
The fundamental purpose of this project is to develop, implement, and study a professional development (PD) model for improving chemistry teachers' formative assessment practices to foster teaching focused on…
“Help! I’m stuck!” How many times have you heard a student make a similar plea? What do you consider when deciding how to respond? What reasoning is most productive? As part of a large research project, we explored these…
Familial presence in school supports children’s learning. However, few models exist that illustrate forms of familial presence in STEM learning that center familial cultural knowledge and practice. The project…
Elementary School Science The goal of TL4CS is to explore how elementary school citizen science (CS) can support students’ engagement with science…
This project will develop two forms of support for teachers: guidance embedded in citizen science project materials and teacher professional development. The overarching goal of the project is to generate…
CAREER Spotlight
In this project, researchers and K-5 practitioners work together to rethink the elementary school science investigation. We are designing tools and materials that allow elementary students to productively engage with some…
The imperative that all students, including English learners (ELs), achieve high academic standards and have opportunities to participate in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) learning has become even…
This project will conduct a study to identify instructional practices and professional development approaches for teachers and the policies needed to support ELLs' accomplishments in science and math. The study…
Early Career News
News CADRE Fellows Publication Emily C. Miller, Emily Reigh (2019-20 CADRE Fellow), Leema Berland, and Joseph Krajcik published this article in the…
Elementary School Middle School Science Katherine McNeill
Classroom Practice Science Presentation Elementary Middle Katherine L. McNeill…
This project is writing and researching a book supporting grade 5-8 students in scientific explanations and arguments. The book provides written and video examples from a variety of contexts in terms of content…
High School Science This project is developing and testing a high school climate change unit and professional learning experience in which teachers…
This partnership of BSCS Science Learning, Oregon Public Broadcasting, and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration advances curriculum materials development for high quality units that are…
PI Meeting Session
Panel Mathematics Standards In the Summer of 2010 a joint task force of ASSM, AMTE, NCSM and NCTM produced an action plan for supporting implementation of…
In 2010, the National Governor’s Association and the Council of Chief State School Officers published theCommon Core State Standards for Mathematics (CCSSM) and to date, 44 states, the District of Columbia,and the U.S.…
We report on an eight-year project in which we partnered with several large urban school districts in the U.S. that were attempting to support mathematics teachers’ development of ambitious, inquiry-oriented instructional…
Middle School Science This project studied the utility of a machine learning-based assessment system for supporting middle school science teachers in…
This project will study the utility of a machine learning-based assessment system for supporting middle school science teachers in making instructional decisions based on automatically generated student reports…
This project will study the utility of a machine learning-based assessment system for supporting middle school science teachers in making instructional decisions based on automatically generated student reports…
This project will study the utility of a machine learning-based assessment system for supporting middle school science teachers in making instructional decisions based on automatically generated student reports…
This project will study the utility of a machine learning-based assessment system for supporting middle school science teachers in making instructional decisions based on automatically generated student reports…
This project will explore the potential of video-based formative feedback to enhance professional development around ambitious instruction for secondary teachers in urban schools. Research…
This proposal leverages the re-design of the Advanced Placement (AP) curricula currently under way to study the impact of teacher professional development on student achievement in a natural experiment at scale…
PI Meeting Session
Panel Classroom Practice Equity Teachers Four DR K-12 projects report findings on the relationship between school and…
This paper reviews the literature on mentor teachers’ learning in relationship to high leverage practices and summarizes existing research on mentoring and experienced teacher learning that might help inform the design of…
The Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research (ICPSR) will host a workshop that brings together NSF-funded teams working on midscale research infrastructure incubator projects for STEM…
Previous research has shown that play is an important vehicle for exploration, understanding, and learning because play involves many of the same features as sophisticated disciplinary engagement in mathematics…
This project will provide rural STEM middle school teachers and career counselors professional development and the support needed to collaborate with each other and local community assets in designing,…
Elementary School Mathematics This poster will present one school's partnership work as part of our larger project. As a key lever to lead towards…
This project focuses on developing anti-racist mathematics teaching and learning practices that have led to inequitable school experiences for Black, Indigenous, and Latinx students. This study is a partnership…
Middle School Science This project supports students’ writing of science explanations. One main goal is to develop novel, automated natural language…
This project will develop a novel, automated technology to provide middle-school students and their teachers with real-time feedback about students' written explanations of physics phenomena. Working in groups…
Middle School Science Technology Educational Technology This project will design a sociotechnical system to automatically…
Middle School Science Technology Written science explanations are central to learning and practicing science. However, there are two main…
This project will develop a novel, automated technology to provide middle-school students and their teachers with real-time feedback about students' written explanations of physics phenomena. Working in groups…
This article describes a four-step strategy used in our professional development program to help elementary science teachers recognize and create lesson plans with coherent conceptual storylines. We…
Elementary School Middle School Science Technology Brian Reiser Christina…
Elementary School Middle School Science Brian Reiser Christina Schwarz Lisa…
This project will develop a learning progression that characterizes how learners integrate and interrelate scientific argumentation, explanation and scientific modeling, building ever more sophisticated versions…
Elementary School Middle School Science Brian Reiser Leema Berland Lisa Kenyon…
Middle School High School Engineering Science Technology This project seeks to support students to creatively…
In this project, the research team will create a computer-mediated design environment that enables students in grades 7-10 to collaboratively explore, make connections, generate, and evaluate design ideas that…
Elementary School Middle School Science Technology Daniel Damelin Joseph Krajcik…
This project will (1) develop and test a modeling tool and accompanying instructional materials, (2) explore how to support students in building and using models to explain and predict phenomena across a range…
This project will (1) develop and test a modeling tool and accompanying instructional materials, (2) explore how to support students in building and using models to explain and predict phenomena across a range…
Supporting Secondary Students in Building External Models is a collaborative project with Michigan State University and the Concord Consortium, funded by the National Science Foundation (NSF) to examine how to support…
Global climate change (GCC) is one of the greatest challenges of our age and a highly significant socio-scientific issue (SSI). Developing secondary students’ understanding about the Earth’s climate and GCC is critical for…
This article presents an instructional strategy called Mathematical Bet Lines that was designed to promote classroom discourse and sense-making for all students, in particular English Language Learners…