High School Students' Climate Literacy Through Epistemology of Scientific Modeling (Collaborative Research: Forbes)

This project will focus on learning about model based reasoning in science, and will develop, implement, study, and refine a 6-week climate science module for high school students. The module will feature use of a web-based climate modeling application, and the project team will collect and analyze evidence of model-based reasoning about climate phenomena among students.

Full Description

This project will focus on learning about model based reasoning in science, and will develop, implement, study, and refine a 6-week climate science module for high school students. The module will feature use of a web-based climate modeling application, and the project team will collect and analyze evidence of model-based reasoning about climate phenomena among students. Scientists routinely use data-intensive, computer-based models to study complex natural phenomena, and modeling has become a core objective of current science curriculum standards. The project will provide new insights about student use of scientific models to understand natural phenomena, and advance knowledge about curriculum, instruction, and assessment practices that promote model-based reasoning among students.

This 4-year Design and Development project will examine use of a web-based climate modeling tool designed to provide non-scientists experiences with climate modeling in high school geoscience classrooms. A theoretically-grounded and empirically tested approach to design-based research, instructional design, and assessment development will be used in an iterative cycle of instructional innovation and education research to find answers to two research questions: 1) How do secondary students develop epistemic and conceptual knowledge about climate? And 2) How do secondary science teachers support student use of climate modeling application to develop epistemic and conceptual knowledge about climate? Data associated with conceptual and epistemic knowledge, curriculum-embedded modeling tasks, interviews, and videorecorded observations of instruction will be used to study impacts of the new curriculum module on 55 high school science teachers and 3,000 students. Project participants include students from low socioeconomic populations and other groups underrepresented in STEM fields. The curriculum will also serve as a resource for an existing, online professional development course at the American Museum of Natural History that engages teachers nationwide.

This project was previously funded under award #1720838.

Carroll-Steward, K., Bhattacharya, D., Chandler, M.C., & Forbes, C.T. (in press). Secondary science teachers’ implementation of a curricular intervention when teaching with global climate modelsJournal of Geoscience Education.  

Bhattacharya, D., Carroll-Steward, K., & Forbes, C.T. (2021).  Climate education in secondary science: Comparison of model-based and non-model-based investigations of Earth’s climate. International Journal of Science Education, 43(13), 2226-2249.

Bhattacharya, D., Carroll-Steward, K., & Forbes, C.T. (2021).  Empirical research on K-16 climate education: A systematic review of the literature. Journal of Geoscience Education, 69(3), 223-247.

Forbes, C.T., Chandler, M., Blake, J., Bhattacharya, D., Carroll-Steward, K., Johnson, V., DeGrand, T., Mason, W., and Murrow, B. (2020).  Fostering climate literacy with global climate models in secondary science classrooms: Insights from a collaborative partnership.  In J. Henderson & A. Drewes (Eds.), Teaching Climate Change in the United States (pgs. 29-43) . Routledge; New York.

Forbes, C.T., Chandler, M.C., Bhattacharya, D., Vo, T., & Griffin, J. (2018).  Secondary students’ model-based reasoning about Earth systems: Practice, epistemology, and conceptual understanding.  In Kay, J. & Luckin, R. (Eds.), Transforming learning, empowering learners: Proceedings of the 13th International Conference of the Learning Sciences (ICLS 2018), Volume 3, (pp. 1397-1398). London: International Society of the Learning Sciences.Bhattacharya, D., Chandler, M., Carroll-Steward, K., & Forbes, C.T. (2020). Investigating the phenomenon of increasing surface air temperatures using a global climate modeling approach. The Science Teacher, 88(1), 58-66.  


Project Materials