- González-Howard, M. & McNeill, K. L. (2019). Teachers’ framing of argumentation goals: Working together to develop individual versus communal understanding. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 56(6), 821-844.
- González-Howard, M. (2019). Exploring the utility of social network analysis for visualizing interactions during argumentation discussions. Science Education, 103(3), 503-528.
- Spycher, P., González-Howard, M. & August, D. (Under Review). Content and language instruction in middle and high school: Promoting equity and achievement through access and meaningful engagement. In Improving multilingual and English learner education: Research to practice.*
- González-Howard, M., McNeill, K. L., Marco-Bujosa, L., & Proctor, C. P (2017). ‘Does it answer the question or is it French fries?’: An exploration of language supports for scientific argumentation. International Journal of Science Education, 39(5), 528-547.*
- González-Howard, M. & McNeill, K. L. (2016). Learning in a community of practice: Factors impacting English-learning students’ engagement in scientific argumentation. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 53(4), 527-533.*
This project will study ways to improve classroom instruction grounded in science practices to address inequities in science education for emerging bilingual students. The project will create research-based resources for teacher educators that focus on developing preservice elementary teachers' understanding and abilities to support emerging bilingual students' engagement in science practices.