
Essential Support Video: Taking a Position


eTG Project Team

Short Description

Students put their knowledge to work: every student must take a stand on whether to serve genetically modified potatoes in their school cafeteria – and to give evidence for their reasoning.

Essential Support Video: Brainstorming


eTG Project Team

Short Description

Every Learning Experience in Foundation Science Begins with a brainstorming activity. This six minute video explains how brainstorming can be used to determine prior knowledge of your students, introduce new content, and establish a safe classroom culture for sharing ideas.

Why Formative Assessment?


Kathy Paget

Short Description

In this short text, the power of formative assessment as a teaching tool is detailed, and examples of opportunities for formative assessment within Foundation Science Biology proposed, for Learning Experiences (LE) 2, 3 and 4.

Envisioning Scientifically Literate Students Fifteen Years after Graduation: The Promise of Educative Science Journalism


Joseph Polman

Alan Newman

Cathy Farrar

E. Wendy Saul

Lead Organization(s)
Short Description

The “Science Literacy Through Science Journalism” (SciJourn) project explores how the practices of good science journalism can inform high school science education. As high school students report science news, they learn to gather and contextualize information and bring critical eyes to that which they read and write. This effort can be contrasted to the goal of making every student a “little scientist.”

Teachers as Editors, Editors as Teachers


Angela M. Kohnen

Lead Organization(s)
Short Description

In this study, we examine how a professional science news editor and high school teachers respond to student writing in order to understand the values and priorities each bring to bear on student work. These questions guided our work:

• How do teachers respond to authentic genres in content-area classes?
• How does teacher response compare to the responses of a professional editor?

SmartGraphs Authoring Tool

A demonstration of the SmartGraphs software, and features of the authoring system, is available here: Authoring Demo. Concord is also making the authoring system available to any NSF-funded project that wants to incorporate Web-based SmartGraphs activities into its work. Activities run directly in a browser, so there is nothing to download or install. See for details about SmartGraphs.


Concord Consortium

Lead Organization(s)
Short Description

SmartGraphs is free, open source software that helps students understand graphs and concepts represented in graphs (e.g., slope, velocity, half-life, global warming).

Front-Page Science: Engaging Teens in Science Literacy

“The U.S. Preventative Services Task Force issued new guidelines for mammograms in 2009. What does this mean for someone with a family history of breast cancer? Congress periodically votes on a piece of legislation called the Farm Bill. What does its current iteration mean for the safety of supermarket eggs? Understanding how the latest science affects real people—patients, consumers, voters, and taxpayers—is at the heart of science literacy.”
—From Chapter 1 of Front-Page Science


Wendy Saul

Angela Kohnen

Alan Newman

Laura Pearce

Short Description

Like citizen journalists, your students can get to the heart of science literacy—and challenging questions like these—with the “learn by doing” methodology in this innovative book. Front-Page Science uses science journalism techniques to help students become better consumers of, and contributors to, a scientifically literate community.

Exploring the Unknown


Amy Pallant

Sarah Pryputniewicz

Hee-Sun Lee

Lead Organization(s)
Short Description

This article describes The Concord Consortium's High-Adventure Science Project, which brings frontier science into the classroom, allowing students to explore questions in Earth and space science that scientists are currently investigating.