
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, this meeting is cancelled. Go to the event page for details. Conference Wed, 06/03/2020 - 12:00 - Fri, 06/05/2020 - 14:00…
In this article, authors examined classroom videos of nine experienced teachers of elementary, middle, and high school science, aiming to create a model of FA enactment that is useful to teachers.…
Learn more at… National Science Foundation (NSF) Funding Opportunity…
In this study, authors examined middle-school students’ naturally occurring design conversations in small design teams and their learning of science as a result of engaging in an engineering and science unit…
From 2012–2015, Advanced Placement (AP) science courses underwent a large-scale curricular reform to include more scientific inquiry and reasoning, reduce emphasis on broad content coverage, and focus on depth of…
Early Career News
News CADRE Fellows Publication Ayana McCoy (2015-16 CADRE Fellow) and Kim Frumin (2016-17 CADRE Fellow) published this Journal of Science Teacher…
This article looks at the 2017 STEM for All Video Showcase, a multimodal environment, that enabled educational researchers to share and discuss short videos depicting their federally-funded work to improve STEM education.…
A student assessment of science literacy for urban ecology. A student assessment of science literacy for urban ecology. Earth Science Environmental Science…
This survey is designed to gather information about how interests in Urban Ecology and STEM careers have changed after participating in the Urban Ecology course. This survey is designed to gather…
The Urban Ecology Curriculum for English Learners is an interdisciplinary, standards-based, upper elementary/middle school curriculum designed to bolster English language and literacy learning for Long Term English…
The Urban Ecology Curriculum for English Learners is an interdisciplinary, standards-based, upper elementary/middle school curriculum designed to bolster English language and literacy learning for Long Term English…
Webinar 1: Social Network Analysis - An IntroductionThis webinar was held March 26, 2020. View Slides | Watch Webinar Recording Webinar 2: Applying Social Network Analysis to STEM Education ResearchThis webinar…
Join the NSF INCLUDES Coordination Hub and Network Members, Sarah Hug and Karen Peterman for the Goals and Metrics: Gathering Evidence for Success webinar on February 26 at 2 pm ET. Please …
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, this conference will be held virtually. To learn more, visit DRK-12 Presenters: Carrie D. Allen*, University of North Texas Melissa Braaten*, University of Colorado…
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, this conference is cancelled. To learn more, visit DRK-12 Presenters: Mavreen Rose Tuvilla*, Purdue University *Denotes…
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the 2020 conference has been postponed until 2021. To learn more, visit DRK-12 Presenters: Salvador Huitzilopochtli* and Judit Moschkovich,…
To learn more, visit DRK-12 Presenters: Johannah Nikula and Jill Neumayer DePiper, Education Development Center (EDC) Teacher Development Group…
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, this conference has been postponed until July 15-17, 2021. To learn more, visit DRK-12 Presenters: Emily Dare and Joshua Ellis, Florida International University;…
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, this conference is cancelled. To learn more, visit DRK-12 Presenters: Pam Buffington and Peter Tierney-Fife, Education Development Center (EDC…
Professional Society
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, this conference will be held virtually. To learn more, visit DRK-12 Presenters: Beth Chance and Soma Roy, Cal Poly State University; Josephine Louie…
A presentation describing the policies and expectations of the Computer Science for All program (CSforAll) is now available. View the solicitation View the recording (once you have downloaded the PPT, go to Slideshow…
To learn more, visit DRK-12 Presenters: Deborah Hanuscin, Emily Borda, and Josie Melton*, Western Washington University; Jamie Mikeska* and Dante Cisterna,…
View Slides | Watch Webinar Recording Social network analysis is an analytical approach – including theoretical perspectives and methodological techniques – that focuses on the relationships among actors in a system…
View Slides | Watch Webinar Recording Social network analysis is an analytical approach – including theoretical perspectives and methodological techniques – that focuses on the relationships among actors in a…
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, this conference will be held virtually. To learn more, visit Association for Education Finance and Policy (AEFP…
Drawing on a situated perspective on learning, authors analyzed written, open-ended journals of 52 pre-service teachers (PSTs) concurrently enrolled in mathematics and pedagogy with field experience courses for elementary…
The present report summarizes the analyses of the calibration data for the electronic Test of Early Numeracy (e-TEN), an adaptive, iPad-based test of early numeracy achievement. The present report…
Presented in this paper are the results from analyzing a discussion between five high school chemistry teachers as they generated a set of best practices for inquiry assessments. High school chemistry…
Authors discuss the possibilities of retaining and sharing professional knowledge as a way of addressing the problem of always starting over. Cai, J., Morris, A., Hohensee, C., Hwang, S., Robison, V.,…
In this editorial, authors discuss the first of the five overarching problems: defining and measuring learning opportunities precisely enough to study how to maximize the quality of the opportunities experienced by every…
The purpose of this study was to describe how families utilize science activity packs at home. The role that caregivers can play in their child’s science education is often overlooked within science…
We describe an experience within mathematics teacher preparation that engages pre-service teachers of mathematics (PMTs) in Making and design practices that we hypothesized would inform their conceptual, curricular, and…
In this article, authors use meta-analysis to analyze 42 design and comparison studies involving data from 7699 students spanning over 35 years. Graph technologies are now widely available in K-12…
Authors investigate ways to support students in integrating their understanding of density concepts through a graph that is linked to a simulation depicting the relationship between mass, volume, and density…
This article describes online video coaching model used with middle-grades, rural mathematics teachers. This article describes online video coaching model used with middle-grades, rural mathematics…
In this chapter, the authors present the design rationale for and empirical results from a predominantly synchronous three-part online model for the professional development of mathematics teachers in rural contexts…
This study explored how teachers interpreted and responded to their own student work during the process of formative assessment. This study explored how teachers interpreted and responded to their own…
In this report, authors describe the results of a rigorous two-year study of the impacts of a mathematics initiative called Ongoing Assessment Project (OGAP) on teacher and student learning in grades 3-5 in two…
In this paper, authors focus on the design of assessments of mathematics teachers’ knowledge by emphasising the importance of identifying the purpose for the assessment, defining the specific construct to be measured, and…
Drawing upon a social practice theory analytical lens with a focus on power and using critical participatory ethnography methods, this study investigated the ways middle school students restructured power hierarchies as…
This paper investigates classroom-related factors such as pedagogical strategies and management of robotics-based educational content that contribute to the formation of student perceptions in robotics-enhanced classes…
This paper will describe the process and result of developing a LEGO robotics, NGSS, and 5E aligned middle school curriculum during a three-week summer PD program for teachers who teach urban students-of-color…
This paper describes a program to engage teachers to learn about mechatronics, robotics, and Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) through hands-on activities and collaborative research. Rapid…
This paper analyzes teaching practices that successfully integrate robotics in middle school science and math classrooms. A robotics-based curriculum offers numerous opportunities to enrich science,…
This paper describes how the design canvas of Kline et al. was adopted and implemented in our workshop and investigates its benefits. Advances in science and technology are shaping every aspect of our…
In this study, analyzing lesson plans using the rubrics provided opportunities for suggestions and feedback for improvement to developers and it informs the development of new lessons by the project team…
Blog Addressing EL Linguistic Heterogeneity. The performance of English language learners (ELs; students who are still developing English as a second language) on tests in English and in their first…