
New DRK-12 Solicitation: Informational Webinars and Resources CADRE will host NSF-led informational sessions on the new DRK-12 Solicitation 23-596. If you are planning to submit a DRK-12…
DRK-12 Solicitation (23-596) Webinars: NSF Office Hours Join one of the upcoming office hour-style webinars for an opportunity to interact with NSF program officers in small groups and get…
Now accepting applications for the 2024 CADRE Fellows program! CADRE is now accepting applications for the 2024 Fellows program. The CADRE Fellows program provides professional growth…
Report and Webinar! Classroom-Based STEM Assessment: Contemporary Issues and Perspectives Image CADRE is pleased to announce the release of a new report,…
CADRE Learning Series on Instructional Observation Image Many DRK-12 projects seek to document changes in classroom instruction. To that end, researchers…
NSF Seeks DRK-12 Reviewers The National Science Foundation (NSF) seeks reviewers for its Discovery Research in PreK-12 (DRK-12) program. If you or your research partners are interested in…
Announcing the 2024 CADRE Fellows! Please join us in welcoming the 2024 CADRE Fellows: Miranda M. Allen, Texas Tech University Jerome Amedu, University of New Hampshire Fangxing Bai,…
NSF-IES Research and Development Center on Improving Outcomes in Elementary Science Education: Funding Opportunity and Office Hours The National Science Foundation (NSF) is partnering with the…
New CADRE Learning Series on Rural Partnerships Recognizing the unique assets and needs of rural schools, DRK-12 researchers are working in partnerships with rural communities across the U.S.…
NSF Notice on the Use of Generative AI Technology The National Science Foundation (NSF) has posted a notice establishing guidelines for the use of generative artificial intelligence…
New Proposal & Award Policies & Procedures Guide (PAPPG) NSF recently released a  revised version of the Proposal & Award Policies & Procedures Guide (PAPPG) (NSF 24-1). The…
Nominate Your Program: PreK-12 STEM Education Innovations That Work In order to inform a consensus study by the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine (NASEM), Education…
NSF Job Opportunity NSF is seeking rotator Program Directors that have "specialized knowledge in one or more of the following areas: 1) advanced technologies in education including, but not…
NSF Job Opportunity: Quantitative Research Methodology The Division of Research and Learning in Formal and Informal Settings (DRL) at NSF is seeking a Permanent Program Director with expertise…
NSF Webinar on Bio Sketch and Current & Pending Support The National Science Foundation (NSF) is offering a webinar on Implementing the Common Forms for the Biographical Sketch and Current…
CADRE Learning Series: AI in STEM Education Research CADRE is pleased to offer a series of webinars on AI in STEM Education Research. The first webinar explored issues of inclusion and equity…
NSF DRK-12 Solicitation: Partnership Development Project Type Webinar Image On June 11, 2024, NSF program officers provided clarification on the NSF DRK-12…
Register for DRK-12 Solicitation (23-596): NSF Office Hours Join one (or both) of the upcoming office hour-style webinars for an opportunity to interact with NSF program officers and get…
Peoples of the Arctic - October 2009 Issue of Beyond Penguins and Polar Bears now available! While the Arctic may seem bleak and inhospitable, indigenous people have successfully lived there…
CADRE Booth at the 2009 DR-K12 PI Meeting Come visit us at the CADRE Booth and speak to a CADRE representative about how we can best support your work in DR-K12.
NGA & CCSSO launch Common Core State Standards Suwanee, GA – June 2, 2010 – Today, the National Governors Association Center for Best Practices (NGA Center) and the Council of Chief State…
CADRE Webinar online! If you missed our webinar on June 10th (Orientation to the CADRE website), you can watch it online.    
December 2009 issue of Beyond Penguins and Polar Bears now available! Winter brings cold temperatures to the Northern Hemisphere, leading us to consider ways to keep warm. In the polar regions…
Invitation to Validate Mathematics Coaching Knowledge and Access Other Coaching Instruments Project Title: Examining Mathematics Coaching PI/Co-PIs: David Yopp, PI, Montana State University;…
New CADRE Working Groups Ten Special Interest Groups (SIGs) met at the 2009 DR-K12 PI Meeting to discuss common interests and challenges as well as possible areas for future collaobration and…
Funding Opportunity! - Formal K-12 Education Projects NOAA's Office of Education (OEd) has issued a request for applications for *Formal K-12 Education Projects* that advance inquiry-based…
New REESE solicitation announced! NSF’s latest REESE program announcement: Proposal deadline is Nov. 15…
Presolicitation Notification: DR K-12 Program Evaluation The National Science Foundation (NSF), Division of Acquisition and Cooperative Support (DACS) anticipates releasing a Request for…
Model Core Teaching Standards Release for Public Comment The Council of Chief State School Officers (CCSSO) has released a draft of the Model Core Teaching Standards for public comment. The…
1,700 applications submitted for U.S. DOE i3 competition The U.S. Department of Education (Department) received nearly 1,700 applications for the i3 competition. They will announce the names…
IES posts proposed research priorities: open for public comment The Director of the Institute of Education Sciences (Institute) has developed priorities to guide the work of the Institute. The…
NCES Offers Training Seminar on Three Staffing Surveys Three surveys – Schools and Staffing Survey (SASS), the Teacher Follow-up Survey (TFS) and the Principal Follow-up Survey (PFS) – will be…
The "Learning from Leadership" Study: A Video Commentary on the Report Video commentary on the Learning from Leadership Study: Learning from Leadership: Investigating the Links to…
Submission Reminder! NARST Early Career Research Award:  Submission Reminder The NARST Early Career Research Award acknowledges contributions to science education through research by…
Accepting Applications CADRE Fellowship program 2010-2011 The CADRE Fellowship, now in its second year, is a capacity building experience for early career researchers and developers to gain…
Cyberlearning Tools for STEM Education Conference: Call for Presenters Call for Presenters: Oct 15, 2010 submission deadline   Cyberlearning Tools for STEM Education  (CyTSE) Conference March…
PCAST report released America is home to extraordinary assets in science, engineering, and mathematics that, if properly applied within the educational system, could revitalize student…
Position announcement - Graduate Research Assistantship Please see the attached announcement for a 12-month, 1/2-time graduate research assistantship at the University of Georgia on our new…
2010 CADRE Fellows Announced! The CADRE Fellowship, now in its second year, is a capacity building experience for early career researchers and developers to gain exposure to STEM education…
2010 DR K-12 PI Meeting: Registration is open! Registration is open for the 2010 DR K-12 PI Meeting.  Due to the large size of the DR K-12 program, the meeting is open to invited guests only…