
Articulating a Transformative Approach for Designing Tasks that Measure Young Learners' Developing Proficiencies in Integrated Science and Literacy (Collaborative Research: Billman…
Articulating a Transformative Approach for Designing Tasks that Measure Young Learners' Developing Proficiencies in Integrated Science and Literacy (Collaborative Research: Harris…
Articulating a Transformative Approach for Designing Tasks that Measure Young Learners' Developing Proficiencies in Integrated Science and Literacy (Collaborative Research: Rutstein…
Aspiring Awardees: Apply to Attend the 2021 DRK-12 PI Meeting WHAT: NSF and CADRE invite early career researchers to apply to attend the 2021 DRK-12 PI Meeting, a virtual convening of NSF DRK-…
Assessing College-Ready Computational Thinking (Collaborative Research: Brown) Assessing College-Ready Computational Thinking (Collaborative Research: Brown…
Assessing College-Ready Computational Thinking (Collaborative Research: Wilson) Assessing College-Ready Computational Thinking (Collaborative Research: Wilson…
Assessing Instructional Quality in Mathematics: A Comparative Study of High and Low Value-Added Teachers' Videotaped Lessons Assessing Instructional Quality…
Assessing Secondary Teachers' Algebraic Habits of Mind (Collaborative Research: Matsuura) Assessing Secondary Teachers' Algebraic Habits of Mind (…
Assessing Secondary Teachers' Algebraic Habits of Mind (Collaborative Research: Stevens) Assessing Secondary Teachers' Algebraic Habits of Mind (…
Assessing Secondary Teachers' Algebraic Habits of Mind (Collaborative Research: Sword) Assessing Secondary Teachers' Algebraic Habits of Mind (…
Assessing Student Engagement in Math and Science in Middle School: Classroom, Family, and Peer Effects on Engagement Assessing Student Engagement in Math and…
Assessing Teachers' Pedagogical Design Capacity and Mathematics Curriculum Use (Collaborative Research: Kim) Assessing Teachers' Pedagogical Design…
Assessing Teachers' Pedagogical Design Capacity and Mathematics Curriculum Use (Collaborative Research: Remillard) Assessing Teachers' Pedagogical…
Assessing the Educational, Career, and Social Impacts of the XO Laptop Program in Birmingham, AL City Schools Assessing the Educational, Career, and Social…
Assessing the Efficacy and Implementation of a Technology-based Mathematics Intervention for Middle School Students Assessing the Efficacy and Implementation of a…
Assessing, Validating, and Developing Content Knowledge for Teaching Energy (Collaborative Research: Gitomer) Assessing, Validating, and Developing Content…
Assessing, Validating, and Developing Content Knowledge for Teaching Energy (Collaborative Research: Minstrell) Assessing, Validating, and Developing Content…
Assessing, Validating, and Developing Content Knowledge for Teaching Energy (Collaborative Research: Vokos) Assessing, Validating, and Developing Content…
Assessing, Validating, and Developing Content Knowledge for Teaching Energy (Collaborative Research: Wittmann) Assessing, Validating, and Developing Content…
Assessment for Learning Research Scholars: Capacity Building in Mathematics and Science Education Assessment for Learning Research Scholars: Capacity Building in…
ASSISTments Meets Inquiry ASSISTments Meets Inquiry 0733286 This project addresses middle school students’ learning of…
Astrobiology in the Secondary Classroom Project: An Interdisciplinary Curriculum Developed by a Collaboration of Scientists and Educators from Three Different Minority Communities…
Attributions of Mathematical Excellence in Teaching and Learning Attributions of Mathematical Excellence in Teaching and Learning 2200990…
August 2018 Newsletter Dear Colleagues, We've heard! CADRE has been awarded a grant to continue serving the DRK-12 program and its awardees for another two years. Here's what we know. We…
August 2019 Newsletter Dear Colleagues, The 2019 DRK-12 grants have been awarded, and new projects are beginning. Welcome to all the new members of the CADRE community! We send a special…
