
Chandra Lewis Email Senior Research Associate RMC Research Corporation…
Senior Research Associate
Hiller Spires North Carolina State University (NCSU) Kerkhoff, S. N., Spires, H., & Wright, S. J. (In Press). A world of difference: Teaching…
Angelina Castagno Email Northern Arizona University Castagno, A. E., Tracy, T., Denny, D.,…
Jennifer Kidd Old Dominion University Pazos-Lago, M., Ringleb, S., Kidd, J. & Jones, R. (2019). Scaffolding project-based learning in an…
Joshua Danish Indiana University (IU)
Sol Henson
Sol Henson Sierra Streams Institute (SSI)
Heidi Ballard University of California, Davis (UC Davis)
Gauri Vaishampayan Museum of Science and Industry
Steven Zuiker Steve Zuiker is an assistant professor of educational technology and the learning sciences in the division of educational innovation and leadership. His research is…
Assistant Professor
Eileen Merritt Email Educator Assistant Professor Arizona State University (ASU…
Assistant Professor
Victoria VanUitert Victoria J. VanUitert is a PhD student in Special Education in the Curry School of Education and Human Development at the University of Virginia. She is a research…
Joseph DiNapoli Email Montclair State University
John Russell Email Discipline Specialist (STEM) Senior Education Researcher…
Senior Education Researcher
Paulina Haduong Harvard University
Laura Peters Harvard University
Karl Kosko
Karl Kosko Kent State University Kosko, K. W., Ferdig, R. E., & Zolfaghari, M. (2019) Preservice teachers’ noticing in the context of 360 video.…
Jeffrey Shih University of Nevada, Las Vegas (UNLV)
Elizabeth Votruba-Drzal University of Pittsburgh (Pitt)
Sara Cordes Email Discipline Specialist (STEM) Associate Professor Boston College (BC…
Associate Professor
Benjamin Superfine University of Illinois at Chicago (UIC)
Shelby Cosner University of Illinois at Chicago (UIC)
Douglas Ready Columbia University
Samuel Coskey Boise State University
Michele Carney Boise State University
Keith Thiede Boise State University
Tanya Dewey Colorado State University (CSU)
John Gruver Michigan Technological University
Ido Davidesco University of Connecticut (UConn)
Kayla DesPortes New York University (NYU)
Jeffrey Burke University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA)
James Hiebert University of Delaware (UD)
Anne Morris University of Delaware (UD)
Suzanne Dikker New York University (NYU)
Wu He
Wu He National Science Foundation (NSF)
Sharon Lynch National Science Foundation (NSF)
Earl Legleiter Fort Hays State University
Mark Hannum American Association of Physics Teachers (AAPT) Physics
Shannon Davidson Florida State University (FSU)
Ryan Stowe
Ryan Stowe University of Wisconsin-Madison (UW-Madison) Chemistry Stowe, R. L., Herrington, D. G., McKay, R. L.,…
Yemimah King Yemimah A. King is a doctoral student in the Department of Human Development and Family Studies (HDFS) at Purdue University, where she studies early language and math…
David McKinney David McKinney is a postdoctoral scholar with the Motivation -Planning Lessons to Activate eNgagement in Science (M-PLANS)project at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas.…
Emily Reigh Emily Reigh is a doctoral candidate at Stanford University with dual specializations in Science Education and Race, Inequality and Language in Education (RILE). She is a…
Jennifer Schellinger Jennifer Schellinger is postdoctoral researcher for an NSF-funded program called Learning Through Collaborative Design –Professional Development at Florida State…
James Smith James E. Smith is a doctoral student at the University of Arizona in the Teaching, Learning, and Sociocultural Studies: Mathematics Teaching and Teacher Education and…
Jena Barchas-Lichtenstein Email Other
Scott Gray
Scott Gray El Paso Independent School District (EPISD)
Lauren Margulieux Email Georgia State University (GSU) Computer Science
Brooke Whitworth Email Educator Assistant Professor of Science Education University of…
Assistant Professor of Science Education
Ryan "Seth" Jones Seth studies ways of supporting students to use mathematics and science to construct and revise knowledge. He has conducted research that focuses on…
Assistant Professor
Orly Buchbinder University of New Hampshire Buchbinder, O., & Zaslavsky, O. (2018). Students’ understanding of the role of examples in proving:…