advent of the digital age, research on the psychological impact of youth engagement with technology has surged. New technologies have often taken the blame for promoting negative (and potentially dangerous) youth experiences, such as cyber-bullying, sexual predation, privacy invasion, addiction to videogames, and exposure to violence. For many children and adolescents, however, digital…
Posted: Friday, October 12
Resource | Designing Digital Experiences for Positive Youth Development: From Playpen to Playground
With the advent of the digital age, research on the psychological impact of youth engagement with technology has surged. New technologies have often taken the blame for promoting negative (and potentially dangerous) youth experiences, such as cyber-bullying, sexual predation, privacy invasion, addiction to videogames, and exposure to violence. For many children and adolescents, however, digital…
Posted: Friday, October 12
Resource | Design Patterns for Assessing Model-Based Reasoning (Large-Scale Assessment Technical Report 6)
Understanding, exploring, and interacting with the world through models characterizes science in all its branches and at all levels of education.  Model-based reasoning is central to science education and thus science assessment.  Building on research in assessment, science education, and learning sciences, this report provides a set of desgin patterns to help assessment designers, researchers,…
Posted: Friday, October 12
Resource | Defining Visions of High-Quality Mathematics Instruction
By synthesizing what has been learned with regard to critical dimensions of mathematics classroom teaching and learning, and investigating the ways teachers and other school personnel characterize high-quality mathematics instruction, this study defines the notion of ‘instructional vision’ and provides an initial categorization scheme. Motivating this work is the need to reliably document change…
Posted: Friday, October 12
Resource | Conceptual Framework for Analyzing and Designing Illustrations in Science Assessment: Development and Use in the Testing of Linguistically and Culturally Diverse Populations
We present a conceptual framework for designing and analyzing illustrations used in science assessment. This conceptual framework is intended to help test developers to systematically create and examine illustrations used in science test items. Unlike previous approaches to examining illustrations, which rely on the use of vague or polysemic termsto describe illustrations (e.g., graph, diagram),…
Posted: Thursday, October 11
Posted: Thursday, October 11
Posted: Thursday, October 11
Resource | Common Misconceptions about Heat and Insulation
The concepts of energy and heat are challenging for elementary students. Because young students are not ready to delve into kinetic theory and molecular motion, much of the explanation of heat and energy transfer is inaccessible to them. In addition, the use of the word "energy" in popular culture may interfere with the development of scientific understanding. Nevertheless, elementary students…
Posted: Thursday, October 11
Posted: Thursday, October 11
Resource | Change Thinking for Global Science: Fostering and Evaluating Inquiry Thinking About the Ecological Impacts of Climate Change
Project Summary During the lifetimes of our current middle and high school students, it is likely that our planet will undergo more anthropogenic change than it has during all of human history to date. The project is utilizing a learning progression approach for the systematic design of coordinated curriculum, tool, and assessment products focused on climate change biology. This work will provide…
Posted: Thursday, October 11