August 2020 Newsletter Dear Colleagues, The demand for data skills is growing across industries and disciplines. Understanding how to analyze and interpret data will not only be critical for…
August 2021 Newsletter Dear Colleagues, This month, we’re showcasing resources to support equitable and inclusive instruction and research from NSF resource networks (see article below). We're…
August 2022 Newsletter Dear Colleagues, As summer winds down and the school year is upon us, we hope you’ve had some time to relax and are happily anticipating the opportunities ahead. In…
August 2023 Newsletter Dear Colleagues, CADRE introduces our new report, Classroom-Based STEM Assessment: Contemporary Issues and Perspectives. This report highlights the latest insights from…
AutoMentor: Virtual Mentoring and Assessment in Computer Games for STEM Learning AutoMentor: Virtual Mentoring and Assessment in Computer Games for STEM Learning…
Become a WWC-Certified Reviewer The mission of the What Works Clearinghouse (WWC) is to be a central and trusted source of scientific evidence for what works in education. A distinguishing…
Beyond Bridging: Co-education of Pre-service and In-service Elementary Teachers in Science and Mathematics Beyond Bridging: Co-education of Pre-service and In-…
Beyond Penguins and Polar Bears: Integrating Literacy and IPY in the K-5 Classroom Beyond Penguins and Polar Bears: Integrating Literacy and IPY in the K-5…
Bilingualtek: An Integrated Science-Language Approach for Latinx Preschoolers Bilingualtek: An Integrated Science-Language Approach for Latinx Preschoolers…
Biocomplexity and the Habitable Planet -- An Innovative Capstone Course for High School (Collaborative Research: Berkowitz) Biocomplexity and the Habitable Planet…
Biocomplexity and the Habitable Planet -- An Innovative Capstone Course for High School (Collaborative Research: Puttick) Biocomplexity and the Habitable Planet…
Biocomplexity: Transforming an Innovative High School Curriculum with UDL Scaffolds and Multimedia Resources Biocomplexity: Transforming an Innovative High School…
BioGraph 2.0: Online Professional Development for High School Biology Teachers for Teaching and Learning About Complex Systems BioGraph 2.0: Online Professional…
Bioinformatics: Learning by Doing Bioinformatics: Learning by Doing 0733255 This project addresses two grand challenges—…
Biomimicry as an Authentic Anchor: Giving Teachers the Tools to Adapt an Interdisciplinary Middle School Curriculum Biomimicry as an Authentic Anchor: Giving…
Bio-Sphere: Fostering Deep Learning of Complex Biology for Building our Next Generation's Scientists Bio-Sphere: Fostering Deep Learning of Complex Biology…
"Blockchain in education – education in blockchain" Virtual Meeting NSF would like to inquire about your interest in participating in a 2-day virtual meeting, “Blockchain in…
Boosting Data Science Teaching and Learning in STEM Boosting Data Science Teaching and Learning in STEM 2101049 This project…
Breakthrough Junior Challenge Students ages 13-to-18 from countries across the globe are invited to create original videos (up to five minutes in length) that illustrate a concept or theory…
Bridging Preschool and Kindergarten Science: Exploring Play-based Engagement with Scientific and Engineering Practices in Early Learning Environments (Collaborative Research: Miller…
Bridging Preschool and Kindergarten Science: Exploring Play-based Engagement with Scientific and Engineering Practices in Early Learning Environments (Collaborative Research: Whitt…
Bridging Science Teaching and Learning in Title 1 Schools Bridging Science Teaching and Learning in Title 1 Schools 2010361…
Bridging the Gap Between Content Knowledge and Practice: Improving Middle School Teachers' Content Knowledge and Classroom Practices Bridging the Gap Between…
Bridging the Gap Between High School and College Physics: An Exploratory Study Bridging the Gap Between High School and College Physics: An Exploratory Study…