
This case study examines how material resistance (limitations posed by the physical world) and graph interpretation intersected during a high school biology investigation using digital sensors. This…
Tool Other CADRE 2010
The CADRE Early Career Guide offers advice from experienced DR K-12 awardees on becoming a successful researcher in the field of STEM education. The guide also profiles a support program, the CADRE Fellows, for doctoral…
The CADRE Learning Series was designed to provide targeted support for STEM education researchers on topics of DRK-12 needs and interests. The learning series has covered the topics of professional development and…
Please use this form to propose a project collection spotlight to be featured on the CADREK12 website. Tool Other CADRE…
Tool Other CADRE 2010
This webinar was held 3/24/2014 to orient new DR K-12 awardees to the Other Tool Other…
No longer only for the elite, a new generation of science high schools could help low-income and minority students get better jobs. No longer only for the elite, a new generation of science high schools…
Ryoo, K. & Linn, M.C. (2012). Can Dynamic Visualizations Improve Middle School Students’ Understanding of Energy in Photosynthesis? Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 49(2), 218-243. ABSTRACT: Dynamic…
Zhang, Z., & Linn, M. C. (2011). Can Generating Representations Enhance Learning with Dynamic Visualizations? Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 48(10), 1177-1198. ABSTRACT: This study explores the impact of…
This study aimed to examine an assumption regarding whether generative artificial intelligence (GAI) tools can overcome the cognitive intensity that humans suffer when solving problems. We examine the performance of…
Mathematics Teacher Practice Presentation Middle Debra I. Johanning…
Case Studies from the FAACT project. Case studies from the FAACT project. Mathematics Broadening Participation Special Education…
This self-reflective case study describes our project team’s efforts to promote equity in science professional learning (PL) by centering the voices of educators in the PL design process and within the course itself. In…
Mathematics education research tends to center on what Mathematics Teacher Educators-Researchers (MTERs) work on or the people (teachers and students) they work with. Rarely, research in mathematics education focuses…
Laurie H. Rubel (Brooklyn College) discusses a teacher learning community for high school teachers in New York City organized to develop practices of culturally relevant mathematics pedagogy. This project, named CureMap,…
The CHALK tool is a progressive web application that guides educators to improve instructional quality in early education settings. CHALK provides targeted observation tools that allow instructional coaches to easily track…
Achieving data literacy is challenging when schools narrowly focus on statistical reasoning rather than on meaning- and inference-making. Without attention to the social contexts of data, learners can fail to develop a…
This article describes the use of RD design to evaluate the impact of a supplemental algebra-readiness curriculum, Transition to Algebra, on students’ mathematics outcomes. Interest in the regression…
Nine units for high school-level Marine Science classes: (1) Ocean Exploration, (2) Marine Geology, (3) Marine Chemistry, (4) Estuaries, (5) Marine Physics, (6) Populations: Producers, (7) Populations: Invertebrates, (8)…
Project Summary During the lifetimes of our current middle and high school students, it is likely that our planet will undergo more anthropogenic change than it has during all of human history to date. The project is…
AERA presentation on elementary teachers’ perceptions and facilitation of argumentation in the context of professional learning. Wilsey, M., Delhaye, C., Collins, M., Allan, S., Reigh, E., Borko, H.,…
We developed an analytic framework related to the suggestions coaches provided to mathematics teachers as they engaged in content-focused coaching cycles. We analyzed 712 suggestions from nine coaches and 58 coaching…
With an ultimate goal of characterizing teachers' movement toward understanding the epistemic complexity of generative learning environments, this study refers to adaptive teaching expertise (AdTex) as a…
We examined secondary (6-12) mathematics teachers’ participation in a professional development (PD) model where they collectively investigated video cases of students engaging with ambitious instructional materials. We…
This Research in Science Education article focuses on characterizing classroom discourse in science. Sandoval, W. A., Kawasaki, J., & Clark, H. F. (2020). Characterizing science classroom discourse…
In this article, authors examined classroom videos of nine experienced teachers of elementary, middle, and high school science, aiming to create a model of FA enactment that is useful to teachers.…
Authors discuss student dimensions of expertise when engaged in modeling and simulation practices and describe how students used their cognitive and metacognitive knowledge to approach a computational challenge…
Impact evaluation plays a critical role in determining whether federally funded research programs in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics are wise investments. This paper develops quantitative methods for…
In this article, we describe our implementation of an innovative approximation of practice in teacher education: chat-based role-play. In so doing, we share our collective experiences as teacher educators about how the…
This article pilots ChatGPT in tackling the most challenging part of science learning and found it successful in automation of assessment development, grading, learning guidance, and recommendation of learning materials…
Presented in this paper are the results from analyzing a discussion between five high school chemistry teachers as they generated a set of best practices for inquiry assessments. High school chemistry…
The Chemistry Education Research Doctoral Scholars Program aims to recruit, train and graduate a diverse group of scholars in chemistry education research (CER) who specialize in assessment; design coursework, K-12…
Chemistry Science Presentation High Angela Haydel DeBarger Carlos Ayala…
The purpose of this study was to identify affordances and limitations of using order and value comparison tasks versus number placement tasks to infer students’ negative integer understanding and growth in understanding…
This monograph is a report on a four-year-long multisite longitudinal study that studied children’s thinking and learning about geometric measurement (i.e., length, area, and volume). Quantitative…
Williams, S., Deahl, E., Rubel, L., & Lim, V. (2014). City Digits: Developing Socially-Grounded Data Literacy Using Digital Tools. Journal of Digital and Media Literacy, 2(2).…
The CKT packets contain tasks, suggested lesson plans, readings, and resources to support teacher educators’ efforts to help elementary teachers develop CKT– specialized knowledge at the intersection of specific content…
In this article, authors argue for deliberate attention to clarifiable ambiguity as a critical aspect of attending to meaning and as a necessary precursor to productive use of student mathematical thinking…
Ambiguity is a natural part of communication in a mathematics classroom. In this paper, a particular subset of ambiguity is characterized as clarifiable. Clarifiable ambiguity in classroom mathematics discourse is common,…
CLP contains seven tools for use in creating visual representations, as shown in examples. More details about using each tool follow these examples. Classroom Learning Partner (CLP) tools allow students…
The Classroom Argumentation Observation Protocol developed in LAMP measures teachers’ pedagogical practices in terms of teachers providing opportunities for students to engage in the mathematics learning experiences…
This multiple case study focused on the implementation of a computer-aided design (CAD) simulation to help students engage in engineering design to learn science concepts. Our findings describe three case studies that…
This blog post includes the link to 4 videos of teachers using the project's middle school ecosystems unit. Kastel, D. (2017, August 25). Classroom videos from disruptions in ecosystems unit [Blog post…
This report takes stock of what we currently know as well as what we need to know to make classroom assessment maximally beneficial for the teaching and learning of STEM subject matter in K–12 classrooms…
Socially relevant and controversial topics, such as the climate crisis, are subject to differences in the explanations that scientists and the public find plausible. Scaffolds can help students be evaluative of the…
In this mixed method study, we analyse the effectiveness of two pedagogical approaches – one model-based and another non-model-based – for developing secondary students’ understanding of the phenomenon of increase in Earth…
Authors discuss insights from research on K-16 climate education. Bhattacharya, D., Carroll-Steward, K., Sutter, A., Chandler, M., & Forbes, C.T. (2018). Climate literacy: Insights from research on…